SOBT 6.3 IMDP Checklist Version 1.0
Last Updated: 1/10/14 11:00 PM
Course title (limit 64 characters)(pg 63): /SS
Product # (pg 4,64): /DODUSNSLCSOBT_
Version # (pg 59,64): /Today’s date: /
Date of IMDP: /
IMDP Revision: /
I. / Project Manager
I.a. / Project Manager’s Name: /
Before completing form, please download SOBT Developer’s Guide 6.3 at: https://www.netc.navy.mil/sobt/web/developers/guide63/devguide_6_3.pdf
This form references SOBT Developer’s Guide 6.3 page numbers to provide you with more detailed information.
II. / Course InformationII.a. / Classification/Warning Notice (pg 64): /
II.b. / Contractor name: /
II.c. / Ensure IMDP is logged into the database /
III. / Cover Page
YES NO Comments
Does the IMDP state …
III.a. / …the correct course title? (pg 24)
III.b. / …the correct 5 digit course number? (pg 24)
III.c. / …the correct version number? (pg 24)
III.d. / …the correct revision number? (pg 24)
III.e. / …a complete date? (day, month, year) (pg 24)
IV. / Second Page
YES NO NA Comments
IV.a. / Does the IMDP use the applicable SOBT Developers Guide? (pg 24)IV.b. / Are the agreed upon exemptions listed in the IMDP? (pg 24)
IV.c. / Does the IMDP state if plug-ins are used? (pg 24)
IV.d. / If plug-ins are used does the IMDP state which ones? (pg 24)
V. / Table of Contents
YES NO Comments
V.a. / Does the IMDP contain a table of contents listing major sections with the page numbers? (pg 24)VI. / Overview
YES NO NA Comments
VI.a. / Does the IMDP have the correct title? (pg 25)VI.b. / Does the IMDP have an accurate course description? (pg 25)
VI.c. / Does the IMDP list the length of the course? (pg 25)
VI.d. / Does the IMDP list the security classification as agreed upon at kickoff? (pg 25)
VI.e. / Does the IMDP have a presentation category/interactivity level? (pg 25)
VI.f. / Does the IMDP list the target audience? (pg 25)
VII. / Course Flow Diagram
YES NO Comments
VII.a. / Does the course flow diagram show the placement of all assessments? (pg 25)VII.b. / Does the course flow diagram show the student’s expected progression through the content? (including LMS menu, internal flow within SCOs, but not internal drop-down menu) (pg 25-27)
VIII. / Learning Objective Statements
YES NO Comments
VIII.a. / Does the IMDP contain a course learning objective statement? (pg 25)VIII.b. / Does the IMDP contain terminal learning objective statements (TOSs)? (pg 25)
VIII.c. / Does the IMDP contain a set of enabling learning objective statements (EOSs) to support each terminal objective? (pg 25)
IX. / Course Structure Outline
YES NO Comments
IX.a. / Is there a title for each item in the hierarchy? (pg 28)IX.b. / Is it indicated which learning objective statement applies to each item in the hierarchy? (pg 28)
IX.c. / Does the IMDP state what the internal topics are for each SCO? (pg 28)
X. / Rollup Behavior
YES NO Comments
For each SCO and SCO aggregation, does the IMDP state…X.a. / …if it contributes to rollup of completion? (pg 28)
X.b. / …if it contributes to rollup of satisfaction? (pg 28)
X.c. / …if it contributes to the parent’s score? (pg 28)
X.d. / For each SCO and SCO aggregation that contributes to its parent’s score does the IMDP specify the percentage it contributes? (pg 28)
XI. / Presentation Category/Interactivity Level Strategy
YES NO Comments
Does the presentation category/interactivity level strategy include…XI.a. / …the types of presentation used? (decision-based navigation, scenario-bounded branching, etc.) (pg 28)
XI.b. / …the types of interactivity used? (hyperlinks, hotspots, rollovers, etc.) (pg 28)
XI.c. / …the types of media used? (videos, 2D or 3D animations, user-controlled animations, etc.) (pg 28)
XII. / Assessment Strategy
YES NO Comments
XII.a. / For each exam does the IMDP state what will be a passing score? (pg 29)XII.b. / Does the IMDP state which learning objectives will be evaluated by each assessment? (pg 28)
XII.c. / Does the IMDP state if each assessment is knowledge-based or performance-based? (pg 28,29)
XII.d. / Does the IMDP state how often comprehension check questions will be used? (pg 29)
XII.e. / Does the IMDP state how many attempts the user will have on comprehension check questions? (pg 29)
XIII. / User Interface Design
YES NO NA Comments
Does the IMDP include a sample screen capture for each screen type: (pg 29,30)XIII.a. / … the first page of a SCO, to show appropriate classification and warnings specific to the SCO? This must be an aggregate of the most restrictive markings in the SCO. (pg 30)
XIII.b. / … the instructional screen including top navigation menu? (pg 30)
XIII.c. / … the assessment item screen? (pg 30)
XIII.d. / … the assessment summary screen? (pg 30)
XIII.e. / … the remediation screen? (pg 30)
XIII.f. / Do the screen captures depict the appropriate use of portion markings? (pg 29) (select NA for NNPI)
XIV. / Metadata Items (Course Metadata)
YES NO NA Comments
Does the IMDP metadata info contain…XIV.a. / …the correct ID? (pg 31)
XIV.b. / …an accurate description? (pg 31)
XIV.c. / …course-specific keywords? (Minimum 3) (pg 31)
XIV.d. / …the correct version number? (pg 31)
XIV.e. / …other platform requirements? (ie. Flash Player 10.0 or above) (pg 31)
XIV.f. / …the correct duration? (pg 31)
XIV.g. / …the correct interactivity type? (pg 31)
XIV.h. / …the correct learning resource type? (pg 31)
XIV.i. / …the correct interactivity level? (pg 31)
XIV.j. / …the correct typical age range? (pg 31)
XIV.k. / …the correct difficulty? (pg 30,31)
XIV.l. / …the classification security level? (pg 30,31)
XIV.m. / …distribution restrictions? (pg 31)
XIV.n. / …Accessibility Restrictions (0 or more) (pg 31)
XV. / Metadata Items (SCO Metadata)
YES NO NA Comments
Does the IMDP metadata info contain…XV.a. / …an accurate description for each SCO? (pg 32)
XV.b. / …specific keywords for each SCO? (Minimum 1) (pg 32)
XV.c. / …the correct version number? (pg 32)
XV.d. / …other platform requirements? (ie. Flash Player 10.0 or above) (pg 32)
XV.e. / …the correct duration? (pg 32)
XV.f. / …the correct interactivity type? (pg 32)
XV.g. / …the correct learning resource type? (pg 32)
XV.h. / …the correct interactivity level? (pg 32)
XV.i. / …the correct typical age range? (pg 32)
XV.j. / …the correct difficulty? (pg 32)
XV.k. / …the classification security level? (pg 32)
XV.l. / …Accessibility Restrictions (0 or more) (pg 32)
XVI. / LSO/SME Comments
/ YES NO Comments
IMDP has been reviewed by…
XVI.a. / …LSO’s?
XVI.b. / …SME’s?
XVII. / Date sent
/ Date
XVII.a. / Date checklist sent to programmers. / ______
Part B Programmers:
I. / Cover Page/
YES NO Comments
Does the IMDP state …I.a. / …the correct course title? (pg 24)
I.b. / …the correct 5 digit course number? (pg 24)
I.c. / …the correct version number?(pg 24)
I.d. / …the correct revision number? (pg 24)
I.e. / …a complete date? (day, month, year)(pg 24)
II. / Second Page
YES NO Comments
II.a. / Does the IMDP use the applicable SOBT Developers Guide? (pg 24)II.b. / Are the agreed upon exemptions listed in the IMDP? (pg 24)
II.c. / Does the IMDP state if plug-ins are used or not and if so does it state which ones? (pg 24)
III. / Overview
YES NO NA Comments
III.a. / Does the IMDP have the correct title? (pg 25)III.b. / Does the IMDP have a brief course description? (pg 25)
III.c. / Does the IMDP list the length of the course? (pg 25)
III.d. / Does the IMDP list the security classification and is it consistent with database? (pg 25)
III.e. / Does the IMDP have a presentation category/interactivity level? (pg 25)
III.f. / Does the IMDP list the target audience? (pg 25)
IV. / Course Flow Diagram
YES NO NA Comments
IV.a. / Does the flow diagram show each SCO including assessment-only SCOs? (pg 25)IV.b. / If there are any SCO aggregations, are they shown in the diagram? (pg 25)
IV.c. / Does the diagram display the student’s expected progression through the content? (including LMS menu, internal flow within SCOs, but not internal drop-down menu) (pg 25)
IV.d. / If the course is a single SCO does it show in the diagram as a single SCO? (pg 25)
V. / Rollup Behavior
YES NO Comments
V.a. / Does the course specify the rollup behavior for the entire activity tree? (pg 28)For each SCO and SCO aggregation, does the IMDP state…
V.b. / …if it contributes to completion? (pg 28)
V.c. / …if it contributes to satisfaction? (pg 28)
V.d. / …if it contributes to its parent’s score? (pg 28)
Does the IMDP contain rollup rules for clusters only, including the root aggregation …(pg 28)
V.e. / … for rolling up completion? (pg 28)
V.f. / … for rolling up satisfaction? (pg 28)
VI. / User Interface Design
YES NO Comments
VI.a. / Do the screen captures show correct menu buttons on top navigation menu? (pg 29-30,35)
VII. / Metadata Items (Course Metadata)
YES NO Comments
VII.a. / Are all course metadata items present? (pg 30,31)VIII. / Metadata Items (SCO Metadata)
YES NO Comments
VIII.a. / Are all SCO metadata items present? (pg 32)VIII.b. / Does the IMDP metadata info contain the correct SCO IDs?(pg 32)
IX. / Date sent
/ Date
IX.a. / Date checklist sent to project manager.
/An updated IMDP is required.
/No further deliverable required per this checklist.
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