For the supply of Enzymes of equine origin to______
Manufacturing Country: / Republic of South AfricaCountry of Destination:
Responsible Ministry: / Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Directorate: / Veterinary Services
I. Identification of the raw material
Product: / Equine Heart Enzymes:Product code:
Lot no:
Type of packaging: / Double Poly bags in cartons
Number of packages:
Net weight:
II. Origin of the raw material
Country of Supplier / Republic of South AfricaCountry of origin
III. Destination of the raw material
The raw material is shipped from: / Cape Town, South AfricaThe raw material is shipped to:
Method of transport: / Airfreight
Name and Address of supplier: / BBI Enzymes SA (Pty) Ltd
19 Packer Avenue, Epping 2, 7460
Cape Town, South Africa
Veterinary Registration No. ZA 28/125
Name and address of receiver:
For Health Certification, see over page
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IV. Health Certification
I, the undersigned official veterinarian, certify that:
- The product has been produced exclusively from horse hearts obtained from horses, which were found healthy by ante and post mortem inspection.
- The equine hearts are processed at a pH of 3.7 – 4.3 for 90 minutes thereafter the pH is adjusted to 7.5 – 8.5 for further processing.
- The productshave not on any occasion, either during storage or processing, come into contact with any other animal material and that appropriate precautions have been taken to prevent any form of contamination of the product.
- ______has veterinary export approval (Veterinary Registration Number: ZA______), for the purpose of exporting intermediate pharmaceutical products (API’s) and enzymes to the European Community (EC), including the United Kingdom (UK) and all other countries where the requirements can be met, including the Middle East, Far East and United States of America (USA).
SIGNED: ………………………………………
Elsenburg 7607
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