December 8, 2008


Officers: Karen Cotter, John Hastings, Lisa Bice, Linda Kelly, Karen Young

Board Members: Bob Brissette,Joe Cotter, Margaret DeNeve, Betty Ann Kinney, Debbie Quick, Kathy Smith, Tammy Hastings,

ABSENT: Lisa Vaughn, Jenny Canfield, Ed Powers

Athletic Director: Brad Dates

Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Craig Tice

Attending: Julie Brissette, Sue Madden, Coach Michael Vincent, Linda Sinay, Gary Schoonmaker, Susan Decker,

The Booster Club held their monthly meeting on December 8, 2008 at Marcellus Senior High Library.

Review of Minutes: November minutes were reviewed, typo noted and adjustment to concession expenses will be amended. The vote was approved:

Karen Cotter- 1st motion to approve

Karen Young – 2nd the motion

Lisa Bice– aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-aye Debbie Quick-ayeKathy Smith-aye

Treasurer’s Report- Karen Young & Joe Cotter

Starting Balance in Checking account: $27499.42

Deposits: $7,398.45

Expenses: $4,708.39

Monies being held totals: $ 6920.00

Team accounts **** $12,964.20

Balance available for use: $10,305.28

Cash in Drawer: change less that $20.00

Balance in SECNY Saving Account:$18,036.86

****football $512.06, G soccer $432.90, B soccer $1,427.86, Gymnastics, $607.17, B basketball $-6.61, wrestling $568.28, volleyball $470.17,

B lacrosse $2,239.99, G lacrosse $1,228.38, Baseball $5,484.00.

Adjustment will be made to November minutes. Karen Y. received added expenses from Don MacLaughn for cooking the burgers & fries during the football games. Expenses totaled 493.78.

Athletic Report- Brad Dates

  • Girls Soccer-league champs, sectional co-champs
  • Boys Xcountry league champs, State first place winner. Ed Powers to order the jackets
  • Concession stand – lost product in freezer when breaker went off. Maintenance looking into the problem. Brad will look into insurance to help recoup the cost of lost product.
  • Tournaments have been scheduled for winter sports. A list of open games was given out. Kevin Tross and the Optimist Girls Youth Team will cover the Girls Basketball games and the boys Baseball team will cover the Boys basket ball 12/19 game.
  • Girl’s volleyball is asking for help for the JV & Varsity Tournament.

Karen Cotter- 1st motion to approve

Karen Young – 2nd the motion

Lisa Bice– aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-aye Debbie Quick-ayeKathy Smith-aye

  • Boy’s Basketball Tip-off Tournament requested the Booster Club to pay $150.00 for the Trophies. This will be paid on the condition that the date is corrected from the 2007-2008 trophy.

Karen Cotter- 1st motion to approve

Karen Young – 2nd the motion

Lisa Bice– aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-ayeDebbie Quick-aye Kathy Smith-aye

New Business

  • Coach Vincent and Julie Brissette has asked us to help support the Girls Basketball team in the Coaches VS Cancer Tournament on December 29 & 30. Players will get a pledge for 3 pointers to raise money. The Tournament will need help with borrowing some equipment for their concession. They are also looking for us to pay for 5 t-shirts for each player on every team. The cost is apx $750.00.

Karen Young - 1st motion to approve

Lisa Bice – 2nd the motion

Karen Cotter – aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-ayeDebbie Quick-aye Kathy Smith-aye

  • The School Board was grateful to hear that we are willing to work with them.
  • Years past we have donated to the After the Ball Party. We were asked again to participate this year with a $200.00 donation.

Karen Young - 1st motion to approve

Bob Brissette – 2nd the motion

Karen Cotter – aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye Lisa Bice- aye

Joe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-ayeDebbie Quick-aye Kathy Smith-aye

  • Joe will collect lottery tickets by mid January.
  • The weight lifting equipment is beyond good condition. The idea was mentioned to donate money to the purchase of new weight lifting equipment. Like the Gator this would be a donation that all teams can benefit from.
  • Todd Donavan is asking to be reimbursed for the Coaches Clinic fee of $75.00. He will submit the paperwork to Karen Young.

Karen Cotter- 1st motion to approve

Debbie Quick– 2nd the motion

Lisa Bice– aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye Karen Young - aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney Kathy Smith-aye

  • The web-site fee is $250.00 for 3 years. Sue Madden mentioned her school district pays for the booster club web site at the school she is employed with. It was brought to Craig’s attention and he will look into this for the future fees. But motioned was passed to approve paying for the site that Linda Kelly and John Hastings have been reviewing. We want to get the site up and running as soon as possible. This will be a great advantage to students, teachers, and parents.

Karen Cotter- 1st motion to approve

Karen Young – 2nd the motion

Lisa Bice– aye John Hastings – aye Linda Kelly – aye

Bob Brissette- ayeJoe Cotter-ayeMargaret DeNeve-aye

Betty Ann Kinney-ayeDebbie Quick-aye Kathy Smith-aye

  • Football, Girls & Boys Soccer, Boys Basketball and Boys Baseball are all eligible to receive their 10% back for volunteering at the concessions.
  • Linda Kelly to check and make sure the Booster Club has sent a Thank you for the donation from ReBound for sponsoring a Scholarship.
  • The Booster Club was invited to attend the Parent information Night on December 8th at 7:00PM.

Meeting adjourned: 6:55PM

Next meeting: January 12, 2009 7:00 SHS Library

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa I Bice