UCL Centre for Holocaust Education
Beacon Schools in Holocaust Education
Application 2016 - 17

Please carefully read the accompanying document ‘Beacon Schools – further information’ and then complete all sections of this form. To be returned by email to Ashleigh Thomson at by 5pm on 24th March 2016.

Feel free to attach relevant documents including school prospectus, Ofsted Reports, student reviews etc. Please note that a member of the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education may wish to visit your school before we are able to confirm the offer of a place on the programme.

Section 1: To be completed by the prospective Lead Teacher

About you

  1. Your details

School name & address
School phone number
Your mobile number
  1. What is your role at the school and what subject(s) do you teach?

  1. What experience do you have of leading projects within a school? What experience do you have of curriculum design/ developing Schemes of Work?

Your approach to teaching about the Holocaust

  1. What is your rationale for teaching about the Holocaust? How do you go about achieving these aims and how do assess whether you have been successful?

Your previous encounters with UCL Centre for Holocaust Education programmes

  1. Have you attended any of the following UCL Centre for Holocaust Education courses/ events?

Courses and Events / Yes / No / Please provide details (where and when, what was covered):
Full Day CPD
Twilight CPD
Online Masters Module
  1. If you have not participated in the Master’s online module The Holocaust in the Curriculum would you and/or one of your school colleagues be willing to do so during the summer term 2016? (The MA module is taught online over a period of 10 weeks, is fully funded and will incur no cost to either teacher or school.)



Attendance on the programme

  1. Are you able to attend an online induction on Tuesday 13 September 2016, from 16:00-17:30?


  1. Are you able to attend a half day orientation session on the afternoon of Friday 21 October 2016?


  1. Are you able to participate in a four-day London residential seminar from Saturday 22 – Tuesday 25 October 2016?


  1. Are you able to attend a study visit to Warsaw, Poland from Friday 5 – Monday 8 May 2016?



How you will lead this programme

  1. What strategies will you employ to lead this programme in your school?Outline some proposed opportunities or examples of what how you intend to go about this.

About your school

  1. Is there a specialist educational feature of your school that may be relevant to this programme? Please give details.

  1. In what year group(s) in which subject(s) and for how many lessons does yourschool teach about the Holocaust?

  1. Do you or others in your school also teach about any other genocides? And/or do you relate the Holocaust to other themes or issues? If so, in what year group(s), subject(s) and for how many lessons? Please provide details.

Your personal statement

  1. Why do you want to become the Lead Teacher of a UCL Beacon School in Holocaust Education?

Section 2: To be completed by Head Teacher or member of Senior Leadership Team.

  1. Please identify the member of SMT who will oversee the establishment of your school as a hub for a network five or more other secondary schools and support the work of your Lead Teacher.

Email address
Phone (Direct line)
  1. Please identify your type of school

Voluntary aided
  1. Is your school a DfE Teaching School?

  1. Have any members of your teaching staff (other than the prospective Lead Teacher for this programme) attended any of the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education courses?
If so, please state their names and which courses attended.
(ITE, full-day CPD, twilight CPD, online Masters module, other)
  1. What do you think your school will gain and what will it contribute as a UCL Beacon School in Holocaust Education? What tangible benefits do you foresee for your school; pupils, staff, governors and parents?

  1. Is your school part of an existing group of secondary schools that will form your Beacon School network? If so, please provide details. If not, how would you go about forming a network of five or more schools with whom you will share expertise?
    Outline some suggested action points to establish a network or build on an existing one.

  1. How will you support your Lead Teacher in developing Holocaust education in your school?

Yes / No
Include the development of the Beacon School role in your School Improvement Plan.
Participating schools will be asked to submit two copies of the SIP, or sections relevant to Beacon School status, at the orientation afternoon at IWM London on 21 October 2016.
Incorporate the UCL Beacon School programme as an element of the Lead Teacher’s Performance Management/ Appraisal, whether through formal targets, CPD support or at the very least through formal acknowledgement of their leadership and development of this initiative within the school.
Participate in an after-school online welcome session (16:00-17:30 on Tuesday 13 September 2016) to ‘virtually meet’ other Beacon School Lead Teachers, SLT and the UCL Centre’s team, to learn more about the programme, and to clarify aims, roles, and expectations.
Join your Lead Teacher on a half day orientation session on the afternoon of Friday 21 October 2016 at the Imperial War Museum, London. The session will cover how the Beacon School programme can raise standards in your school, have deep impact on your students’ learning, and promote the development of your school’s SMSC and Global Learning provision.
Encourage your Head teacher/Principal, governors, parents, teachers, support staff and students to understand the goals and activities of the UCL Beacon School and to explore with them how they can become involved, contribute to, and benefit from this work.
Reach out to a network of at least five other schools, explaining to them the benefits of developing strong Holocaust education and inviting them to attend a free CPD led by the Centre for Holocaust Education.
Support the Lead Teacher in attending all elements of the programme, including the London residential and the Poland study visit.
Allocate the Lead Teacher time to develop the school’s Scheme of Work in Holocaust education.
Drive commitment for CPD in Holocaust education within the school and across the network and inculcate a culture of sharing good practice
Work with the school’s CPD coordinator to ensure that designated Beacon School dates (for CPD/ meetings etc.) are diarised and that cover is facilitated.
Ensure that the Scheme of Workdraft (designed and compiled by your Lead Teacher) is submitted to the UCL mentor by Friday 31 March 2017, and that the final, revised copy is submitted byFriday 14July 2017.
Upon completion of the Beacon School programme (end ofYear 1: July 2017) – consider with your Lead teacher and SLT colleagues whether to pursue continued Beacon School designation, by scheduling an Impact Evaluation/ Quality Assurancevisit in Year 2 with the UCL team. This would include a one day external visit and secure Beacon School status for a further three years, an ongoing relationship with the university, its emerging research and CPD opportunities.
At this stage you do not have to commit to the IE/QA process and extended designation. Your indication here will be taken as anundertaking to consider and review this at end of the first Beacon School year.
Other (please specify)
  1. If possible, please identify two or three potential dates for partnering the Centre for Holocaust Education in hosting a full day of CPD in your local area. Ideally your date should be scheduled from the second half of the autumn term 2016.

(UCL Centre for Holocaust Education staff will lead this day and cover costs of the venue, meals and refreshments for participants, as well as providing a range of high quality, effective teaching and learning resources. Your school will be responsible for promoting the day to your own staff and those from your school network. Minimum of 10 teachers participating.)

Signature: ------

Proposed Beacon School Lead Teacher

Signature: ------

Nominated member of SMT

Signature: ------

Head Teacher

  1. In the unlikely event that your Lead Teacher or nominated SLT colleague is unable to fulfil their Beacon School role (absent through long term sickness or changes jobs/roles following acceptance onto the programme), we require a secondnamed Lead and SLT contact who could step in. This is to ensure full participation in line with the expectations stated in the application information pack; not least that Beacon School status lies with the whole school – not confined to specific staff. This is to ensure schools accepted do not have to withdraw under such rare circumstances and that allocated funding is appropriately spent.

Please provide name of second Lead Teacher:
Telephone contact:
Please provide name of second SLT:
Telephone contact:

Thank you for your application. We will let you know whether your school is offered a place on the 2016-17UCL Beacon School programme by 25 April 2016.

UCL Beacon School programme is made possible through generous funding by
Pears Foundation, the Department for Education and the Claims Conference.