Appendix 2 – Format for Faculty Resumes for APRs

Name: Sarah Deyong

Courses Taught (Two academic years prior to current visit):

Arch 639: 20th-Century Theory and Practice

Arch 350: History and Theory of Modern and Contemporary Architecture

Arch 305: Arch Design III (Communications Credit)

Arch 685: Directed Studies

Arch 693: Professional Study

Educational Credentials:

Ph.D., Princeton University, School of Architecture, Doctoral Program in History and Theory

M.A., University of Toronto, Department of Art History

B. Arch., University of Toronto, School of Architecture, NAAB Accredited

Teaching Experience:

2007-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University

2006-2007: Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Pratt Institute

2001-2002: Lecturer, Undergraduate Writing Program, Princeton University

Professional Experience:

1992-1994: Partner in Babe Deyong Design

1989-1992: Intern Architect, Boigon and Armstrong Architects, Toronto

Selected Publications and Recent Research:

·  “Sigfried Giedion, Team X Idea, and the Evolution of a Relational Idea.” Accepted for publication in The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, ed. Swati Chattopadhyay (expected to appear in September 2014).

·  “Rethinking Designs of the 1960s: Pliny Fisk’s Political Ecology.” Submitted to the Journal of Architectural Education (Taylor & Francis).

·  “Urban Acupuncture and the Paradoxical Logic of Systems,” Praxis: Eco-logics, n.13 (April 2012), eds. Amanda Reeser Lawrence and Ashley Schafer.

·  “High Tech: Modernism Redux,” A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture [1960-2010], edited by Elie Haddad and David Rifkind (Hampshire, UK: Ashgate). Pending

·  “The Rise and Fall of the Megastructure: Memories of the Urban Future,” The Changing of the Avant-Garde: Visionary Architectural Drawings from the Howard Gilman Collection, ed. Terence Riley (New York: MoMA, 2002).

·  “Planetary Habitat: The Origins of a Phantom Movement,” The Journal of Architecture, guest eds. David Cunnigham, Jon Goodbun and Karin Jaschke, volume 6, n. 2 (July 2001), pp. 113-128.

Professional Memberships:

Association of the Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)

Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)