African Local Content in Oil and Gas Summit

Creating the building blocks for a sustainable local content initiative across Africa through robust policy development and skills enhancement

1st - 2nd December 2009

Workshops: 3rd December 2009

BMW Pavilion

Cape Town, South Africa

This Regional Summit on African Local Content which stems from our successful global event in London and is held each year and attracts over 400 delegates. The regional conference will look at forming the building blocks to create sustainable solutions to local capacity enhancement and policy within African Oil and Gas projects. Through practical case examples and taking into account already successful models the aim is to further develop local industry and create long term active solutions to tie those into the companies working across the continent.

Speakers and guests currently include:

HON Dr Kwabena Donkor, Deputy Minister for Energy, (Ghana)

Hon. Eng. Simon Giu D'ujanga, Minister of Energy, Uganda

H.E. Mr. Kiala Ngone Gabriel, Vice Minister Industry, Angola

Muzi W. Mkhize, Chief Director: Hydrocarbons, Department of Energy, South Africa


Charlemagne Kuekam, LibyaOil

Dr Faizel Mulla, Corporate Strategy Manager, Petro SA

Charles Ocici, Executive Director, Enterprise Uganda

Achille Toto Same, African Development Bank

Gonzalo Pastor, IMF

Dr Ebrahimi, Director of Contractual and Legal Affairs, NIOC


HE Kiraitu Murungi, Minister of Energy, Ministry of Energy, Kenya

HE Dr Rilwanu Lukman, Minister of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria

Billy Agha, Acting Director, DPR, Nigeria

Elias Obiang Esono: Director of Industry Ministerio de Minas, Industria y Energia, Equatorial Guinea

Kennedy Llyungu, Director, Ministry of Mines Energy, Zambia

Teklehaimanot Debretsion, Ministry of Mines Energy, Eritrea

Minister of Mines, Industry Energy, Equatorial Guinea

Jose Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos, Angola

Mr. Casimir OYE MBA, Minister of State for Mining, Oil, Hydrocarbons, Energy, Hydraulic Resources and Renewable Energy Sources, Promotion Ministry of Mines, Energy, Oil and Hydraulic Resources, Gabon

Ms Dipuo Peters , Minister of Minerals and Energy For South Africa

H.E. Salvador Namburete, Minister of Energy Mozambique

rHON. SIMON D'UJANGA , Minister of State for Energy and Mineral Development (Energy) Uganda

Mahamat Nasser Hassane Minister of Petroleum Chad

Nuno de Oliveira, CEO, Petromoc

Dr. Hassan Younes, Minister of Energy Egypt

Dr. Emmanuel O. Egbogah, President of Nigeria’s Special Advisor on Petroleum Matters

Amina BENKHADRA, General Director, ONHYM

Agenda and Layout:

Main Plenary sessions

Plenary 1

Defining Nationalisation and local content in the African context

Plenary 2

Local content development across Africa – key regional and country benchmarks

Plenary 3

Meeting Global Standards: Preparedness of African SMEs for Participation in Global Value Chains

Plenary 4

Overcoming the challenges of financing Local Content in Africa

Plenary 5

Enforcing local content – creating appropriate structures

Plenary 6

Mutual collaboration and cooperation between IOC’s, NOC’s and Service Contractors in building the path for the sustainable economic development

Capacity development and skills enhancement

Session 7

Local Content and its Impact on Small Scale Enterprise Development

Plenary 8

The importance of ensuring local content: Reflections on required infrastructure for development of local activities – is it achievable?

Plenary 9

Ensuring the management of skills and production expertise to be able to match product quality requirements of TNCs – programs and lessons in place

Plenary 10

Creating skills and training programs designed to meet sustained performance levels particularly in more challenging oil and gas projects – learning from programmes that work

Plenary 11

Developing Local Content capacity in the downstream sector – key gaps

Local Content within LNG and Gas

Plenary 11

The impact of Local content on new gas policy developments

Plenary 12

Local content complexities in offshore floating projects – how to you align the objectives to these projects

Plenary 13

Technical transfer and skills gaps for LNG projects

Panel 14

Where does local content fall under in Floating projects?


Plenary 15

What is the impact of the current economic climate on the financing of local content projects worldwide? – where do we see trends heading

Plenary 16

Squaring the economies of Africa to secure financing – bridging the gap when capacity there but funding not

Plenary 17

What your local content plan needs to show to secure the right level of financing

Project partner views

Panel 18: Steps forward for international investors in Africa – where has success been found and what gaps still need to be filled

Plenary 19

The increase of independents in Africa – an independents view of accessing this market

Plenary 20

Realities of local content from the view of local companies

Plenary 21

Balancing the NOC’s local content requirements with their international production local content requirements

Regional Breakouts – Stripping down to the real issues regionally

Day 1

West Africa Local Content developments

1. Policy review and legislative development country by country

2. Assessing similarities and differences between emerging and more advanced local content models in West Africa – what can one learn from the other?

3. What are significant needs of the region?

4. Setting and meeting targets

5.. Insights from local companies, NOC’s and IOC’s in regions

6.. Country specific discussions

North African Local Content developments

1. Policy review and legislative development country by country

2. IOC/NOC collaboration to address local enhancement

3. Creating proper enforcement models

4. Local content in the downstream and gas sector

5. Insights from local companies, NOC’s and IOC’s in regions

6. Country specific discussions

Day 2

Southern Africa Local Content developments

1. Policy review and legislative development country by country

2. Future of oil and gas development in Southern Africa

3. Local content for LNG projects

4. Insights from local companies, NOC’s and IOC’s in regions

5. Country specific discussions

Eastern Africa Local Content developments

1. Emerging policy review and development in East Africa

2. Is there a possibility to create a regional wide local content plan?

3. Future of oil and gas in East Africa

4. Insights from local companies, NOC’s and IOC’s in regions

5. Country specific discussions


Negotiating Local Content into your energy contracts

Workshop B

Local content development in mining projects

Workshop C

Investment strategies for Africa

Workshop D

Local Content in the downstream sector