Mathematics 11

October 2015

1. Solve for the indicated unknowns, if possible.

a) Find the measure of the smallest angle in ΔJKL.
/ b) ΔTAM has , t = 15 cm and a = 20 cm. Sketch the triangle and then solve for the missing side.
c) Solve for the length of FD.
/ d) Solve for angle theta in ΔABC.

e) For ΔXYZ, x = 81 m, y = 75 m and.
Sketch the triangle and then solve for the length of
the missing side. / f) For ΔABC, a = 42 cm, c = 72 cm, and. Sketch the triangle and solve for angle A.

2. A rectangular block of wood with face ABCD leans against a vertical wall, as shown in the diagram below.

AB = 8 cm, BC = 5 cm and, find the vertical height of C above the ground.

3. A pilot is flying from City A to City B on a North bound route. The distance between the cities is 85 miles. After flying 20 miles, the pilot must change course and fly 10o East of North to avoid a cloudbank. If the pilot remains on this course for 20 miles, how far will the plane be from City B at that time? Include a properly labelled diagram with your answer.

4. A marathon swimmer starts at Island A and swims 9.2 km to Island B and then 8.6 km to Island C. If , what is the shortest distance she must swim to get back to Island A? Include a sketch with your answer.

5. Farmer Clem just bought a four sided piece of land from a friend. He finds through measuring that one side is 75km long, one side is 120km long, and one side is 132km long. After all that walking he is too tired to measure the final side. He does note the interior angle formed from the 75km and 120km sides is 115 degrees, and the interior angle formed from the 120km and 132km sides is 105 degrees.

How much would it cost him to put an electric fence around his entire field if fencing is $22.50/meter.