Who can you network with?

Anyone can be a potential networking source.

We often look past the connections closest to us when assessing our network. Give some thought to the categories of people below. Connecting with others is an extremely important part of your search.

Family Members / Friends / Colleagues / Classmates / Alumni
Religious / Spiritual / Political Parties / Community Organizations / Sports Teams / Hobbies
LinkedIn / Lawyer / Accountant / Real Estate Agent / Doctor
Dentist / Hairdresser / Property Management / Superintendent / Newcomers from home country
Neighbours / Professional Associations / Insurance Agents / Gym / Met While Travelling

Also consider people you don’t know. How can you find them?

Think about what you might have in common with those you would like to meet. If you can establish a “commonality of experience”, it is often easier to get a meeting.

For example: Is it a person who is an engineer, like you, who has also done their MBA? Is it a person with a similar cultural background who immigrated to Canada to do an MBA? Is it someone working in a job/field in which you’re interested? Is it a person who has switched their career like you want to do?

If there isn’t a commonality of experience that can be established, then you want to draw on people’s natural willingness to help others. Make sure the person can understand why you want to speak to them.

Examples of people you don’t know:

  • Rotman Alumni – See Connecting with the Rotman Student & Alumni Community in the Target My Search section of the CC Resources site
  • Professionals at information sessions
  • Professionals at Rotman club or speaking events
  • Industry Professional Associations
  • Professionals you find on your own through LinkedIn, referrals from people you know, social media, Internet searches, etc.