Little Badgers Pre-School

Summer Term Newsletter


With the start of a new term for Little Badgers we would like to welcome a new member of staff to the team, Emma Backhouse. Emma is qualified to level 3 and has experience of working with children of reception age. Since Emma will be working with us for every session your child’s Key Worker may have changed. If you are unsure who your child’s Key Worker is please see the manager.

What have we been doing?

Last term we did a topic on “All about me”. This included doing portraits and handprints, settling in and my family. For World Book Day we looked at the Very Hungry Caterpillar story and Julia Donaldson stories. We have also been doing, counting, shapes, beginning to learn letters & sounds using the Jolly Phonics method. Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, St. David’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day and Easter crafts.

During the summer term we will be Growing runner beans, Spring and Summer topics - growing, baby animals, holidays etc, continue Jolly Phonics letters and sounds, counting up to 20, and not forgetting Father's Day.


The Toddlers group runs on a Wednesdays at 9am – 10.30am in the room next to the pre-school room. This is a parent run group for pre-school aged children and carers. There is a charge of £1.50 per family.

Parent Helper Rota

If you wish to volunteer to help during a session there will be a rota available for you to sign up. This is a great way to see what happens during the sessions and to get involved in the pre-school. Our helpers do things such as read stories, lead singing, have their hair done at the hairdressers in the role-play area or take a small group of children for a craft activity. If you would like to do a specific activity then please let the staff know so that it can be incorporated into the planning.

Learning Journeys

Learning Journey books are being put togetherfor each child, which are used to record memorable moments, photos and some of their work. You are welcome to view your child’s book at any time or add to it things they do at home. If you would like to speak to a member of staff regarding your child’s development then you can do so at the start and end of sessions or by arrangement at a time that suits. Parent consultations will be held at the end of the term.

Active Kids

Thank you for collecting the schools vouchers from Sainsbury’s and Tesco. We have done really well so far by collecting 1,361 Sainsbury’s vouchers and 810 Tesco vouchers. There is still time to collect Sainsbury’s vouchers so please keep collecting.

School car park

The school car park is for teachers and visitors to the school only. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please remember not to use the school car park when dropping off or collecting children from the pre-school.

What to bring?

During this term could you ensure that your child has sun cream applied to their skin before they arrive in pre-school. Where possible please could you put a small tube in their bag in case it needs to be reapplied. Please could you also remember to send your child with a sun hat and a spare set of clothing each day, nappy sacks and wipes. The clothing is in case of toilet accidents, but also in case they get wet during water play.

Group Photo

On Tuesday 7th June at 9am there will be a pre-school group photo taken. It would be great if all children could participate, but there is no obligation to purchase the photo. If your child does not normally attend the pre-school on a Tuesday, they are more than welcome to come along for the photo, but please note that due to ratios it is essential that a parent remains with them.

Water bottles

Please could you send your child to pre-school with a named water bottle full of water only (not juice or milk). This is to enable the children easy access to a drink should they need it especially in hot weather. We are able to refill the bottles if you child should finish their drink.

Term Dates

Summer Term 2011

Wednesday 27th April – Wednesday 25th May

Monday 6th June – Friday 22nd July

Please note there are training days on Thursday 26th May and Friday 27th May.

Toy and cake sale

Little Badgers will be holding a toy and cake sale on Tuesday 10th May at Badger Hill School in aid of the pre-school from 2.45pm to 3.45pm. We need volunteers to help set up or run the stall and donations of cakes, toys or homemade cards and people to just come along. If you are interested in helping with this in any way then please see one of the committee members.

Tuesday afternoon

Please could you remember to wait in the main school playground when collecting your child from the Tuesday afternoon session rather than from the pre-school room door. The staff will bring the children to the playground at 3.30pm.

Lunch Club

If your child attends lunch club on a Tuesday please could you send an ice pack in the child’s lunch box, as we are unable to refrigerate them during the morning session.


Little Badgers is a committee run pre-school, run by a group of parents and local community members. If you would like to become more involved in Little Badgers then why not join the committee. If you are interested then please contact the Chair.