Austin | 1

Krysta Austin

Golf 2-HLAC-1131-006

E-Portfolio-Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

  1. What did you learn about “lifelong wellness” from taking Golf?

I learned several things about lifelong wellness; some things I learned I can say I was not expecting to take out of a golf class. I learned to be more disciplined in developing my skills as a golfer.I also learned that I need to communicate more clearly when showing others how to do something when they ask me a question. Teaching or showing others how to do something has never been a strong suit of mine; due to a mental block. I guess? Once I know how to do something I tend to struggle in breaking it back down step by step for others. Although my skill level at golf would be on the lower average end of the spectrum and I shouldn’t be showing anyone how to golf anyways, in my golf class there were some students that had never golfed in their life before; they would sometimes ask me a question , this made me realize that I don’t explain things clearly enough.

  1. How would you apply this information to your life?

I would apply the lesson of being more disciplined in developing my skills as a golfer, and apply that concept to the rest of the skills in my life by focusing and correct what I didn’t know or what Iwas doing wrong. Practice makes perfect right? Well Practice at least aids in the attempt at perfection or mastering something. In the lesson of communication;this example made me realize, I needed to work on my communication when showing others the processes of how to do something. I can apply thisby describing in detail, from their view point and expanding on what they don’t know so they can understand and learn. Which in this golf class, happened to be a student who had never even picked up a golf club in his life.

  1. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and why?

I Intend to continue to apply these lessons Such as; having moreprecisediscipline in developing my mind and my skills in future endeavors of life. To become great in whatever I set my mind to achieve I believe I have parts of this but I need to refine it. AlsoI Intend to apply and strive for better communication skills to help others know that I am concerned, compassionate and will try to help them learn and understand. I hope thru refining my communication skills they will be able to see my intentions to help them, because I will be able communicate clearly what they are asking. I intend to apply these and the several other lessons I learned about lifelong wellness in my life in hopes to become a more well rounded individual.

  1. General Ideas for improving this class

If I were to improve this already magnificent class, I would have to suggest a few things. First of all I would suggest that there be a few more instructors. The instructor now is awesome, but there are so many people in the class I would like a few more pointers. Secondly I would suggest that we actually play a few rounds on the golf course,over the course of the semester. I know it is hard to get that many students on the course but I think it would be beneficial for many students to get more of a feel and really fall in love with golf no matter their skill level.