
The purpose of this Policy is to describe the process to be followed to enable users of MAIN's services to contribute to the continuous improvement in the quality of the services offered by MAIN. Compliments, suggestions and concerns are highly valued as a key improvements tool. All comments will be listened to and respected through a transparent and easily accessible process. No service users will be disadvantaged because they have complained.


This Policy covers all users of MAIN’s services.

  • A compliment is any positive comment MAIN’s service users would like to record.
  • A suggestion is any idea for an improvement in MAIN’s services.
  • A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction in MAIN’s services.

MAIN is committed to handling any correspondence promptly and fairly. Confidentiality will be respected as much as is possible and in line with any statutory requirements.

Communication will be accepted from any service user, or if they are under 18 years of age or if classed as vulnerable adult, from their parents.

Compliments, suggestions and complaints will also be accepted from signed-in visitors, prospective service users, contractors, partners, parents or other persons/bodies that have a direct relationship with the MAIN. MAIN will deal directly with the person making the compliment, suggestion or complaint, and will adhere to data protection requirements. This means that where we are dealing with a third party (other than the parent of a child or an adult lacking capacity), we will not discuss personal details of a service user without their consent. Should any meetings take place with the person making the compliment, suggestion or complaint, he/she may be accompanied by a support person if required.

MAIN has a separate policies which apply to employees. This policy does not cover compliments, suggestions or complaints which employees of MAIN may wish to make, unless they are also service users and the issues relate specifically to their experience as service users.

Statement of Action:


  • During initial contacts, MAIN staff will draw service users' attention to the process for putting forward a compliment or suggestion.
  • Compliments/suggestions/complaints will be formally acknowledged by the Charity Manager
  • Compliments/suggestions/complaints will be circulated for dissemination to the team concerned for recognition, self-assessment and improvement purposes. Information identifying the person raising the Compliments/suggestions/complaints will be removed where requested. Where compliments are linked to individual members of staff they will also be forwarded to human resources for inclusion in the staff file.


  • During initial contacts, MAIN staff will draw ’ service users' attention to the process for making a complaint.
  • So that complaints can be investigated effectively, and any necessary actions taken in a timely manner, complaints should be made as soon as practicable after the service user becomes dissatisfied. Although MAIN will consider the special circumstances which may have led to delay in making a complaint, we may not be able to follow up concerns once three months have elapsed since the events to which they relate.
  • If, at any stage of the complaint process, a safeguarding issue should emerge, MAIN’s Safeguarding Policy will be adhered to.
  • If at any stage of the complaint process, an equal opportunities issue should emerge, statutory requirements will be adhered to.
  • Stage 1 – ‘try to talk to someone’ as soon as possible – a manager if one is available, or any other member of staff to resolve the issue. Most issues can be resolved at this stage.
  • Stage 2 – if issue cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the complainant should put complaint in writing which upon receipt, will be forwarded to the Charity Manager, the designated manager for complaints, for acknowledgement within 5 working days and notification of investigation response within 15 working days from date of concern. The Charity Manager will instigate the necessary investigations and respond in writing to the complaint. Any actions initiated from the complaint will be recorded in a Complaints file.
  • Stage 3 – if complainant is not happy with the response they can appeal in writing, within 15 working days, to the Charity Manager outlining why they wish to appeal. The appeal will be acknowledged within 5 working days and notification of investigation response made within 15 working days from date of appeal. The Charity Manager will conduct a review and reply to the complainant in writing. Any actions initiated from the complaint will be recorded in the Complaints File.
  • Although a final response is issued at this stage, complainants are free to raise their complaint wherever they feel is appropriate outside of the organisation, for example with funding or regulatory bodies.
  • At all stages the complainant will be informed of the next stage in the process and the time requirements.
  • Complaint outcomes will be communicated to relevant managers and any individual members of staff specifically mentioned by names in the complaint.
  • All stages of complaints will be logged.
  • If, at any stage of the investigation, a staff disciplinary or competence issue emerges which warrants further consideration, the MAIN Manager will ensure this is followed up through the relevant processes.
  • The Charity Manager will decide, for reporting purposes, whether a complaint was justified and grade in severity on a scale 1-3 with 3 being the most severe.

Severity One - complaint is relatively low risk to the complainant and organisation, such as a staff member starting a session late on an isolated occasion.

Severity two – complaint is relatively medium risk to the complaint and organisation, such as a staff member starting a session late on several occasions.

Severity three – complaint is relatively high risk to the complainant and organisation such as a staff member cancelling a session without contacting service users.

  • A working day is Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holiday). All actions with a specified response time will be from the date of receipt by any MAIN employee.
  • In the event that a complaint relates to an alleged action or omission by the Charity Manager, the complaint should be raised with the Chair of Trustees who will initiate an investigation.

Reporting and Follow-up action:

  • All justified complaints will be addressed by the appropriate manager, should any follow-up action be identified.
  • The Charity Manager will analyse compliments, suggestions and complaints on an annual basis and will present a report to the Trustees.
  • The complaint process will be reviewed annually.

Revised Policy drafted June 2016, Revised January 2018