Registration Form


(Please note that there will be no walk-ins and that registration closes on 16 June)

Forward to: / E-mail to:
Steering Committee /
Xerophytica 2014
PO Box CY300, Causeway / Or fax to:
Harare, Zimbabwe / 00 2634 302 812
Title: / Initials: / Surname:
First Names & Preferred/nickname:
Postal address: / Telephone numbers:
(Please include country and area code) / Fax.No:
Home: / Mobile:
Business: / Email:
(If attending) Partner’s full name & Preferred/nickname:
Special dietary requirements:
Special medical requirements:
Name and address of next of kin (for international participants):

Congress registration

Commencing at 08h30 / # of persons / Cost per person / Total cost
Congress (including all lunches and teas, Congress pack, reception Friday evening and closing dinner Saturday evening) / $120 for 2 days OR $60 per day / $

Succulent Tour registration

Post-Congress tours / # of persons / Cost per person
(shared lodging) / Cost per person (single lodging) / Subtotal / Total cost
1. Ewanrigg Botanic Garden:Tour & picnic / $25 / -- / $
2. The Great Dyke 4x4 Tour / $35 / -- / $
3. The Eastern Highlands & Chimanimani Mountains 4x4 Tour* / $400* / $500* / $

Registration and payment

You may register by mail, fax or e-mail (addresses above). Bookings will only be confirmed on receipt of payment. Note that all costs are in US dollars, although most internationally convertible currencies (SA rand, euros, GB pounds) are accepted in Zimbabwe.

Refund of payments: A deduction will be made for all costs incurred by the organisers in the case of cancellation by the participant. No refunds can be made for cancellations after 11June 2014.

Electronic transfer is the preferred method of payment.(Please inform the steering committee when doing an electronic transfer.)Please note that bank charges are for your account. Should these be inadvertently applied to the transfer, ACSSZ will request payment of the shortfall at registration.

Beneficiary Bank:Central Africa Building Society (CABS)

Head Office

Northend Close, Northridge Park

Harare, Zimbabwe


Beneficiary Name:Aloe, Cactus & Succulent Society

Beneficiary AcctNo.: 9016491871