Speech Packet Cover SheetName:


Effort & Completion Grade

Organize and staple your packet in the order listed below.

____This Cover Sheet (5)

____Final Draft (typed and double-spaced; two copies: one in packet for teacher, one for student) (10)

____Works Cited (typed and formatted correctly) Three differentprimary sources that pass the Cornell Test (A.K.A. “Five criteria for evaluating Web pages”) (5)

____Speech Worksheets (all pages, stamped) (5)

____Speech Facts Worksheet (5)

____Research Printouts (Print out the exact webpage you found. Highlight and number eachCD. No copies = no grade) (5)

____Preparedness Grade (Organize and staple this packet before coming to class. Packet must be neatly stapled – top and sides aligned.) (5)

Teacher Evaluation of Oratory Skills

  • Preparation and organization(well-practiced & has copy of own speech on day of presentation – penalty for ea. day late)
  • Professional attitude (not laughing, presenting with poise, displaying lively facial expressions)
  • Posture (standing straight, not fidgeting, not leaning to one side, not shifting weight, etc.)
  • Eye contact with audience (periodically looking up and at all sides of the room)
  • Voice projection, correct enunciation, even pacing, and varied cadences

Teacher Evaluation of Written Speech(Circled = needs practice / Underlined = good demonstration of this skill)

  • Quality of Research: limited to 3 facts (from unbiased, primary sources; actual events; statistics; quotes from a qualified researcher or expert, medical doctor, reporter from a major newspaper/magazine; etc.)
  • Original Commentary: logical reasoning and utilizes rhetorical strategies (It can’t sound like a technical report, a textbook, a research paper or someone else’s paper.)
  • Organization: progression of thought is orderly, smooth transitions between sentences, and facts are properly integrated and cited
  • Writing Style: unique voice, use of rhetorical strategies, advanced vocabulary, parallel structure, matured and varied sentence structure, etc.
  • Language & Mechanics: correct word usage, grammar, mechanics, spelling, punctuation, no fragments/run-ons, etc.

Grade Breakdown

Points Possible / Points Earned
Effort & Completion Grade
(Based on % completed & meeting all deadlines) / 40
Speech Delivery Grade / 10
Speech Quality Grade (Based on Writing Skills) / 50
Total / 100

Code Key

AP=Approaching ProficiencyNP=Needs Practice
E=Excellent NRD=Not Ready on Due Date
G=GoodNS=No Stamp
Inc=Incomplete U=Underdeveloped
LD=Limited DevelopmentVG=Very Good
M=Missing√+=Excellent/Very Good Rhetoric
N=No√-=Does not meet minimum requirements