7th and 8th Grade RMS Student Council 2015-2016

Advisor: Mr. Blayney

Thank you for your interest in Riverwood Student Council for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. To be eligible to run for 7th or 8th grade Student Council Representative:

Turn this sheet back in with the names of the ALL current teachers you gave evaluations to; turn in the to Mr. Blayney by Wednesday, May 13th.

You will be notified by Friday, May 15th if you are eligible to run. Then you will be given the rules for making a poster to hang in the halls

Å  You will record a video speech May 20th after school. The video will be a speech for the student body, to be played to your grade level.

Viewing of the speech and voting will take place May 22 during your Social Studies/History class.

One you have made the council, you will be required to sign the RMS Stu-Co Leadership Contract and dues will be $40, due upon your selection to Stu-Co.

The previous details are all contingent on the number of qualified candidates.

You cannot have more than two (2) Saturday classes this year.

You cannot have been given an assignment to ISS this year.

You cannot have been given a Long term assignment during your high school career.

You also must have a satisfactory record of attendance. You cannot perform your duties if you are absent from school.

Attached are the disciplinary form and the evaluations forms are for ALL of your teachers. You must fill out your information AND the teacher’s information. You will not get this form back from the teacher. Teachers have their own work to do and your forms may not be their priority! Please follow up with the teachers and make sure that they have filled out your forms and get them back to Mr. Blayney!

Student Council Representative Candidate

Principal Disciplinary Review

Name ______Current Grade ______

Position Seeking ______School ______

All candidates for CLASS OFFICER must meet the following criteria:

_____ No more than two (2) Saturday classes this year.

_____ No time spent in ISS this year.

_____ No time spent at Long Term in their high school career.

_____ A satisfactory record of attendance.

I have reviewed the disciplinary record of this candidate and am satisfied that this student meets the disciplinary requirements to be eligible to seek a position as a CLASS OFFICER at Kingwood High School.

Principal ______Date ______

Riverwood Student Council

Teacher Recommendation Form

STUDENT: Fill out the information in the blank spaces before giving this form to your teacher (the teacher will then return the form to Mr. Blayney).

Student Name: ______

Current Grade: ______

Teacher: ______

Subject: ______

TEACHER: This student wishes to become a candidate for Student Council. Please consider this student carefully and make a fair and honest assessment of the student.

Overall letter grade: ______

Conduct in your class: E S N U

Please rate the student in each area by circling the most appropriate number on the rating scale (0 – unacceptable, 5 – highest possible).

÷  Responsible/prepared 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  Resourceful 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  Cooperative (with students and teacher) 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  Reliable 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  Positive leadership 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  Takes pride in work 0 1 2 3 4 5

÷  School pride 0 1 2 3 4 5

Is this student respected by his/her peers? YES NO

Would you recommend this student to be a member of Student Council? YES NO

Does this candidate have any other specific skills or characteristics that you think would benefit Student Council?

Any additional comments:





*Please fill out and return form to Mr. Blayney by Wednesday afternoon, May 13th, 2015