(revised 7/2015)

What is a 4-H All Star?

An All Star is the highest rank that a 4-H member can achieve at the county level. The goal of the All Star program is to recognize the achievements of active 4-H members & to offer additional resources & opportunities for leadership, career & life planning. To become a Calaveras County 4-H All Star you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be in 9th- to 12th grade of the year you are selected (remember, if you are in 8th grade as of the January application deadline, you are qualified to apply, if all other criteria are met).
  2. Be eligible for or have earned your Gold Star.
  3. Completed at least twoyears as a 4-H member by July 1st of the year you are selected as an All Star Pledge.
  4. Have demonstrated leadership abilities, citizenship concern & maturity of judgment.
  5. Have made a significant contribution to the maintenance & expansion of the 4-H youth program.
  7. Participate in Sectional All Star activities.
  8. Attend All Star conferences & events.
  9. Accomplish goals stated in your All Star Project.
  10. Undertake tasks requested by Calaveras 4-H Council & the 4-H office.
  11. Represent 4-H and the 4-H youth program to 4-H clubs.

How do I apply for an All Star?

  1. Complete the accompanying All Star application by the announced deadline. There are 2 times during the year that applications are accepted…January, with interview in February; June with interview in July.
  1. Present verification from local 4-H club leader of Gold Star eligibility & correct age on All Star application.
  1. Prepare & present an All Star Project stating your goals & objectives as an All Star. Your All Star Project should clearly show to improve some aspect of the 4-H program in Calaveras County. You will work with the 4-H office, 4-H program representative, the All Star advisors & Calaveras 4-H Council to complete your Project. Your All Star Project must be approved by the All Star Selection Committee & any changes must also be approved by the All Star Selection Committee & 4-H program representative. An addendum to the plan must be resubmitted to the All Star Committee. Note exception above in #6.
  1. Prepare & submit your Record Book of all years in 4-H, with your application.
  1. A minimum of two letters of recommendation is required with your application. They may be from your community club leaders, non-parent project leaders, teachers, ministers, club officers, etc.

How does the selection procedure work?

The Calaveras 4-H Council will select at least three individuals to serve on the All Star selection committee, which will include the All Star Advisor. You will be notified by mail as to when you will meet with the committee. You will be expected to discuss your All Star Project, give a brief presentation about it, and answer questions.

The selection procedure will be undertaken in a timely manner to permit the announcement of the new All Stars Pledges.


All Star Project25%Interview25%

Presentation25%Record Book25%

What will my responsibilities as an All Star be?

When you apply to become an All Star you are making a promise to fulfill the responsibilities of an All Star. These responsibilities include attending All Star meetings, helping at county & sectional 4-H events, being a role model for other 4-H members, being an ambassador for 4-H, completing your All Star Project, and serving in a leadership role.


  • Calaveras 4-H Council & All Star meetings are typically held monthly. They are announced in the 4-H newsletter. You are expected to give an All Star report at these meetings, updating the Council on your All Star progress.
  • Sectional 4-H Youth Council meetings are encouraged, but not required and will be held bi-monthly. They are announced by the Sectional Council. Location of Sectional Council meetings may rotate throughout the North Coast & Mountain Region.

County Events

You will be required to attend all county functions where you will serve as M.C., clerk, & general host & spokesperson for our 4-H program. You are A GOOD WILL AMBASSADOR. The rule of thumb for All Stars & Pledges at county events is that they do jobs that would not be done by the average 4-H'er:

Calaveras Fair

Home Arts Expo

Presentation Day

Leadership Retreat

Children’s Fair

Countywide Record Book Trainings

Any other county 4-H event

Other All Star Activities

State Leadership Conference - When funds are available, Calaveras 4-H Council will pay for ½ of the fees for All Star Pledges their first year to the State Leadership Conference, and with completion of the All Star project, the other ½ of SLC dues will be reimbursed as long as funds are available.Funds for participation at State Leadership Conference MAY be available for following years.

All Star Retreat - Sponsored by the Sectional 4-H Council at a minimal cost to participants, usually scheduled for a weekend in June or July. This is a time for the All Stars to get together & meet All Stars from other sections. This helps to establish good working relationships for sectional events.

Remember, at county and sectional functions, you will be required to act as hosts and hostesses. You will help keep things running smoothly, take the initiative to get things done, find out where your strengths lie, (teaching, public speaking, hospitality, etc.). You can discover your full potential. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Who knows, you may be terrific at something you've never thought of!

Your most active year, to some extent, will be the first year you are chosen. Remember, being an All Star continues throughout your 4-H career. You will be required to attend & participate in all County 4-H events and also mentor All Star Pledges. You are the role models for 4-H members in the County, Section, and even the State.

Please review the All Star 4-H Ambassador Resource Handbook

for helpful ideas for All Stars.

It is available at

or you can pick up a copy at the 4-H Office.


Please include all support material with this application and submit to the 4-H office by the announced deadline (All Star Eligibility Verification, All Star Project, Letters of Recommendation & your 4-H Record Book).

Name ______Telephone______

Address ______


Club ______Grade ______

High School Attending/Planning to Attend ______

Major 4-H Projects ______


Major 4-H Events Attended ______



Summarize one significant experience in a 4-H project or event ______




Summarize outstanding honors earned (4-H & others) ______



Major contributions or help given to others in 4-H ______




Major contributions or help given in school, community, etc. ______





I ______

Community Club Leader

certify that ______

All Star Applicant

has received or is eligible to receive his/her Gold Star and has been a 4-H member for at least three years.

Signed ______

Community Club Leader

Date ______

I, ______

All Star Applicant

agree to attend all countywide 4-H events as outlined in the All Star requirements. I understand that it is not Calaveras 4-H Council's obligation to sponsor my trip to the State Leadership Conference and any consideration for sponsorship will be given during and/or after one year of service.

Signed ______

All Star Applicant

Signed ______


Date ______