Elementary Solutions | RtI



Professional Development & Specialized Support Services



Ensure Successful Response to Intervention

With professional development customized to school and district needs

  • Develop assessment and data skills to inform instruction and interventions.
  • Adjust RtI for diverse student populations.
  • Evaluate and improve the fidelity of RtI implementations.


Meet Our Experts...... 6

The RtI Model...... 7

RtI in Literacy...... 8

RtI in Mathematics...... 11

A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™...... 12

Additional Support for RtI and Differentiated Instruction...... 13

Preparing Teachers for Success with Any RtI Program

Pearson provides a wide range of research-based professional development services to support RtI in an elementary, middle, or high school setting. Our training is designed to show teachers how and when to use assessments, how to identify critical intervention points, and how to adjust instruction to different needs.

Develop Assessment and Data Skills

Educators learn how to:

  • Make assessments-based instructional and resource decisions.
  • Implement appropriate screening and progress-monitoring methods.
  • Use technology to support data-driven decision making.

Adjust RtI for Diverse Student Populations

Educators learn how to:

  • Differentiate instruction within an RtI system.
  • Adjust RtI for special populations and English learners.
  • Adapt literacy and math instruction to different student needs.

Evaluate and Improve Fidelity

Educators learn how to:

  • Compare student progress with grade-level benchmarks.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to develop effectiveness rubrics and tools.
  • Determine when a strategy is no longer effective.

Our expert trainers explain how to develop assessments and learning plans for individual students and student groups to track the effectiveness of intervention instruction. With an ongoing focus on special populations and different cultural and linguistic groups, Pearson’s RtI professional development helps teachers meet every student’s needs.

Expert trainers customize our flexible, job-embedded services to the instructional needs of each school or district, with in-depth support for coaches and school leaders.


English Language Learners

Response to Intervention

Common Core State Standards

Online Services

Meet Our RtI Experts

Pearson works with more than 1,000 authors and researchers to bring you practical, evidence-based professional development programs and resources. Our close association with key authors and architects of the Common Core State Standards ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional development.

A few of the experts we work with include:

MaryEllen Vogt

SIOP® Author

  • Distinguished Professor Emerita of Education at California State University, Long Beach
  • Coauthor of fourteen books, including the SIOP® Series and Reading Specialists and Literacy Coaches in the Real World
  • Served as President of the International Reading Association in 2004–2005

Jana Echevarria

SIOP® Author

  • Professor Emerita at California State University, Long Beach
  • Internationally known expert on second language learners
  • Selected publications include Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model and Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching Students With Diverse Abilities

Deborah J. Short

SIOP® Author

  • Professional development consultant and a senior research associate at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, DC
  • Codeveloped the SIOP® Model for sheltered instruction
  • Directed national research studies on English language learners funded by the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the US Department of Education

Evelyn Arroyo

A+RISE® Author

  • Noted national speaker on EL issues
  • Author of several professional development resources, including A+RISE®, Research-based Instructional Strategies for ELLs, which has already affected thousands of educators nationwide
  • District Teacher of the Year in Texas three times, awarded the TEA’s Innovative Practice Award, and a Reader’s Digest American Heroes Award Finalist

Sharon Vaughn

Reading Street™ Author

  • H.E.Hartfelder/The Southland Corporation Regents Professor at the University of Texas
  • Executive Director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at the University of Texas

The RtI Model

A successful RtI model consists of a multi-level system that typically includes:

  • Designing a professional development program aligned with goals.
  • Using assessments to determine student needs.
  • Providing high-quality intervention matched to the student.
  • Monitoring progress frequently to inform instruction.
  • Making decisions based on student response data.

RtI in Literacy

Qualitative Reading Inventory:Effective Intervention Strategies Using Data from the QRI-5


Designed with reading intervention experts JoAnne Schudt Caldwell and Lauren Leslie, this workshop helps K–12 educators effectively assess reading abilities using the Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) assessment tool. Participants use the results to plan effective interventions for emergent to advanced readers.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the purpose and benefits of administering the QRI-5.
  • Administer, score, and interpret the results from the QRI-5.
  • Plan effective instruction using the results of the QRI-5.
  • Immediately apply results in the classroom with a multitude of strategies and activities.


K–12 Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists


ISBN: 114171

The Literacy Leadership Teamand Response to Intervention


Developed with literacy expert and author Enrique Puig, this two-day program goes beyond the basic ideas of literacy coaching to help K–12 districts and schools set up an effective literacy leadership team, use the leadership team in a successful Response to Intervention (RtI) system, and enhance collaboration in the RtI process. This workshop provides a practical approach to building a literacy leadership team and aligning the roles of the literacy coach and the leadership team in a successful system.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of the literacy leadership team in an RtI model.
  • Understand conditions for learning in a classroom.
  • Understand literacy learning as a process to support data analysis and ensure appropriate instruction.
  • Investigate the role of the literacy coach.
  • Develop a schoolwide plan.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Literacy Coaches


ISBN: 113016

Using a Response to Intervention Frameworkfor College and Career Readiness in Literacy


Help K–12 educators and administrators go beyond foundational Response to Intervention (RTI) information to adapt instruction for struggling readers. Participants practice analyzing data and deciding on an instructional path, making decisions as a collaborative team, and reviewing data to analyze whether interventions worked and what to do next. Breakout sessions for Grades K–3 and 4–12 allow participants to focus on grade-level solutions related to College and Career Readiness (CCR) state standards or Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to differentiate instruction, catch students who are falling behind, and decrease the number of students who are referred to special education.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the components of a RTI framework for literacy instruction.
  • Identify the variables that affect students who are not reading at grade level.
  • Understand appropriate screening and progress-monitoring methods.
  • Understand the process of setting criteria for placement and determining progress.
  • Identify appropriate research-based reading interventions.
  • Differentiate literacy instruction based on students’ needs.
  • Apply problem-solving skills to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Literacy Coaches


ISBN: 113015

Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit PearsonPD.com.

QRI Consultative Services: ISBN: 116941

Using a Response to Intervention Framework for College and Career

Readiness in Literacy Consultative Services: ISBN: 116951

The Literacy Leadership Team and Response to Intervention

Consultative Services: ISBN: 116952

Build capacity! Pair these workshops with a day of consultative services.

My Sidewalks:Product Implementation Essentials


My Sidewalks is an intensive, scripted, intervention program intended to close the achievement gap for students who are struggling. The intention of My Sidewalks is, with full fidelity, to bring all struggling students to grade level within a year. This one-day workshop introduces the product to participants to support implementation with fidelity.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe research-based instructional strategies for intervention and reading success.
  • List the five essential domains of reading instruction and summarize effective teaching strategies in each of the domains.
  • Analyze lessons from the program and discuss ways to adapt instructional intensity and pacing to meet the needs of different learners.


Elementary Educators (grouped by grade level or grade band), Intervention Specialists, Literacy Coaches


ISBN: 112140

My Sidewalks:Which assessment when?


Explore the alignment between assessment and instruction in the My Sidewalks program. After learning a systematic process for data analysis and instructional planning, participants create assessment and learning plans for small groups of students and individual students as a way to track the effectiveness of intervention instruction.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the different forms of assessment included in the My Sidewalks program.
  • Describe how and when to use each assessment for particular situations.
  • Integrate and identify critical intervention points for instructional practices.
  • Analyze data from assessments to plan instruction for individual needs.


Elementary Educators (grouped by grade level or grade band), Intervention Specialists, Literacy Coaches


ISBN: 112141

DRA™2:Digging in the Data


Learn how to use DRA2 data to make instructional decisions and create instructional groups, as well as how to use data for instructional and resource planning. Participants learn how to allocate instructional materials, group students based on need, and plan effective instruction to ensure growth in reading and literacy. Using the DRA2 resources, educators also learn how to use best practices, making it possible to focus on instruction and integrate teaching methods based on specific student needs.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Use DRA2 data to make decisions and plan effective instructional strategies for reading growth.
  • Integrate and identify critical intervention points for the Focus for Instruction.
  • Disaggregate DRA2 data in order to meet accountability requirements.
  • Compare student progress with benchmarks by grade level or across school districts.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, District Reading Supervisors, Reading and Intervention Specialists, Administrators


It is recommended that this workshop take place after participants have experienced a DRA2 product orientation and are ready to dig deeper into the program.


ISBN: 112121

ISBN: iPad App: 119619

QuickReads®:Using Assessment Results to Improve Fluency


Successfully implement the assessment portion of QuickReads® into their classrooms. Teachers use the reports that are generated by the QuickReads® technology program to isolate student strengths and needs. The data in the reports are useful for developing IEPs and learning plans, as well as for setting goals for students through instructional planning.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize grade-level expectations for fluency.
  • Examine best practices in fluency instruction and describe how they can be applied in the classroom.
  • Demonstrate how to access QuickReads® reports.
  • Interpret QuickReads® reports and make instructional decisions based on reports.
  • Diagnose student strengths and weaknesses, then list accommodations to meet their needs.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists, Administrators, Curriculum Developers


ISBN: 112163

Literacy Navigator™:Product Implementation Essentials


Learn how to target students who can adequately read literary text but struggle to comprehend content-area text. Participants discuss Literacy Navigator™’s main components, lesson structure, and effective strategies (such as turn and talk and graphic organizers).


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Support students who struggle with content-area comprehension.
  • Identify and use the program components with fidelity.
  • Teach a lesson successfully.
  • Implement effective literacy strategies.

Target Audience:

English Language Arts Educators 4–10, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012: 117033

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2007: 115694

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit PearsonPD.com for details on our online learning options.

Literacy Navigator™ Product Implementation Essentials:Live Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012 Up to 15: 119453

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012 Up to 30: 119443

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012 Up to 50: 119473

Reading Street™:Using Assessment Results to Inform Instruction


Take an in-depth look at the Reading Street™ assessment story as well as the purpose and benefits of individual assessments. This workshop helps participants interpret assessment results in order to inform the instructional decision-making process.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Determine the appropriate assessment for desired data.
  • Interpret Reading Street™ assessment data to inform the instructional decision-making process.
  • Determine appropriate activities to support student progress.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists, Curriculum Developers


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 119435

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 112919

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 112135

Reading Street™:Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners within Reading Street™


Reading Street™ provides teachers with multiple instructional supports to enhance the learning of EL students. During this workshop, participants examine EL philosophy and research as well as the various instructional strategies available to enhance the learning of EL students in the program.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how to provide adequate support for EL students using an applicable RtI model.
  • Examine EL philosophy, research, and various instructional strategies available to enhance the learning of EL students in the program, and then list ways to apply the strategies in the classroom.
  • Implement lesson modifications for EL students into personalized learning plans, instruction, and practice.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists, Curriculum Developers


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 119416

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 112854

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 112136

Ramp-Up Literacy®:Training for Teachers and Coaches


Explore how to effectively implement Ramp-Up Literacy, a comprehensive reading-intervention instructional system. This training provides teachers and coaches with a solid understanding of the Ramp-Up Literacy curriculum, as well as the content and skills needed to implement it. The five days of professional development are spread out over the course of the academic year, which provides teachers with measured amounts of job-embedded support for implementing Ramp-Up Literacy.


By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Establish the Ramp-Up routines and rituals in their classrooms.
  • Implement the Ramp-Up instructional approaches effectively.
  • Administer and interpret assessments.
  • Organize appropriate individual and small-group instruction based on data analysis to address students’ needs.


Grade 6 Teachers and Coaches

Number of Participants:

Single school: 5

Multiple schools within a district: 30

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Middle Grades Literacy, single school: 119260

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Middle Grades Literacy, multiple schools within a district: 119190

RtI in Mathematics

Ramp-Up Mathematics®:Training for Teachers and Coaches

Number of Days: 6

Explore how to effectively implement Ramp-Up Mathematics, a comprehensive math-intervention instructional system. This training provides coaches and teachers with a solid understanding of the Ramp-Up Mathematics curriculum, as well as the content and skills needed to implement it. The six days of professional development are spread out over the course of the academic year, which provides teachers with measured amounts of job-embedded support for implementing Ramp-Up Mathematics.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Establish routines and rituals of the extended mathematics workshop in their classrooms.
  • Use effective questions to probe for understanding.
  • Promote students’ use of academic language and integrate reading, writing, and talking about mathematics into instruction.
  • Use assessment and student work to inform instruction.

Target Audience:

Grade 6 Teachers and Coaches

Number of Participants:

Single school: 5

Multiple schools within a district: 30

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Pre-Algebra, single school: 119280

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Pre-Algebra, multiple schools within a district: 119198

Strategies for DifferentiatingMathematics Instruction