Student Name: ______
Remember! See The Vision Through The Eye Of The Tiger!!!!!!!
4851 Elvis Presley Boulevard
Memphis, Tennessee 38116
(901) 416-3000
Vincent J. Hunter, Principal
Student Name: ______
Our Vision
Whitehaven High School is a dynamic learning
community in which a spirit of pride and unity exists.
This learning community puts the interests of students
first and enables them to achieve their maximum
potential in a safe, caring, clean and supportive
environment. Exposure to meaningful learning
experiences prepares all students to become productive
contributors and communicators in a technologically
advanced world. Whitehaven High School is a positive
force that prepares all students for life.
Our Mission
Whitehaven High School
is committed to
providing all students
with the skills and experience
necessary to assure
the possibility
of productive,
successful and
happy lives.
· A commitment to high expectations for all students is the chief priority of the school.
· Students need basic skills of reading, writing, problem-solving, and critical thinking to become productive contributors to society.
· A united learning community where staff and administration practice fairness and consistency, encourages students to demonstrate self-discipline, responsibility, and instills pride.
· Students learn better when research-based instructional strategies address a variety of learning styles.
· Challenging all students to produce quality work strengthens their academic foundation.
· Good student attendance coincides with student achievement.
· Continuous assessment and evaluation improves curriculum, instruction, school climate, and organizational practices affecting the learning needs of students.
· Students need a network of support to ensure that every student succeeds in core, vocational and elective subjects.
· Exposure to meaningful learning experiences enables students to see the relevancy of their learning.
· Integration of technology as a learning tool in the classroom prepares students for a technologically advanced world.
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF STUDENTS – The building will open at 7:20 a.m. each morning for students to enter. Student(s) arriving before 7:20 a.m. must remain outside the building. Students arriving for breakfast may enter the cafeteria at 7:00 a.m. and must remain in the cafeteria until 7:20 a.m. During inclement weather, students may enter the building at 7:00 a.m. and remain in an area designated by the administration. Students should be off campus by 2:30 p.m., unless under the supervision of a faculty member. Please be aware that the safety of your child is at risk each time he/she is left unsupervised before and after school. We strongly urge parents to make arrangements for timely transportation of their child (ren).
AUTOMOBILES – Students who drive to school must complete a vehicle registration form to be kept on file in the Attendance Office. A parking hangtag will be issued at no cost. The parking hangtag must hang from the rear view mirror at all times when on the campus of Whitehaven High School. Students are allowed to park ONLY in the fenced student parking lot located on the west side of the campus. After arriving on campus, students are not permitted to sit or lounge around in their vehicles. The student parking lot gates will be locked from 7:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Students that arrive after 7:30 must report to the D-building office to check-in and obtain entrance to the student lot. Reckless driving, exceeding 15 MPH, illegal parking and loud music are PROHIBITED. Parking violations will be subject to the following action:
1st Violation – Warning
2nd Violation – Parent Conference
3rd Violation – Suspension
4th Violation – Revoked parking privilege for remainder of the school year.
SMOKING – Smoking and the use of any other tobacco product will be prohibited in the school buildings and on the grounds of all Memphis City Schools at all times, including but not limited to school activities, athletic events, etc.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES – Radios, tape players, CD players, ear phones, head phones, beepers, iPods televisions, cellular/portable telephones and any other electronic devices that could be disruptive to the educational process are not permitted on campus before, during and after school hours, including but not limited to school activities, athletic events, etc. A parent or guardian may pick up confiscated item (s) in 72 hours.
DRESS CODE – Please refer to the Uniform Policy, adopted by the Leadership Council at Whitehaven High, in the appendix of this Student/Parent Expectation Plan. Violators will receive progressive disciplinary actions based on Memphis City Schools’ Code of Conduct.
INSUBORDINATION – Students are insubordinate when they refuse to follow a reasonable request, direction or instruction of an adult through disobedience, defiance, unruliness or noncompliance. This includes walking away when being addressed by an adult, refusal to work in class and arriving late to class. Students who are insubordinate will be issued a suspension.
REPORT CARDS – Reports Cards will be issued on Wednesday following the close of each six-weeks grading period. Parents are required to sign the report card and students are expected to return the signed report card to their homeroom teacher by the Monday following issuance of the report card. Students who do not return the report card will be given a parent conference to be cleared on the next school day.
PROGRESS REPORT – Progress reports will be issued on Tuesday at the mid-term of each six-week grading period. Parents are required to sign the progress report and students are expected to return the signed progress report to their homeroom teacher by the first Friday following issuance of the progress report. Students who do not return the progress report will be given a parent conference to be cleared on the next school day.
LOCKERS - Students are expected to use the lockers that they are assigned. There is no fee for utilizing lockers. NO MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE MAY SHARE A LOCKER. Lockers will be inspected and searched if necessary at the discretion of the administration. Students must understand that lockers are provided for storage of daily school related items, i.e., books, paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. Students are instructed not to store valuable items in their lockers, i.e. coats, jackets, shoes, calculators, CD players, etc. Students are permitted to provide locks for their lockers. If a student utilizes this opportunity to use his or her own locks, a second key or combination MUST be provided to Mrs. Steward in the D-Building Office.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE - All food and beverages must be consumed in the cafeteria. The sale of any food item, except cafeteria food, MUST be AFTER school hours. At no time will a student be allowed to sell any item for personal gain.
CAFETERIA – All students must eat lunch in the cafeteria. All students are expected to remain in the cafeteria during their lunch period. You must have written permission from the administration or a teacher in order to leave the cafeteria area during lunch. Each student is expected to clean his or her own table. Trash receptacles are available throughout the cafeteria. Students may purchase items in the cafeteria during lunch or they may bring their lunch from home. No other outside food may be brought on campus.
CHANGING CLASSES – Students are allowed six (6) minutes after the ringing of the bell to pass to their next class. Tardies to class will interrupt your academic progress and could result in progressive disciplinary action. Students must be inside the classroom door before the tardy bell rings.
WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS – If a student relocates out of Whitehaven’s district and must withdraw from Whitehaven, the proper paperwork must be completed in the Attendance Office. All paperwork must be
completed and submitted before the withdrawal is deemed official. A parent or guardian should accompany the student (s) on campus during the withdrawal process.
WEAPONS – It is a felony in the state of Tennessee to carry a weapon on school property. Any student with a weapon on Whitehaven High School’s property, according to Tennessee statue and MCS Board policy, will be subjected to the state’s mandated one year expulsion from school.
ID POLICY – Identification badges are provided to the students. The following must be adhered to regarding student badges:
· Badges are the property of Memphis City Schools.
· Badges are mandatory and must be worn around the neck at all times and with photo clearly visible during the school day or while attending Memphis City Schools’ functions.
· Badges must be returned to the Principal’s office upon suspension, transfer, graduation or withdrawal from school. Transcript(s) will be withheld pending return of the badge.
· Badges will initially be furnished to students at no cost.
· Students are required to wear school issued lanyards only.
· Lost or stolen badges must be immediately reported to the main office.
· Lost or stolen badges must be replaced at a cost of $5.00 to the student.
· Lost or broken lanyards must be replaced at a cost of $2.00 to the student.
· Failure to adhere to the procedures regarding the badges will result in progressive disciplinary action.
HALLS – With the exception of passing classes, students must have a hall pass with the signature of their teacher indicating the reason for being out of class. Students in the hall without a signed hall pass will be considered as cutting class and will receive the penalty associated with class cutting.
TARDY TO SCHOOL - Students are expected to report to school and be in their homeroom or first academic class by 7:30 a.m. daily. Students are considered tardy to homeroom or their first academic class after 7: 30 a.m. A parent must accompany students checking in after 7:45 a.m. Students checking in after 7:45 a.m. without a parent will receive a parent conference. After receiving two (2) parent conferences, the child will receive a suspension. Late check-ins are considered unexcused with the exception of formal documentation of the following: doctor, dentist, court, death in the immediate family or other circumstances at the discretion of the administration.
TARDY TO CLASS – Students who arrive late to class are considered insubordinate to school policy. In order to maintain a safe environment and harmonious class transitions, the administration will issue a parent conference for insubordination to students arriving late to class. Students are expected to be on time to all classes. Students have six minutes to travel from one class to the next. Students late to class must report to the D-building office. After the third tardy and every tardy thereafter, students will be issued a suspension. This progressive discipline process is replicated each semester.
LEAVING SCHOOL – Students leaving school for any reason during the school day, must be checked out
through the attendance D-building office by a parent or guardian, unless the student is enrolled in Work
Based Learning and is leaving during the last period of the day. Doctor and dental appointments require the
students to bring notes for such request to the attendance office prior to homeroom. Doctor’s name, should be on the note, along with the parent/guardian’s signature and telephone number. School personnel may confirm
appointments. Students will be called from his/her class when parent or guardian arrives. Upon return, students must show dismissal slips for admission to classes missed. Parents/Guardians must come to the school to have their child dismissed. Dismissals will not be done via telephone or email.
CLASS ATTENDANCE – Students are expected to attend class as scheduled. Unexcused absences will affect a student’s course grade and conduct. Suspensions are unexcused absences. Work missed for excused or unexcused absences may be made up within one (1) week after return to school. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher concerning make-up work.
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE – MCS views truancy as a community problem, therefore we will use intervention and collaboration in addressing this problem. One to two unexcused absences will result in a teacher phone call. Three to four unexcused absences will result in a mandatory parent conference. Five unexcused absences will result in a SART meeting. Ten unexcused absences will result in a District-wide SARB meeting. Fifteen unexcused absences will result in a referral to Juvenile Court and the District Attorney’s Office. All excused absence notes must be signed by the classroom teachers and submitted by the student to the D- Building Office between 2:15 and 2:30 on the day the excused absence note was presented.
CAMPUS VISITATIONS – All visitors must check in with the main office located in the “B” building upon their arrival on campus to obtain a visitor’s badge. Anyone not checking in could be considered trespassing and subject to being arrested.
LEAVING CAMPUS FOR LUNCH – Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch.
STUDENT DELIVERIES – Delivery of non-school related materials to students is prohibited; i.e., flowers, balloons, etc. Any approved delivery must be delivered to the main office. This includes food brought to school by parents/guardians, except for medical reasons.
TEXTBOOKS – Students are responsible for textbooks issued to them. Lost textbooks are governed by Board of Education policy #4.401, which, in part, states that any lost or damaged book must be paid for by the student, parent, or guardian. Any new book must be replaced at 100% of the replacement price. Any used book at 75% of replacement price. Restitution must be made: (1) before new textbooks are issued or (2) report cards or diplomas issued, or (3) before processing a transfer.
PARENT TEACHER STUDENT ASSOCIATION (PTSA) – Whitehaven High School ‘s Parent Teacher
Student Association (PTSA) seeks the involvement of all parents, teachers and students. Recognized by the
National PTA during the 2005-06 school year, the Whitehaven’s PTSA is committed to all children receiving a quality education. Through regularity schedule meetings, parents are kept abreast of school news and community events. The cost is $5.00 to join and meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria. A complete list of PTSA officers and meeting dates are on the Whitehaven High School’s website: (click on the Administration link and then the PTSA link). Mr. Charles Scott, PTSA President may be reached at 434-8831 or 488-9179 (email: ).