Marvin Ridge High School

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme



YEAR 1 (2016 Candidates) YEAR 2 (2015 Candidates)


Month Subject Description Responsible Comments Subject Description Responsible Comments

17th / All / WWC team building / IBC & Staff / Whitewater Center
Week of August 24 / All / Syllabus to students / All subject teachers / Add syllabus from IB
Per due dates given / All / Summer Assignments / Subject Teachers / not all classes have summer assignments / All / Summer Assignments / Subject Teachers/EE / Follow EE timeline; and due dates for summer assignments
September 1 / All / 2017 Parent meeting / IBDC. IB Teachers / Parents required to attend / All
1 / Lang. A / IOP introduction / Arant / Scope/criteria / Lang. B / Written Assignment / Lang. B teachers / Scope/requirement outline
September 2 / Chemistry / IA Introduction / Harfmann / Scope, criteria
September 14 / Math Studies / IA assigned / Ankenbruck / Scope, criteria
September 21 / Extended
Essay / Second Draft to EEC / EEC
September 28 / All / IB 2016 Parent Meeting / IBDC / Exam details, IOP Lang. A, diploma scoring
September 29 / Assign IA / Filter
October 1-6 / Language A / IOP Gatsby / Arant
October 1-9 / All / IB Formal Registration for Exams / IBDC / Candidate/Parent sign off on subject exams for registration
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
October 15 / IB Breakfast / All IB Candidates / IBPAB
Staff and students / Media Center 7:15-7:50 / IB Breakfast / All IB Candidates / IBPAB
Staff and students / Media Center 7:15-7:50
October 19 / IB/AP parent Info.
Meeting / Rising 8th, 9th, and 10th grade / Admin.; IBC; counselors, Selected IB/AP Staff / Evening with breakout sessions / IB Physics SL / IA first draft / Price
October 12-23 / Extended Essay / Conference / Student/ Mrs. Riddle
October 30 / IB Chemistry IA / IA first draft / Harfmann
November 2 / Biology HL / IA introduction, criteria / Wilson-Cranshaw
November 2-20 / Lang. B / Interactive Orals / Lang. B teachers / In school
November 3 / Lang. B French ab initio / Written Assignment introduced / Haddon
November 4-10 / Lang. A / IOP Love Medicine / Arant
November 10 / Mathematics / Rough draft IA / Filter
November 16 / History / IA Section 1 / Gain / Lang. B
Spanish / 1st draft Written Assignment / Shrader / Feedback given Dec. 7-18
November 16 / Lang. B French / 1st Draft Written Assignment / Jones / Feedback given Dec. 7-18
November 16 / Lang. B French ab initio / Wirtten Assignment topic selection / Haddon / Feedback given Dec. 7-18
/ Extended Essay / FINAL To Advisor with Turn it in Results for assessment / EE advisors / Form 5 completed
November 17-21 / Stole Payment / IB Parents / Parents
IBDC, IBPAB / For graduation
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
November 21 / ITGS / IA – Criterion E
November 24 / Mathematics / Final IA / Filter
Dec. 1 / TOK / Rough Draft Prescribed Title / Ankenbruck
Dec. 1 / Physics / IA Final Draft / Price
December1-17 / Extended Essay / Vive Voce IBEEC / EE Advisor, Candidate, / Final review of EE
December 4,5, & 7 / Lang. A IOC / IOC IA’s / Lang. A teachers / IA assessment
December 8 / Biology HL / IA First Draft / Wilson-Cranshaw
December 11 / Math Studies / IA Rough Draft / Ankenbruck
December 11-16 / Lang. A / IOP In Cold Blood / Arant
December 16 / Lang. B French ab intio / IA Rough draft due / Haddon
December 17 / All / All / 2015 IB DIPLOMA CELEBRATION / All / Cafeteria and Auditorium
December 15-17 / TOK / Presentations / Ankenbruck / In Class
December 18 / Biology HL / IA Final Draft / Wilson-Cranshaw
January 5 / History / Internal Assessment / Jones
January 5-14 / TOK / Prescribed Title Final Draft / Ankenbruck
January 15 / TOK / Submission of TOK upload complete / Ankenbruck / Non negotiable
5-14 / All / Mid-Year Assessment (semester exam) / All IB teachers / All / Mid-Year Assessment
(semester exam) / All IB teachers / 1st sem. Exam schedule
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
January 26 / Lang. A / Written Assignment introduced / Lang. A Arant / Due May 11
January 27-29 / All / Extended Essay Introduction / EE coordinator/ IBC / In TOK
28 / All / Group 4 Introduction / Group 4 teachers / During school
January 25-Feb. 9 / Rising juniors / IB 2018 Candidate Application / IBC, Guidance
January 26 / EEC
IBDC / Extended Essay FINAL SUBMISSION / IBDC / 2 copies With all Coversheets in Math classes / Non neg.
February 1 / 2017 IB Parent Mtg. / 2nd parent meeting / EE, TOK expectations / Media Center 6:30 PM IBDC,
February 5 / Extended Essay / Lock-in / Extended Essay / Mail to IB / IBDC, EE
February 12 / Math Studies / IA Final Draft / Ankenbruck
February 13 / IB 2018 Candidates / Application Prompts / Saturday Media Center 8:30 am
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
February 16 / Extended Essay / Contract with research / EEC / Form 1 TOK grade / Group 4 Project / IB Group 4 Reflections / IB Science teachers
February 18 / IB 2018 Makeup Promps / Part 4 Application / E-112 3:10 PM / Math Studies
Lang. B French ab
initio / Final Draft IA
Final Draft Written Assignment / Ankenbruck
Lang. B French ab initio / Final Draft Written Assignment / Haddon
February 19 / Extended Essay / Topic Approved -Advisors assigned / TOK/EE Coordinator / In TOK / Lang. A / Written Assignment / Lang. A teachers & IBDC / MAIL TO IB
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
February 20 / All Lang. B / Individual Orals IA / Lang. B teachers / Upload to IB by March 23
February 22 / IB 2016 Parent Mtg. / Exam information, scoring / IBDC / Media Center 6:30 PM
February 25 / IA Section 2 / Gain
Feb. 26 / ITGS / IA Criterion F / Burns
February 29 / Lang. B ALL / Written Assignment Final / Lang. B and IBDC / MAIL to IB
February 22 –
March 11 / All IB Teachers / Predicted Grades and Internal Assessment / IBC and all IB teachers / Individual meetings for IBIS entry / IBC
March 11 / Extended Essay / Research Topic and Proposal / TOK./EE Advisor / Form 2 to TOK
March 7 / IB 2018 Registration / 2018 Candidates & Parents / IBDC, IB teachers / Media Center
6:30 pm
March 14 / IB 2018 Registration Due / Forms to Guidance / IBDC, guidance / Due by 3 PM
March 14-23 / Extended Essay / Research Proposal / TOK/EE advisor / Students to meet with advisor discussion
April 12 / Extended Essay / Annotated Bibliograph / TOK/EEC / Form 3 to TOK
March 14-23 / All IB Teachers / SUBMISSION INTERNAL ASSESS/PRED GRADES / IBC / MAIL /IBO Deadlines can NOT be changed.
April 7 / ITGS / IA Criteria
A and B / Burns
April 7 / CAS / Presentation
2016 / All / 3rd and 4th period / CAS / Presentation
2016 Candidates / All / 3rd and 4th period
April 14 / 1111780 / ALL 2016
Candidate / Review for EXAM off-site testing forms College requests / Procedures, code of conduct
Permission / 4th period
JUNIORS / 2017 / SENIORS / 2016
April 18 / Extended Essay / Outline / EEC
April 21 / IB Breakfast / All IB students & teachers / IB Parent Advisory Board / Media Center 7 am-7:50 am / IB Breakfast / All IB students & teachers / IB Parent Advisory Board / Media Center 7 am-7:50 am
April 22 / History / IA Section 3 / Gain
April 26 / Group 4 Sciences / Group 4 Project / Science teachers / Introduction
April 28 / ITGS / IA- / Burns
May 2-24 / ALL / EXTERNAL
EXAMS / IBDC / Non-negotiable
May 11 / Extended Essay / Rough Draft / EESA / Assessment TOK / All / Report receipt of exams / IBC / To Cardiff
May 12 / Group 4 Project / IB Group 4 Students / Group 4 teachers / Planning
May 5 / NEW 2018 Candidates / CAS Intro. 2016 / CAS Coor. IBDC / 6:30 PM Media Center / CAS / Submit form to IBIS / IBDC/CAS Coordinator / IBIS/Cardiff
May 23 / ITGS / IA - Criteria D / Burns / IB Teachers / Feedback on Exams / IBDC to send forms
May 23 – 31 / Extended Essay / Draft Review / EE Advisor
May 27 / Lang. A / Final Draft Written Assignment / Arant
May 31-June 8 / All / Year 1 EXAMS / All IB subject teachers
June 2-8 / All / School elective exams / Elective teachers
June 5 / 2016 IB Candidate Banquet / To be determined / IB 2015 Candidates, Parents,Staff / Parent Advisory Board – Time and location TBA
June / Extended Essay / Working Draft / EE Advisor available if needed
July / Extended Essay / Working Draft / EE Advisor available if needed / IBC / Results from exams / access scores / Diploma earned
July / IBC / Results to colleges / Student requests