Chapter 20

1.  What does Jake ask Lucien to do?

2.  What happens at the churches on Sunday?

3.  What unethical thing do the pastors do before passing money on?

4.  What does Gwen Hailey tell Carl Lee about Tanya’s check-up?

5.  What is Marsharfsky’s response to Jake’s rehiring?

6.  Describe the meeting between Lucien, Jake, and Dr. Bass.

Chapter 21

1.  Describe the press conference Rev. Agee holds? What does he announce?

2.  Why is Jake upset by this?

3.  Why does Carl Lee go to Whitfield? How does Carl Lee act before he leaves?

4.  How do the deputies outwit the press?

Chapter 22

1.  How are the locals now reacting to the “intruders” in their town?

2.  At the venue hearing, how many witness are each allowed to call to the stand?

3.  To what does Harry Rex testify?

4.  How does Rev. Agee testify? How is it different than Harry Rex?

5.  Describe Ozzie’s testimony?

Chapter 23

1.  What does Ethel tell Jake?

2.  How are Tonya’s nights? What happens before she can sleep?

3.  Who is Stan Adcavage and what does he do for Jake?

Chapter 24

1.  Describe Norman Reinfeld. What does he want Jake to do?

2.  How much does he say they need to raise for the defense fund?

3.  Describe the meeting between Carl Lee, Reinfield and Jake?

4.  What does Carl Lee decide?

Chapter 25

1.  What happens in the woods?

2.  What does an anonymous caller tip the Sherrif’s dept. to?

3.  What does Ozzie do to the intruder?

4.  Where do Carla and Hannah go?

5.  Who is Terrell Grist?

6.  What do Jake and Noose discuss?

Chapter 26

1.  Who is Ellen Rorark and what are her credentials?

2.  What does she want of Jake?

3.  How does she respond to when Jake mentions the threats they have been experiencing?

4.  What assignment does he give Ellen?