//Katherine C
//Athlete parent class
public class Athlete
private String name, sport;
private double height, weight;
private int numWins;
public Athlete (String n, String s, double h, double w)
name = n;
sport = s;
height = h;
weight = w;
numWins = 0;
public void win ()
numWins ++;
public void changeSport (String newSport)
sport = newSport;
public String toString ()
return "Name: " + name + "\nSport: " + sport + "\nHeight: " + height +
"\nWeight: " + weight + "\nNumber of Wins: " + numWins;
// ***** end Athlete
//Katherine C
//Soccer Player (Athlete sub-class)
public class SoccerPlayer extends Athlete
private String position, team;
private int jersey, numPoints;
public SoccerPlayer (String n, double h, double w, String p, String t, int j)
super (n, "Soccer", h, w);
position = p;
team = t;
jersey = j;
numPoints = 0;
public void score ()
numPoints ++;
public void changeSpot (String newSpot)
position = newSpot;
public void changeTeam (String newTeam, int newJersey)
team = newTeam;
jersey = newJersey;
public String toString ()
return super.toString() + "\nTeam: " + team + "\nPosition: " + position
+ "\nJersey number: " + jersey + "\nCareer Points: " + numPoints;
// **** end SoccerPlayer
//Katherine C
//Driver for SoccerPlyer class
public class SoccerPlayerDriver
public static void main (String[]args)
SoccerPlayer helen;
helen = new SoccerPlayer ("Helen", 5.0, 120.0, "Midfield", "HBMS", 10);
sop ("Here is a new soccer player.");
System.out.println (helen);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
helen.changeTeam ("Centennial High School", 5);
sop ("\n\n");
sop ("Helen has now scored five goals, won a game, and changed teams.");
System.out.println (helen);
public static void sop(String print)
System.out.println (print);
// **** end SoccerDriver
------Configuration: <Default>------
Here is a new soccer player.
Name: Helen
Sport: Soccer
Height: 5.0
Weight: 120.0
Number of Wins: 0
Team: HBMS
Position: Midfield
Jersey number: 10
Career Points: 0
Helen has now scored five goals, won a game, and changed teams.
Name: Helen
Sport: Soccer
Height: 5.0
Weight: 120.0
Number of Wins: 1
Team: Centennial High School
Position: Midfield
Jersey number: 5
Career Points: 5
Process completed.