Student Grievance and Complaint Policy
College of Public Health and Human Sciences
If you feel you have been treated unfairly or do not agree with a decision that has been made by a member of the CPHHS faculty or staff, you are encouraged to first follow the informal steps below to resolve the situation prior taking formal action. However it is important to note that you may formally file a grievance or registera complaint at any time in the process by completing the Grievance and Complaint Formreferenced below.
Informal Steps to Resolution of a Complaint or Grievance
1)Discuss your concern with the person directly responsible for the action(if possible and appropriate). If this step does not resolve the situation, progress to the next step.
2)Make an appointment to meet with one of the Co-Directors of your School to discuss the situation. If no resolution is found after meeting with a Co-Director, you may choose to initiate a formal grievance or complaint by completing the Grievance and Complaint Form.
Formal Steps to Resolution of a Complaint or Grievance
1) Complete the Grievance and Complaint Form and return it to the Dean’s Office (Women’s Building Room 123). The case will be assigned to the appropriate administrator depending on the nature of the situation. You will be notified by emailthe name of the person assigned your case.
2)If you continue to have a concern after receiving the administrator’s ruling, you may askthat your complaint be moved to the next level of administration appropriate for the specific case. If there is another level appropriate for your case in the College (e.g. Associate Dean or Dean), that individual will review the materials and also may ask to meet you directly.
3)Ifyou haveany concerns after completing these steps within the College, youmay request thatyour case be reviewed at the University level.
Grievance and Complaint Form
College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Name: / DateDescribe in detail the nature of the grievance or complaint and steps you have taken to resolve the situation.
Signature: / Date:
This completed form and any supporting documents should be returned to the Executive Assistant to the Dean in WB 123. Dean’s Office (Women’s Building Room 123).