Department of World Languages and Cultures

IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI

M131-Beginning Italian I – Spring 2017

Course Information / Instructor Information
Section: 25761 / Office: CA 313 Cub. V
Days: M-W / Hours: M-W 1:05-2:05or by appointment
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:50 AM / Telephone:
Room: NU 203 / E-mail:

“A different language is a different vision of life”Federico Fellini


M131 Beginning Italian I is a 4-credit-hour introduction to practical acquisition of the Italian language.

M131 is the first course in the first-year language sequence M131-M132. Emphasis on developing basic

speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills as well as awareness of Italian culture.

NOTE: IUPUI offers first-year Italian (M131 and M132). Students wishing to continue to second-year Italian may take M200 and M250 online through IU Bloomington.


In this course youwill start developing your abilities to speak, write, read, and understand theItalian language and as well as Italian culture and geography. You will be involved in a broad variety of assignments and will be able to communicate in Italian from the first day of class.

This course emphasizes the following Principles of Undergraduate Learning: PUL 1-Communication, and PUL 5- Understanding Society and Culture.

This course also addresses the five C’s, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL):

•Communication: Communicate in languages other than English

•Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures

•Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information

•Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture

•Communities: Participate in multilingual communities at home & around the world

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • carry out simple conversations on a variety of practical topics such as greeting, inviting, buying (speaking skills); (PUL1; PUL 5)
  • understand native speech in distinct social contexts - everyday topics and some cultural topics (listening skills); (PUL 1; PUL 5)
  • understand the content and the cultural significance of predictable types of texts - simple literary and non­literary texts on familiar topics (reading skills); (PUL 1; PUL 5)
  • express simple narratives on daily life topics (writing skills); (PUL 1)
  • understand common cultural facts with a broader awareness of the cultural distinctness of certain kinds of values, gestures and other notions (cultural awareness) (PUL 5)


  • Arrivederci! 1for English Speakers Beginners. First edition. Authors: F. Colombo, C. Faraci and P. De Luca. Edilingua ISBN 978-9606931215.
  • Via dellaGrammatica for English Speakers. A1-B2 Elementary-Intermediate. Auhor: M. Ricci. Edilingua ISBN 9789606930508.


The course grade will be based on written and oral components according to the following distribution:

Participation and preparation / 10
Midterm exam / 20
Final Exam / 20
Oral Exams (2) / 10
Cultural Group Project / 10
Film Review / 5
Compositions (2) / 10
Quizzes / 15
TOTAL / 100

There will be no make-up except in extraordinary cases (e.g., illness when accompanied by a medical note, family emergency, etc.)


A+ 100-98 B+89-87 C+79-77 D+69-67 F 59-0

A 97-93 B 86-83 C 76-73 D 66-63

A- 92-90 B-82-80 C- 72-70 D- 62-60

Participation and preparation:The acquisition of a foreign language is a cumulative process. To develop communicative proficiency and be successful in this class you are expected to attend every class session and be on time. In order to keep track of attendance I will pass around at the beginning of class an attendance sign-up sheet. You also need to participate actively during classroom activities trying to always speak Italian, regardless of accuracy; participate in oral activities voluntarily and work in groups and pairs. Preparation is essential to participation. You are expected to bring all materials to class, complete homework assignments and e-mail some assignments electronically. It is very important that you do your homework after each lesson, since they are meant to reinforce what we do in class or to anticipate what we will talk about in the next class. After each class period, I will post homework assignments on Oncourse. Even if you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain homework assignments and notes from classmates or from the instructor.

Exams: There will be a midterm exam and a cumulative final exam. Do not miss exams. You will only be allowed a make-up if you contact your instructor beforehand and provide a valid excuse. Any make-ups will be scheduled at a mutuallyconvenient arranged time. A missed quiz or exam without prior notification will count as a zero.

Oral Exams: There will be brief conversations with a classmate on a subject, or an interview with your instructor. I will announce and explain all relevant information at the appropriate time. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

• Grammatical correctness

• Vocabulary richness

• Fluency (smoothness of speech)

• Pronunciation

Cultural group project: Toward the end of the semester, the class will be divided in groups and work cooperatively on a subject related to Italy. Information on content, procedures, and evaluation criteria for this project will be distributed in class at a later time. Groups will present their work to the class and will be evaluated on the content and on their oral presentation.

Film Review: You are required to watch an Italian movie and fill out the form you will find in Files. The form needs to be typed and e-mailed to me saved as: scheda_film_your last name.

Compositions: There will be two short essays (50-75 words long) to complete at home. Instruction will be given during the semester.

1. Students may not use automated translators to write compositions.

2. Students may not ask friends, relatives or native speakers to complete their assignments.

3. Students may not recycle their own or other people's work.

4. Students must explicitly cite any material that has been taken from the Internet or other sources and in most cases are urged to paraphrase rather than copy and paste.

Quizzes: There will be short quizzes during the semester. If you miss them, you won’t be allowed to make them up.



It is the policy of the IUPUI campus thatstudents are expected to attend all classes and are responsible for completing all course work required. Due to the nature of our discipline -the fact that you are learning to communicate in another language-daily participation in classroom activities is of the utmost importance. The following attendance policies apply to this class:

A. If a student misses more than THREE classes in the regular semester, two (2) points will be taken off the FINAL GRADE for each absence beyond the initial three classes.

B. For classes that meet twice per week, EIGHT (8) absences is the maximum total number of absences allowed for any student, no matter what the reason. Any student who misses a total of NINE (9) classes or more will automatically receive a failing grade for the course.

C. Partial absences (arriving more than 20 minutes late or leaving more than 20 minutes early) will count as an absence.

D. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of his or her absences; no reminders will be given.

Classroom Civility

The language classroom is a unique learning community in which every student is expected to demonstrate courtesy and respect for both classmates and the instructor. This requires active and voluntary participation in all classroom exercises and activities, including work in pairs and groups. Every person is a valued and integral part of the learning process and, therefore, cooperation, respect, and participation are extremely important.

Please keep in mind that learning is hampered when there are interruptions that impede concentration and focus.

-All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off once class begins, except in cases of medical or other valid emergencies. When you must leave your cell phone on for this reason, please put it in silent or courtesy mode.

-Use of laptop computers during class time for note taking is permitted. There may be times when you will be asked to put your laptop away for various exercises/lessons.

-Use of the Internet is NOT permitted unless specifically directed by the instructor. This includes checking of email and use of instant messengers.

-Learning is also disrupted when students arrive late, leave early, or exit and re-enter the classroom while class is in session. Please remember that everyone’s behavior has an effect on the learning environment of the class.

-Please arrive on time and refrain from eating or drinking.

Withdrawal policy:administrative and non-

A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Our class meets twice per week; thus if you miss more than four classes in the first four weeks, you will be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me.After week 9 students will only be able to drop a class for extreme, extenuatingcircumstances, with proper documentation.

IUPUI Withdraw Deadlines:

Sunday, March 12, 2017.Last day to withdraw with automatic grade of W via the Late drop/add classes (eDrop/eAdd) link on in signature is required. UCOL students or Engineering/Technology freshmen must see advisor by 5:00 p.m. on prior Friday to initiateeDrop.

Monday, March 13, 2017.Withdrawal with grade of W or F begins.Advisor, instructor, and dean’s approvals requiredvia the Late drop/add classes link inOne.IU.Beginning on this date, drops will be approved only in serious, extenuating circumstances with proper documentation.

Friday, April 28, 2017.Finals Begins-NO WITHDRAWALS allowed on or after this date.

Academic integrity:

In case of proof of cheating or academic misconduct by a student, I will take steps to implement penalties according to the gravity of the offense, generally resulting in lowering the student's grades dramatically. Please refer to the guidelines provided by the Student Code of Conduct available at

Adaptive Educational Services (AES) provides accommodations for students with special challenges or disabilities that may affect their classroom performance. If you are eligible you may register with AES by calling 274-3241. Visit for more information.

Student Advocate Office: The Student Advocate Office, located in Campus Center CE 350, will answer your questions, direct you to the appropriate departments and people, familiarize you with university policies and procedures, and give you guidance as you look at ways to solve problems and make choices. For more information, contact them at 278- 7594 or visit

CAPS: If you find that stress is interfering with your academic or personal success, consider contacting Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). All IUPUI students are eligible for counseling services at minimal fees. CAPS also performs evaluations for learning disorders and ADHD; fees are charged for testing. For more information, see the CAPS website at or call them at 274-2548.

Grades of Incomplete:

A grade of “incomplete” is a grade given when, due to some emergency, a student cannot complete the final portion of the course before the end of the semester. There are strict rules regarding the use of incompletes. A student must have already completed 75% of the course with a passing grade before a grade of incomplete can be considered. An incomplete cannot be used to make up for missed classes, homework, quizzes, etc. As a result, only a verifiable and reasonable emergency occurring at the end of the semester is sufficient justification for an incomplete in this course. Incompletes must be approved by the department and an agreement form for completion of the course requirements must be completed and signed by faculty and student. A copy of the completed agreement form must be filed with the department.


*A=Arrivederci; VG =Via dellaGrammatica

Class / Date / Program / Evaluation / Content Summary
1 / January 9 / A: Lezione 1
VG:pp.7-8 / Greeting someone / 1. Vocabulary: Greetings and introductions.
Communicative activities: Introducing yourself / greeting people/ agreeing or disagreeing.
Cultural: Italy: art, nature, pastimes.
Grammar: Essere/ -are verbs/ personal pronouns/ questions/ sounds c/g.
2. Vocabulary: Food and drink/
Communicative activities: talking on the phone/expressing desires/ ordering something in a café.
Culture: Caffé
Grammar:Stare/ Vorrei/ Numbers/ -ere verbs/ Sounds: c/ch and g/gh.
3.Vocabulary: Work/ professions/ nationality.
Community activities: Asking about work and nationality.
Culture: Food, fashion and design.
Grammar: Definite articles/ fare/ adjectives/ sounds: sc.
4.Vocabulary: Free time and hobbies.
Communicative activities: Talking about free time/ expressing suggestions and preferences/ asking about change and price.
Culture: Favorite activities.
Grammar: Plural/ andare and avere/ numbers 10-100/ sounds: gli and gn.
5.Vocabulary: Holidays/ days and months/ complaints.
Communicativeactivities: Booking a hotel/ making a complaint/ asking for the bill.
Culture: Holidays
Grammar: Verbs ending in -ire/ adjective agreement/ alphabet/ c'é and cisono
6.Vocabulary: Directions
Communicative activity: Describing a city/ asking for directions/ apologizing/ thanking.
Culture: Genova
Grammar: Dovere + infinitive/ sapere/ verbs ending in -care, -gare/ prepositions.
2 / January 11 / A: Lezione 1
VG:pp.9-10 / Introducing yourself/someone
3 / January 18 / A: Lezione 1
VG:pp.11-12 / Quiz 1
4 / January 23 / A: Lezione 2
VG:pp.13-15 / Asking how you are
5 / January 25 / A: Lezione 2
VG: pp.16-17 / Ordering in a café’
6 / January 30 / A: Lezione 2
VG: pp.17-18 / Quiz 2
7 / February 1 / A: Lezione3
VG: pp.19-20 / Asking someone’s job
8 / February 6 / A: Lezione3
VG:pp.20-21 / Ask someone’s nationality
9 / February 8 / A: Lezione3
VG:pp.22-23 / Composition 1
10 / February 13 / A: Lezione 3
VG: pp.23-24 / Ripasso
11 / February 15 / Midterm Exam
12 / February 20 / Oral 1
13 / February 22 / A: Lezione 4
VG: pp.24-25 / Talking about free time
14 / February 27 / A: Lezione 4
VG:pp.25-26 / Talking about what you like
15 / March 1 / A: Lezione 4
VG:pp.27-28 / Quiz 3
16 / March 6 / A: Lezione 4
VG:p.29 / Making suggestions
17 / March 8 / A: Lezione 5
VG:pp.29-30 / Booking a hotel room
18 / March 20 / Film Review
19 / March 22 / A: Lezione 5
VG:p.31 / Making a complaint
20 / March 27 / A: Lezione 5
VG: pp.31-32 / Reasoning for something
21 / March 29 / A: Lezione 5
VG:p.33 / Quiz 4
22 / April 3 / A: Lezione 6
VG:pp.33-34 / Asking for directions
23 / April 5 / A: Lezione 6
VG:p.34 / Composition 2
24 / April 10 / A: Lezione 6
VG: pp.34-35 / Getting someone’s attention
25 / April 12 / A: Lezione 6
VG:p.35 / Apologising
26 / April 17 / Oral 2
27 / April 19 / Ripasso
28 / April 24 / Group presentations
April 26 / Group presentations
29 / May 1 / Last day of class
30 / May 3
8:00-10:00 / Final exam

NB:Jan 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (no classes)

Mar 13-17, Spring Break (no classes)