2013-14 Show Choir Audition Form

(Please return to Mrs. McClain the day of auditions, March 27th)

Name: ______

Mailing Address (include city and zip):




Parent/Guardian Full Name(s):


Cumulative GPA: ______

Voice Part Preferred (please circle one):


Please list any previous vocal and/or dance experience, including school or church choirs and anything else that you want us to know about. Please include the years in which you participated.




Why do you want to be in the Sheridan HS “Northern Stars” Show Choir?




By auditioning today, you are accepting the responsibilities of a member in this group. Please be aware that if your audition is accepted, you will become a member of the 2013-14 “Northern Stars”. In other words, you are making a commitment today! Do you understand this? (circle one)


The Northern Stars Crew is a very important part of this group. In addition to helping out with all shows and rehearsals, they travel with the show choir on all trips and to all events. Being a crew member is fun, but involves lifting and setting up of large equipment. You should be in good physical shape to be a crew member, and you must be enrolled in the class. If you do not make the group as a singer, are you willing to be a crew member? (circle one)


Statement of Commitment

I, ______, desire to be a member of the 2013-2014 Sheridan Northern Stars Show Choir. I understand that membership in Northern Stars requires that I maintain a good GPA and a good attendance record at school. Students must have a minimum GPA of 1.0 per grading period AND must have received passing grades in a minimum of 5 credit hours per grading period. I understand that I must attend ALL rehearsals and performances, both in and out of school, and that missing these will negatively impact my grade. I understand that if I miss 3 or more rehearsals that are unexcused then I will no longer be a member of the ensemble. I understand that I will have to pay for my costumes, as well as any trips the group may take, and that this is a financial commitment I must honor. Finally, I understand that, as a member of Northern Stars, I will be expected to always be a good representative of Sheridan High School and of the SHS Music Department, as my behavior and attitude reflects not only on me, but on those whom I represent.

The show choir begins rehearsing in July/August before school starts (Show Choir Camp) and then resumes rehearsals during school. Afterschool rehearsals begin in November on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-5pm. There will also be one Saturday rehearsal a month during the months of August, September, October, November and January. All competitions are on Saturdays and take the entire Saturday and are held during the months of January-March. All competitions are mandatory. There is a financial commitment to be in Show Choir for costumes and supplies estimated around $200-$350 for females and $100-$250 for males.

I have read and understand this commitment statement.


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate