Point of Contact: Katherine Kahn: 202-690-3331
Charge / Transgenic Crops: Harnessing the benefits of biotechnology / Transgenic Crops:Development of transgenic crops / Transgenic Crops:
Tolerance to drought, heat, and salinity / Transgenic Crops: Micronutrient uptake
ResponsibleU.S. entity / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology
Contact person-U.S. / Kenneth Hinga
202-690-3331 / Phil Harlan
Ph202-690-3331 / Phil Harlan
202-690-3331 / Phil Harlan
Responsible India entity
Contact person-India
Activity Description / Co-schedule planning meetings with AKI Board meeting
A workshop to promote application of biotechnological tools to solve important agricultural constraints, addressing the continuum from molecular research to applied product development and commercialization, with focus on delivering benefits to farmers / Two Borlaug fellowships in cooperation with Joint Working Group on Plant Molecular Virology / Obtain readout from India-Pakistan-U.S. research program on agricultural biotechnology prioritization for research in this area / Specific projects will be developed during a planning session of the “Harnessing benefits” workshop, including iron and zinc utilization efficiency in rice and wheat.
Timeline / Planning meeting: next AKI Board meeting in India
Workshop: November, 2007 / September/October 2006 / Prior to the next AKI Board meeting
Anticipated start date
Budget: U.S.
Budget: India
Charge / Genomics / Molecular Breeding / Diagnostics and Vaccines
ResponsibleU.S. entity / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology
Contact person-U.S. / Phil Harlan
202-690-1879 / Phil Harlan
202-690-1879 / Phil Harlan
Responsible India entity
Contact person-India
Activity Description / India’s proposal on pigeon pea genomics will be considered at an appropriate time subject to availability of funds. / Obtain readout from workshop on “Application of Genomics to Chickpea, Pigeon pea and Peanut Improvement”
Two Borlaug fellows focusing on genomics/molecular breeding as a follow-up to the above workshop / Six months in-service training on Avian Influenza
Timeline / To be discussed further at the next AKI Board meeting / Readout: Prior to the next AKI Board meeting
Borlaug: September/October 2006 / 2006
Anticipated start date
Budget: U.S.
Budget: India
Charge / Additional training activities:
Food Safety / Additional training activities:
Biosafety of transgenic crops / Additional training activities:
Licensing and Intellectual Property Rights Protection
ResponsibleU.S. entity / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology / USDA/FAS/Biotechnology
Contact person-U.S. / Phil Harlan
202-690-1879 / Phil Harlan
202-690-1879 / Phil Harlan
Responsible India entity
Contact person-India
Activity Description / Long-term training in food safety issues (allergenicity and toxicity)
Two training visits for Indian researchers or regulators, for six months each, to U.S. universities.
Follow up visits by U.S. faculty hosts to India for short workshops.
Two Indian faculty to visit U.S. (2-12 week visits) for training/dialogue on food safety issues / Group training in India on bio safety of transgenic crops during visit by 2 U.S. faculty/experts / Planning visit to develop TDA program
Timeline / Proposed: March/April 2007 / Proposed: December 2006 / Proposed: December 2006
Anticipated start date
Budget: U.S.
Budget: India