The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, August 10, 2015 at 7:00pm at Kirklin Town Hall.

Council Members present were: Walter Minnick, Melinda Jobe, Doug O’Connor, Jerry Faucett, & Randy Weaver came in during the Storm Water Utility Board discussion.

Also present were: Mark Mills & Liz Stitzel – Clinton County Area Plan Commission, Ellen Jobe, Sirrena & Bryan Mason, Ronald Piercy, Patricia Quick-Park Board, Chris Evans-Attorney, Brad Barnes-Utility Supt., John Faucett-Marshal, & Mary King-Clerk-Treasurer.


The Minutes for meetings held in July were approved as read.


Patti reported that Bob Crenshaw is coming to look at the parking lot and to give a cost estimate for putting millings on it. Brent Metzinger will be looking at problems at the park that need repaired. Patti asked that the park be mowed more often. She has received complaints and feels that people would give bigger donations if it were mowed more often. Patti reported that Amber Peppers is interested in being a member of the Park Board. Walter Minnick made a motion to appoint Amber Peppers to the Park Board. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote. Patti asked if the Council would approve Bingo at the park. The Council does not see a problem with it. Walt suggested that she check with the American Legion since they have the equipment for Bingo.


Sirrena & Bryan Mason, as well as her father Ronald Piercy, were in attendance to ask what could be done about drainage between to homes they just purchased at 322 & 324 W. Jefferson Street. Ronald believes that the water is draining onto the property from the north. Doug O’Connor will go down and check on the possibility of connecting drains to the storm sewer that runs along Jefferson Street.


After discussing that the requested changes had been made to the draft ordinance concerning lot size and minimum square footage, a motion was made by Doug O’Connor to adopt the new Unified Development Ordinance. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.


Liz explained that the Council would need to review a zoning map and rezone all of the properties that have been annexed. She explained that most of them were zoned R-2 and that the Council might want to consider changing all of them to R-3 which is Residential medium density.


Mark reported that he thought Kirk’s Crossing may already be a Legacy Project. He would like for Kirklin to have a representative on the Committee for the Indiana Bicentennial. They will have a meeting on August 21st and Mark will call with the exact time.


The Clerk reported that there was a minor modification in both the Sidewalk Enhancement Agreement and the Ordinance. Both documents have been changed to reflect that, fees, if using a credit card for payment, include applicable Paygov fees. Melinda Jobe made a motion to adopt the revised Ordinance Establishing a Sidewalk Construction and Financing Policy. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.


A motion was made by Doug O’Connor to adopt the Ordinance #2015-8-2 declaring an alley between W. Madison & W. Monroe Streets. The motion was supported by Jerry Faucett and carried with a unanimous vote.

The Council reviewed legal documents prepared by Ray. The Council will review the documents and decide if they need to meet in an executive meeting to discuss.


Walt Minnick reported that Jim Stewart told him that he is not willing to give the town an easement, ingress or egress.


Two more applications have been received for the Utility Supt. Position. The Council will interview both applicants on Monday, August 17th at 7:00 & 7:30. Following interviews an open meeting will be held at 8:00pm.


Brad reported the following: that the roof repairs are complete at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. B L Anderson will here to look at adding the Chlorine to the auto-dialer. Well #2 is back up and running. Town Employees will be flushing hydrants due to numerous complaints about water quality. Doug & Brad will meet with Dylan Lambermont, Wessler Engineering to look at the water plant and possible solutions to the water quality issues. Clerk reported that Danny Mann had called wanting clarification on who is responsible for the sewer line in the alley. His contractor has told him that he is usually not allowed to dig in alleys, that this is the town’s responsibility. They realize that they are responsible for their lateral, but the sewer main is on the opposite side of the alley from where they are located. They would like to get the work finished tomorrow so that the restaurant can reopen. Brad cannot get to it tomorrow. The Council discussed hiring AAA to do the town part since they are doing the other section. Jerry will also get a couple of contractors as back-up as well.


John reported that he and others in the Kirklin Police Department had participated in National Night Out. They gave away free pizza, cookies, cake, & drinks. John felt like the evening went very well and they had a lot of people in the community stop by.

John reported that they have hit a snag with running local ordinance violations through Frankfort City Court. He has found out that we need an inter-local agreement. He also has discovered that the county prosecutor still has control over the deferral funds. John gave a report that, he has not listed them yet, but will be listing the generator & two air conditioners on Govdeals within the month.


The council agreed to meet following the interviews on Monday, August 17th to review the draft Codification Ordinance and make any necessary changes.


A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to enter into an agreement with the Clinton County Election Board to run the Municipal Election for $750.00. The motion was supported by Jerry Faucett and carried with a unanimous vote.


Jerry Faucett reported a leak at 513 S. Main Street that he has fixed. He reported that it was a large leak, but the additional usage has not been billed yet.


Walt reported that the Republican Convention would be held at Town Hall on Thursday at 6:30pm to determine what Council Members would be elected for next year. There were no other party candidates to sign up for the Town Council.

Financial reports prior to the meeting and copies of the 2016 proposed Budget were given to the Council.

Register of Claims and Billing Adjustment registers were presented and signed.

Respectfully submitted-Mary King