ISSUE 39 / Clerk to the Council: Ms Gina Condie, Lobb Cottage, Vera’s Walk, Storrington, RH20 3JF. E-mail:
Phone: 01903 776363/07776771921 Website: www.washingtonparish.org.uk
______/ JULY 2015


Did anyone spot the blatant mistake at the beginning of our last Newsletter? (Glad if you didn’t!)

As our Chairman notes below, we have gained two new faces on the Parish Council, but we’ve also lost three: Mike Turley, who served for many years on the Council, including a spell as Vice-Chairman; David Horwood, who played a leading part in bringing in a speed limit on cars in the village; and recently Steve Jolley, expert in several fields, whose work commitments made him unable to continue, to his regret. This means that a vacancy in the Heath Common Ward will have to be filled, by election or cooption. An even sadder loss early this year was that of Jane Davies, a wise and genial presence on the Council till recently, who died unexpectedly and too young. A plaque commemorating her has been placed in the former telephone box next to her home at Sanctuary Cottage.

Another kind of loss was that of our village shop, next to the Frankland Arms, which after some years gave up the struggle against larger market forces in April. Promotion of a village shop in Washington is on our wish list in the soon-to-be-finalized Neighbourhood Plan, so this is discouraging.

Cuts in local government funding are bound to have various impacts on us: here is one instance. Since April West Sussex County Council has withdrawn archaeological advice to the district councils as part of the planning process. This may not sound much, but the fact is that our part of the world is full of all kinds of archaeology – a mark of our distinctiveness. Though HDC is still committed to taking it into consideration when planning matters are decided, the well-informed input of specialists who know the territory at first hand will be lacking. This puts a particular onus on all of us to keep our eyes open and notice what’s happening or proposed; much has been lost hereabouts in recent years, often through sheer ignorance.

The Annual Parish Meeting was much better attended than last time, and led to lively discussion, though no consensus was reached on the question of possibly renaming the Parish ‘Washington and Heath Common’ (a final decision on this would presumably be up to HDC). A less-satisfactory meeting was called by Dudman’s with the Wiston Estate to discuss the future of the massive Rock Common sandpit site; it was well-attended, but there were complaints that it had been inadequately advertised. The problems of this and the adjoining Windmill Quarry site are still unresolved; nor (so far as we know) has any work on restoring the famous but dilapidated Rock Windmill itself been undertaken. The latter is of course not only a prominent listed building, symbolic of Washington, but was the much-loved final home of the composer John Ireland.

Each of the last three Junes I’ve made an amateurish count of the number of wild orchids (nearly all Heath or Common Spotted, though very variable) in flower simultaneously at the N-E corner of the ‘Triangle’. This time I’ve estimated them at somewhat over 250, though other flowering plants, themselves also attractive, make it hard to find them all. There has been quite an expansion of orchid numbers just across the slip-road too. Please keep an eye open for anybody illegally digging them up! We hope an ecological survey of the ‘Triangle’ will be in our hands soon.

Robin Milner-Gulland

From the Chairman

May was election month – not only to determine our national government, but also to elect district and parish councillors. New to the district council is Paul Marshall, a Washington resident with a keen interest in local affairs. In the parish council, an election in the Washington Ward resulted in two new councillors being elected: Kevin Newman and Dan Muddle (who at 18 years of age, is our youngest ever councillor!) We welcome both, and at the same time give our thanks to former councillors Mike Turley and David Horwood for their valued contributions. In Heath Common ward, the six incumbent councillors stood for re- election, and there were no further contenders.

The council has subsequently elected me as Chairman for the coming year, with David Whyberd as Vice Chairman, both to serve in our respective roles for a second year.

Our clerk Petrina Kingham has decided on a change of direction, and has left to join the caring profession. We thank Petrina for her excellent work, and now welcome Gina Condie who took over the reins on 1st June. Gina resides in the parish in Vera’s Walk, and is looking forward to being clerk to the council.

The Neighbourhood Plan continues to progress. Following the initial public consultation, a number of changes were made, and the revised plan was again out to consultation until June 16th. During this time, a public display marquee was mounted over two weekends in Storrington High St, and one in Washington Village. The plan will now be reviewed, and submitted to Horsham District Council prior to its final submission to the government inspector. The public referendum should then follow in the autumn. For more information, please visit the parish website.

In keeping with our aim to increase public engagement, we hosted this year’s Annual Parish Meeting on April 24th in the large (Chanctonbury) room of the Village Hall. Attendance was significantly higher than in previous years, and afterwards there was an opportunity to chat informally with councillors over a glass of wine. Another such opportunity will present itself (without the wine!) at Village Day on July 11th, where we shall have a small marquee, and hope to see many of you to chat about the Neighbourhood Plan and any other issues that you’d like to discuss. All are welcome at our regular meetings, for which the agendas are posted on the parish notice boards and the website.

Patrick Heeley - Chairman

Vehicles obstructing the post box outside the Frankland Arms
Please can the residents be reminded not to obstruct the Post Box and to park considerably outside the Frankland Arms. Access to the post box had been a recent problem for both the postman and residents.

Washington Village Day - Please come along and join in the fun!
Saturday 11th July, 12:00 - 17:00, Washington Recreation Ground

Fun for all the family so do come along and invite your friends! The activities will include:
Flower and Produce Show
Dog Show
Food & Drink
Live Music
Games & Rides
Go Karts
Tug of War
Punch & Judy


Outing to Windsor Castle: Thursday 10th September
An exhibition "Wellington at Windsor" is included, to mark the bicentenary of Waterloo.
A coach will take us there and return us; you can take a lunch or buy
food in the town. The trip will cost £32. There are still a few seats available, so if you and a friend are interested please contact Sue on 01903 892159.

Walk from Arundel to Brighton - raise money for the Dame Vera Lynne Trust for children with cerebral palsy

Saturday 19th September 2015

Have you got what it takes to walk the South Downs Way from Arundel to Brighton? Bring friends and family, start a work team or walk alone if you’re up for the challenge!

For further information call 01403 788994, email or visit www.bit.ly/A2BWalk

Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance Cycle Challenge - celebrating 25 years of saving lives

Annual cycle ride - Double 100 Cycle Challenge - 27th September 2015

If you are interested in taking part in this challenge and supporting the air ambulance charity then please register at www.kssairambulance.co.uk/involved/Double100.

Hooray for pots, tubs & trays!

Horsham District Council is now able to accept your household pots, tubs and trays in your regular household recycling collections. To find out more visit www.horsham.gov.uk/bins, or call 01403 733144.

Dog Fouling

A reminder to all dog owners - in 1998 the Horsham District Council Dog Fouling Order came into effect. It is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after the dog if it fouls in a public area. Failure to do so may incur a Fixed Penalty Notice of £80. The law applies almost everywhere once you are outside your own garden.

The following link has information or how to report a perpetrator who does not pick up after their dog:

http://www.horsham.gov.uk/bins/streetcleansing/dog-bins-and-dog-fouling or call Horsham District Council on 01403 733144.


Allotment sheds - 7 easy steps for security

Horsham District Council has produced a really helpful guide containing security advice for those of you who have an allotment shed. There are copies available at Horsham Police Station or a pdf version is available via the Horsham District Council website: https://www.horsham.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/4567/2012_Allotment_Security_Guide_leaflet_web_size.pdf

The neighbouring police team at Horsham recommend the following seven easy steps to make your allotment shed more secure and help prevent loss of valuable items:

1. Store items away from allotments2. Fit a hasp and staple3. Replace screws with coach bolts4. Board up windows5. Replace or repair damaged or weak shed panels6. Chain garden tools together and use an anchor point7. Property- mark tools with your postcode and house number

Open Garden

The fine garden of the Old Vicarage (next to the Church) will again be open in aid of the National Gardens Scheme on 23rd August and 18th October.


Washington Ward Members

Cllr Lesley Britt, 1 Rose Cottage, The Street, Washington, RH20 4AS


Cllr Norah Dorè, 19 Chanctonbury Close, Washington, RH20 4AR

Cllr Robin Milner-Gulland, Tilleys Cottage, The Pike, Washington, RH20 4AA


Cllr Dan Muddle, 3 Washington Cottages, Storrington Road, Washington, West Sussex, RH20 4AQ


Cllr Kevin Newman, 3 The Holt, Washington, Pulborough RH20 4AQ


Heath Common Ward Members [one vacancy]

Chairman: Cllr Patrick Heeley, Uphill Cottage, Vera’s Walk, Storrington, RH20 3JF

Vice-chairman: Cllr David Whyberd, Wychwood, Chestnut Close, Storrington, RH20 3PA


Cllr Christine Beglan, Wrens Hill, Georges Lane, Storrington, RH20 3JH

Cllr Trisha Cook, Mulberry Cottage, Sandy Lane, Storrington, RH20 3JJ


Cllr Rick Thomas, Windrush, Vera’s Walk, Storrington, RH20

Clerk to the Council

Gina Condie, Lobb Cottage, Vera’s Walk, Storrington. RH20 3JF


Website: www.washingtonparish.org.uk
Phone: 01903 776363 or 07776771921

District and County Councillors:

Cllr Philip Circus – West Sussex County Council Cllr Paul Marshall– Horsham District Council


Cllr Jim Sanson – Horsham District Council Cllr Ray Dawe - Horsham District Council