Lesson Plan for Course entitled: NCCER Masonry 1: COREProgram: Masonry
Teacher: Greg Cobb
Week: Week 2Estimated Duration: 5 class period…400 min
Overview: The module explains the role of the safety in the construction crafts. Trainees will identify and follow safe work practices and procedures.
Alabama Course of Study:
- SLW apply safety rules, regulations, & procedures
- SLW identify rules & regulations related to workforce
ANCHOR STANDARD #1: Students should be able to summarize text & back up what they say with specific details from the text.
ANCHOR STANDARD #2: Identify main ideas and paraphrase/summarize into language that students understand
ANCHOR STANDARD #3: Read a text and discuss ideas about the content of the text and why the events unfolded or why the individuals interacted
ANCHOR STANDARD # 7: Use information shown in videos, articles, charts, graphs, words and power points to evaluate information and relate it to current lesson
ANCHOR STANDARD # 10: Read and paraphrase complex texts with minimal assistance from the teacher / OBJECTIVE(S):
- Explain the idea of a safety culture and its importance in the construction crafts.
- Identify causes of accidents and their impact
- Explain the role of OSHA in job-site safety.
- Explain OSHA’s General Duty Clause and 1926 CFR Subpart C.
- Recognize hazard & risk assessment techniques
- Explain fall protection, ladder, stair, & scaffold procedures & requirements.
_X__Textbook / ___Lab / ___ Video/TV
_X__Workbook / ___Posters / ___Multi-Media
___Speaker / __3D Rover / ___Project
___Internet / _X__ Computers
/ Activities and Learning Experiences
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Beginning / Review material/information from last week. Life experiences presented and discuss how safety could solve problems. / Review material/information from yesterday. Life experiences presented and discuss how safety could solve problems. / Review material/information from yesterday. Life experiences presented and discuss how safety could solve problems. / Review material/information from yesterday. Grab attention with life experience story. Debrief. / Review material/information from yesterday. Life experiences presented and discuss how safety could solve problems.
Middle / Begin oral reading of Module 1 in CORE text.
Q & A to check for understanding / Continue reading in CORE text. Take turns; check for understanding throughout. / Oral reading of Module 1 in CORE text.
Q & A to check for understanding / Oral reading of Module 1 in CORE text.
Q & A to check for understanding / Oral reading of Module 1 in CORE text.
Q & A to check for understanding. Safety signs and warnings-taught and identified.
End / Assessment will occur throughout lesson with Q & A. Culminate with discussion. / Use YouTube safety videos to reinforce safety in the workplace. / Assessment will occur throughout lesson with Q & A. Culminate with discussion / Assessment will occur throughout lesson with Q & A. Culminate with discussion / Assessment will occur throughout lesson with Q & A. Culminate with discussion. SLW be able to properly don PPE
Why is safety important?
How can I make my workplace safe?
___Homework / _X__Feedback
discussion / _X__ Class
Observation / ____ Test / ___Performance
_X__ Q & A / ____Lab Check-off
Provisions for Individual Differences (Remediation/Accommodation): The teacher will assist each student individually according to the student’s IEP. A complete CTIP is on file for each student with special needs. One-on-One Instruction is provided as needed for clarification and/or remediation.
Codes: R=Reading W=Writing C=Communication SS=Social Studies M=Math Skills S=Science IR=Interpersonal Relations Skills CL=Computer Literacy Skills DM=Decision Making PS=Problem Solving CT=Critical Thinking IL=Integration of Leadership LD=Learning Disorder ES=Employability Skills MS=Management SkillsWA=Work Attitudes TW=TeamworkL=Listening **Student credential for this program: NCCER CORE Modules .