Forest Hills Elementary PTO Minutes

September 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Mindy Rok, PTO President, after parents had the chance to meet with their child’s teachers. Mindy then thanked everyone for attending and pointed out the great turn out of parents due to teacher participation in Meet the Teacher Night.

Mindy then introduced the principal, Mr. James Lashinsky, assistant principal, Mr. Lucas Jacobs, and the Director of Education, Mrs. Vanessa Sral.

The assistant principal, Mr. Jacobs, then gave a brief overview of the Title I and Title II Part A Federal Programs. Mr. Jacobs explained that the Title I program aims to improve basic skills in reading and math for students and the Title II program is funded by government money which is used for various training programs for teachers and to help reduce classroom size. Then, Mr. Jacobs described that Forest Hills Elementary School has begun the FHOSS (Focus on Student Skills) Time Program. Mr. Jacobs then added that this program will help all students in grades K-3by allowing students to work in groups for 30 minutes each day with a teacher and focus on improving specific skills.

The principal, Mr. Lashinsky then introduced all teachers in attendance. Mr. Lashinsky thanked all teachers, parents, and the community for the dedication and support of our school and all activities.

Next, there was a drawing for teacher parking spaces. Two parking spaces were drawn for the first half of the year and two parking spaces were drawn for the second half of the year. Winners were Mr. Cordek who donated his pass to Ms. Ciampa (1st half), Ms. Penna (1st half), Mrs. Hupkovich (2nd half), and Mrs. Stombaugh (2nd half).

Then, there was a drawing for teacher Sheetz cards. There were five Sheetz MTO Coupons. Winners were Mrs. Weyant, Mr. Carpenter, Mrs. McGough, Mrs. McCall, and Mrs. Howell.

Mr. Lashinsky then excused teachers to leave and gave the children the option to play in the Multi-Purpose Room under the supervision of Mrs. Bourdess and Mr. Carpenter during the remainder of the PTO meeting.

Mindy Rok then introduced the 2010-2011 PTO Executive Board.

Treasurer, Laura Docherty reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report as submitted, by Cheryl Bailey and seconded by Tina Claire. The motion passed unanimously. Laura Docherty then discussed and reviewed the PTO budget for 2011-2012 school year. Laura explained that the budget has been increased by a total of $1500.00. Areas of increase were the school carnival ($150.00), the yearbooks ($400.00), the student appreciation t-shirts ($750.00), and the Pre-K field trip money ($250.00). A motion was made to accept the Budget as submitted, by Mary Jane Sherman and seconded by Jeff Blanchetti. The motion passed unanimously.

Next, Mindy Rok discussed the importance of PTO volunteers so that many activities throughout the school year can be provided for all students. Mindy explained that the Walk-A-Thon fundraiser would generate money to pay for field trips for all grades, t-shirts for students, yearbooks and the school carnival as long as the goal of $35,000.00 is met.

Jess Wingard, 2nd Vice President, then asked for parent volunteers for upcoming Santa Shop in December.

Then a drawing was held for the two $25 Sheetz gift cards for members who brought their membership forms to the meeting. Winners were Theresa Miller and Carol Alocheny.

Mindy Rok then gave an overview of the Box Tops for Education program and prizes that will be awarded to classrooms collecting the most Box Tops. Mindy then indicated that the goal for the school year would be to collect $10,000 worth of Box Tops.

Wanda Webb, Member at Large, then explained that Forest Hills collects Campbell’s Labels. She added that labels can be found on various products including magazines and Post cereal.

Mindy Rok then asked for parent help in the art room a few hours a week on behalf of Mr. Burda and Mrs. Krestar.

There was new business. Mr. Lashinsky introduced Laura Miller as she will be completing an internship in the spring at Forest Hills Elementary School.

The Box Tops for Education Gift Bag drawing was next. Five Box Tops for Education Gift Bags were drawn for. Winners were Karen Blaisdell, Jessica Parrish, Heather Weinzeirl, Leanne Detwiler, and Stephanie Conrad.

The drawing was held for the School Spirit Gift basket raffle. There were 2 baskets and the winners were Joanna Martyak and Amanda Myers.

Mindy Rok thanked everyone for coming and a motion to adjourn was given by Mr. Lashinsky and Jen Steele. The meeting ended at 8:05PM.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:

Amy Docherty

PTO Secretary