El Camino College Inter-Club Council


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 12:00pm

Library 202

I.  Call to Order/Welcome

Vice President Chris Pham called the meeting to order at 12:00pm and welcomed everyone. Quorum was established.

II.  Roll Call – I.C.C. Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in

A.  I.C.C. Cabinet

1.  I.C.C. President- Ana Safazada

2.  I.C.C. Vice President- Chris Pham

3.  I.C.C. Review Board Commissioner: Kirstin Nguyen

4.  I.C.C. Finance Commissioner: Brandon Davis

5.  I.C.C. Fundraising Commissioner: Preena Chand

B.  Voting Club Representatives

1.  African American Student Society: Michael Frazier

2.  Alpha Gamma Sigma (A.G.S.): Nicholas Mitchell and Chris Pham

3.  Anthropology Club: Damaris Olaechoa, Andrew Meyers

4.  Architecture Club: Kirstin Nguyen

5.  College Republicans: Damien McDowell

6.  Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A.): Kyle Murray

7.  Gay-Straight Alliance (G.S.A.): Mervin Knowel I. Olaes

8.  IGNITE: Shaneka Edwards and Brandon James

9.  International Business Club: Sammy Chang

10.  Psychology Club: Axel Knutson

11.  Science Club: Hashim Tyler

12.  Sociology Club: Jose Cholico

13.  South Pacific Islanders Club: Peter Malufau

14.  Vision 218: Ian Abinoja

C.  I.C.C. Adviser – Janice Watanabe

D.  Guests – Darci Garrigues, Vanessa Durand (G.S.A. President)

III.  Approval of I.C.C. Minutes

A.  Meeting on September 2, 2009

Motion made by the Psychology Club to approve the minutes of September 2, 2009. Second by G.S.A.. Motion passed.

IV.  Announcements and Introductions

A.  Club Announcements

·  African American Student Society

o  Meetings: Tues, 1-1:50pm in SOCS-212

·  A.G.S.

o  Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tues, 1-2pm in SOCS-106

o  Car Wash on Sept. 19th

·  Anthropology Club

o  Meeting: Thurs, 1:00pm in ARTB-334

·  Architecture Club

o  Meeting: tomorrow in TA-253

·  College Republicans

o  Meetings: Thurs 1pm in Tech Arts 154

·  F.D.L.A.

o  Meetings: 1st Thurs, 1-2pm in front of Special Resource Center

·  G.S.A.

o  Meeting: Every Tues from 1-2pm in ARTB-317

o  Torrance Pride Picnic will be on September 20th


o  Meetings: Thurs from 12-2pm on the Library Lawn

·  International Business Club

o  Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tues of month

o  Recruiting new members – will have a table at Club Rush

·  M.S.A.

o  Meetings: Tues at 1:00pm, location to be determined

o  Upcoming Event – The Fastathon is their big event on Sept. 15th – it is to observe Ramadan – breaking of the fast is at 7:00pm. There will be a free dinner and a guest speaker. All are invited.

·  Psychology Club

o  Meetings: 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays in September, ARTB 344

·  Science Club

o  Meetings: Every Tues at 1:00pm in NS-206

·  South Pacific Islanders Club

o  Meetings: Monday from 3-4pm

·  Vision 218

o  Meetings: Thurs from 1-2pm in ARTB-211

V.  Reports

A.  Officer Report

1.  Review Board Commissioner – Kirstin Nguyen

  1. The American Red Cross Club turned in their proposed constitution. Kirstin will meet with the I.C.C. adviser and the club’s rep to review the constitution.

VI.  Business Items

A.  Approval of I.C.C. Cabinet Appointments

1.  The president appointed Brandon Davis to the position of I.C.C. Finance Commissioner.

Motion made by the Science Club to approve the appointment of Brandon Davis as I.C.C. Finance Commissioner. Second by G.S.A.. Motion passed.

2.  The president appointed Preena Chand to the position of I.C.C. Fundraising Commissioner.

Motion made by the College Republicans to approve the appointment of Preena Chand as the I.C.C. Fundraising Commissioner. Second by Architecture Club. Motion passed.

B.  Finance Items

1.  I.C.C. Conference Attendance

Motion made by Science Club to approve up to $2000 from I.C.C. Conference Attendance Account #836535 to send up to four I.C.C. Cabinet members to the C.C.C.S.A.A. Student Leadership Conference on October 16-18, 2009 in Sacramento. Second by A.G.S..


·  There was concern that this approval would mean that no money would be left in the conference attendance account for clubs to request.

·  Brandon Davis and Janice Watanabe described the conference activities including workshops and networking with other colleges

Motion passed.

VII.  Information Items

A.  Club Rush – Ana Safazada and Kirstin Nguyen

1.  Mon., Sept. 14 thru Thurs., Sept. 17 from 10am-2pm on the Library Lawn south walkway under trees.

2.  I.C.C. will provide a table(s)/chair(s) and balloons for clubs who turn in their participation form by Friday, September 11. Table signs will also be available on a first-come, first-served basis each day.

3.  Each club should make their own banner and sign-up sheets

4.  Banner ink and paper are available to check out at the Student Development Office

5.  Clubs indicated that they may be doing a carnival-type activity at their table:

a)  College Republicans – donkey piñata

b)  A.G.S. – dart game, raffle, tug-o-war

c)  South Pacific Islanders – broadcasting 2 different islands each day (8 islands total) – may also ask island dancers to perform

6.  Possible music on Tuesday/Thursday from 1-2pm

B.  Club Mixer

1.  Friday, September 25th - 12pm-2pm – by invitation

2.  Clubs are encouraged to send 3 people (ICC rep, president and one new club member) – RSVP

3.  Contact Chris Pham if questions:

4.  Volunteers are needed beginning at 8 or 9am to set up

C.  Bloodmobile

1.  Co-chairs for the Blood Drive are: Brandon Davis and Kirstin Nguyen

2.  Location is Activities Center West Lounge and the dates are:

·  Tuesday, October 13 from 9am-3pm

·  Wednesday, October 14 from 9am-8pm

·  Thursday, October 15 from 9am-3pm

3.  Kim Davis our Red Cross representative will be giving a presentation to the clubs at the I.C.C. meeting on September 23, 2009.

4.  Copy of flier will be put in club boxes

D.  Homecoming Discussion

1.  Location of dance – can’t be in the Act. Center East Lounge like last year due to temporary location of the Bookstore

2.  If off campus, cost is a factor

3.  Possible location suggestions:

a)  ECC Parking structure – top level

b)  Gym – shoes and food are issues

c)  Alpine Village – Peter Malufau’s family member owns Alpine Village and will look into its availability and cost. Clubroom could accommodate 350-400, buffet is possibility

VIII.  Next I.C.C. Meetings

A.  Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 at 12pm in the I.C.C. Office. Club budget requests for approval at the September 16th I.C.C. meeting are due on Friday, September 11th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures).

B.  General Meeting – Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 12pm in Activities Center West Conference Room.

IX.  Open Discussion

A.  Brandon Davis – Heal the Bay will be doing a coastal clean-up on Saturday

X.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by G.S.A.. Second by Psychology Club. Motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:48pm.

Minutes recorded by Janice Watanabe

Verified by:


Ana Safazada, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser

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