Colorado WaterWise Board MeetingMINUTES

Thursday, April12th, 2018

Thornton Water – 12450 Washington St Thornton, CO 80241

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Amanda MathiasMile High Youth

XAmelia NudingWestern Resource

XAmy VolckensBrendle

XAlyssa QuinnPlatte Canyon W&S

XDiana DenwoodAurora

XDarren NowelsReSource

XEric OlsonCity of Fort

XFrank KinderColorado Springs

Katie HelmFountain

XLaura WingCity of

XLyndsey LuciaNorthern Water Conservancy

XNina CudahyGreen Mountain

XRuth QuadeCity of

XTyler KeslerBoulder

XMelissa WalfordCWW Board


Thomas Riggle – City of Centennial

Call to Order

Dianacalled the meeting to order at10:04AM

Board Business and Action Items

Approval of March Board Minutes. DianaMotions, Alyssa seconds.March minutes are approved.

Uber Conference / Zoom evaluation

Lyndsey discussed that the Uber membership renews at the end of April. Melissa asked for feedback from the board on issues that members have experienced. The biggest issue being joining before the host. Melissa will update the default settings and pre-scheduled meetings to allow “join before the host” which should alleviate that problem. Melissa will develop an SOP for organizing meetings. Discussion on cost difference between Uber and Zoom – Zoom is slightly more expensive but allows for better webinar functions which is an add-on the months that we host webinars. Discussion on additional technology to invest in to improve quality such as Bluetooth speaker/mic or a conference phone to hook in to at each location – Amy mentioned that she has a speaker/mic combo that might work and will provide potential information on this technology.Lyndsey will work to get Uber cancelled

Membership / LLYLI Membership solicitation

Membership committee had been organizing the membership database within WildApricot and discussed potential to align with LLYLI outreach efforts. Contacts that have signed up for email updates through the website throughout 2017 and 2018 will be added to a prospect list to be sent a prospect email. Tyler talked about LLYLI outreach efforts, which will consist of an email first, then a call to folks that are on a contact list that board members have an existing relationship with, potential to setup meetings with prospective partners to discuss LLYLI. Darren will look into any resources that he has at Resource Central. Discussion about Lisa’s past experience with outreach and potential future interest. Alyssa mentioned that she can talk with her but not sure how she will want to approach that outreach effort. Amelia discussed the 3 steps to be used to create the contact list that Tyler mentioned – 1. Create a google doc that the board can add their contacts to be used for outreach. Tyler will create the document and share with the group and draft template. Laura discussed work that Jessica is doing for the outreach guide which should be done by April 20th. 2. How we contact the prospective members – tell a story, use quotes from past partners, create elevator pitch, presenting at prospective members or city council meeting. Amelia mentioned that she would be interesting in bringing in a professional to help with creating the content. Melissa will create SOW for outreach effort. Melissa will send to membership committee, Diana, and Amy to review.

Financial Update

Currently $21k for membership to date. Loveland sent LLYLI partnership - $5,000. LLYLI is $9k to date.

Projections: LLYLI $5k needed CWW: $8k is needed.

We are looking good for the year based on current membership projections.

LLYLI update

Laura provided update on most recent committee call. The website address needs to be added to the 14er fact sheets – Laura will look into doing this ourselves. Discussed #Hike4Water outreach and Evoque Communication’s recommendation for the campaign with phases over June, July, August with Care, Conserve, Commit and recommendations to broaden the outreach to hiking and not just 14ers. Tyler suggested having influencers with paid sponsors to spread reach. Frank suggested Colorado Mountain Club, GOCO – Ruth has a contact, Sierra Club – Thomas has a contact, Volunteer for Outdoor Colorado – Diana might have a contact. 14ers Initiative, WRV – Diana, Alliance Center – Thomas has a contact. Discussed the Social Media calendar that Melissa is working on. And looking into photo stock that can be used on social outreach. Survey is getting finalized and incorporated into Survey Monkey and sent out by the 18thand being sent to CWW Members. Amelia asked about how we provide the information to new CWW members – Alyssa and Laura are working on this. Discussed needing to market the shopping cart more. Developing marketing plan and budget allocation. Earth Day Colorado event – Melissa, Amelia, and Laura will work on splitting the day for tabling.

Website & Newsletter capabilities

Ruth asked the group for feedback on the format of the most recent newsletter. Diana said the new format was difficult to navigate and okay. Darren looking into other options for platforms – Constant Contact ($10/month) and MailChimp (free). Other issue is that membership needs to be protected or limited. Also issues with archives of newsletter articles. Tyler asked about google analytics and tags. Ruth will send an email to the board about gathering additional input from the board.

Special Events costs

RMSAWWA – Sept 16-19 – Exhibitor information not available yet

Special District Association (SDA) – exhibit space is sold out – Melissa will email them about additional exhibitor space

Earth Day Colorado – April 21 – 10’ x 10’ table $100 – already signed up

Green Schools Expo – May 3rd – Table Top $6508’ x 10’ booth $1,000 – Melissa will look into this closer to the date

Water in the West Symposium – April 26 & 27 – 6’ table and 2 chairs (breakfast and lunch included) $1,500 – Melissa will email to determine if we can have a reduced table and if available will organize shift coverage.

Lavender Fest – Sat, July 21st –10’ x 10’ booth $50 – not recommended

Melissa will look into Colorado Water Congress for 2018

Symposium Update

Frank discussed International Carwash Association speaker, and discussion on the Green Industry Development panel. Amelia asked about any policy topics to be covered – recommended session on legislative update related to Reg 84 and potable reuse projects/initiatives. Discussion on theme, location, date, and sponsors. Melissa will send out the new sponsorship levels for the board to review. Melissa asked that if the board has additional speaker recommendations that they should email and the committee will discuss and evaluate.

New Business


Wrap up and Adjourn

Dianaadjourned the meetingat 12:01PM.

Submitted by:

Melissa Walford