Australian Association of Family Therapy, WA Branch


Professional Development Event


Moshe Langwill be presenting a 2 day workshop

“Resilience – Responding to Loss and Trauma”

Moshe Langis one of Australia’s best known family therapists. Born in Israel, he migrated to Australia as a young man and settled here in 1961. He studied psychology at the University of Melbourne, and is the Director ofWilliam Road Psychotherapy Centre. Between 1965 and 1979 he was senior psychologist at the Bouverie Clinic and Director of Training. In 1975, during a sabbatical, he worked in Ramat-Chen Mental Health Clinic in Israel. In 1979, he founded Williams Road Family Therapy Centre, the firstindependent family therapy Centre in Australia. He was Foundation President of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy (1979-1988), and from 1982 to 1984 wasPresident of the Victorian Association of Family Therapists (now known as Australian Association of Family Therapy). Moshe is also the Recipient of the Inaugural Award of Special Services to Family Therapy from the Australian New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy (1994), and a Life Member of the Australian Association of Family Therapy (1992). Moshe gave the key-note address at the Inaugural Family Therapy Conference in Melbourne (1980).

Moshe has published extensively in the professional literature on themes ranging from Work with Children and Adolescents, depression, eating disorders, suicide, school refusal, work with holocaust survivors and their families, couples and family therapy and teaching family therapy. His publications include the Children Depression Scale with Mirian Tisher.

Please visit Moshe’s website for further information

Website |

Friday and Saturday, 7th and 8th October 2016, 9.00 -5.00pm

East Fremantle Yacht Club, Petra Street, East Fremantle

Australian Association of Family Therapy, WA Branch (AAFTWA)


Venue: East Fremantle Yacht Club, Petra Street, East Fremantle

Registration: 8.30- 9.00am, Friday 7th October

Cost: 2 day workshop. AAFT Members $480; Non-Members $520

Fully catered. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements

Please complete this registration form and forward by email to:-

Anne Holloway

Email |

Transfer electronically the required amount to:

WA Family Therapy Association

BSB: 066200

Account Number: 10025540

Invoice: “surname”moshelang

Participants will receive written confirmation of registration on completion of the above via email and a programme for the 2 day workshop.

Applicant Details (Please Print Clearly)

First name ______Family name ______

Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr ______

Job title (if applicable)______

Organisation (if applicable)______


Suburb/Town______State______Post Code ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______