Hospitality Management 4–Year Plan (126 credits)
Iowa State University, 2011-2012 Bulletin

Freshman Year

Fall / Spring
Professional Development / AESHM 111 / 3 / Principles of Mgt in Human Sci / AESHM 287 / 3
Natural Science or Intro Biology / BIOL 101[1] / 3 / Critical Thinking & Commun / ENGL 150 / 3
Intro to Human Nutrition / FSHN 167 / 3 / Math / MATH 104 or MATH 150 / 3
Intro to Hospitality Industry / HRI 101 / 3 / HRI or General Elective / 2–3
Individual & Family Life Devel / HDFS 102 / 3 / Psych or Soc / 3
Work Experience I / AESHM 170 / 1 / Library Instruction / LIB 160 / .5
Total / 16 / Total / 14.5–15.5

Sophomore Year

Fall / Spring
Principles of Microeconomics / ECON 101 / 3 / Financial Accounting / ACCT 284 / 3
Work Experience II / AESHM 270 / 1–2 / Seminar on Careers & Internships / AESHM 311 / 1
Hospitality Sanitation & Safety / HRI 233 / 3 / Fund. Of Food Preparation / FS HN 111 / 2
Written, Oral, Visual & Elec Composition / ENGL 250 / 3 / Food Prep Lab
Principles of Statistics / FS HN 115
STAT 101 / 1
HRI or General Electives[2] / 3 / HRI or General Electives3 / 5
Natural Sciences or Chemistry[3] / 3
Total / 16–17 / Total / 16

Junior Year

Fall / Spring
Hospitality & Apparel Marketing / AESHM 340 / 3 / Human Resource Mgt / AESHM 438 / 3
Quantity Food Production Mgt / HRI 380 / 3 / Hospitality Law / HRI 315 / 3
Quantity Food Product & Serv Mgt Experience / HRI 380L / 2 / HRI or General Electives2 / 8-9
Lodging Operations Mgt I / HRI 352 / 3 / Humanities / 3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking / SP CM 212 / 3
HRI or General Electives3 / 3
Total / 17 / Total / 17-18
Professional Internship / AESHM 470 / 3–6
Total / 3–6

Senior Year

Fall / Spring
Hospitality Op Cost Controls / HRI 333 / 3 / Aesthetics of Everyday Exp / AESHM 342 / 3
HRI or General Electives2 / 5-10 / Hospitality Financial Mgt / HRI 433 / 3
Humanities / 3 / Hospitality Strategic Mgt / HRI 455 / 3
HRI or General Electives2 / 2-5
Total / 13-18 / Total / 11–14

US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement: Students in HRI fulfill the US Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements by choosing 3 credits of coursework from each of the University–approved lists. Note: This sequence is only an example. The number of credits taken each semester should be based on the individual student’s situation. Factors that may affect credit hours per semester include student ability, employment, health, activities, and grade point considerations.

June 2011

[1] BIOL 101 required if student has not completed high school biology

[2] When the 4-year plan indicates HRI Group or General Electives, choice depends on courses available. However, you must have a total of 13-15 credits of HRI electives and 15-17 credits of General Electives (HRI courses may be taken to meet General Electives requirements).

[3] CHEM 160 required if student has not completed high school chemistry