Your Creative Comic Strip

Assignment #2

Objective: You will be designing your own comic strip.

  1. Come up with an idea for a comic strip. It can be something simple like a small gag, a catchy title or an interesting setting. Take ideas from your own life, thinking about what has made you laugh recently or what happened in the news. Although the idea is important in a comic strip it's not like a story because the drawings and expressions of the characters add equally to it.

2. Come up with a hero that has a great personality. Find images or draw pictures (using Paint) of the hero on his/her own and in different positions - this is a very useful step. The hero needs to be likable. Give them features and clothes that reflect their personality. It's a cartoon so your drawing doesn't have to be amazing - develop your own style! You don't need to give too much detail because you'll probably end up drawing it quite small anyway.

3. Think of a plot line for your comic strip, try to get into the mind of your characters and think what might happen in their lives. Plan the story in writing, giving clear notes as to what you want in each section of the comic. (e.g: Box one: SuperKey sitting at his desk. Box two: Zoom in on computer screen.) If you're doing it by hand you can add quick sketches with stick men in your plan.

  1. If you feel you need to, plan/draw other key characters. You don't have to draw separately every character in the comic but (as already said) especially if it's a series it is useful to plan the main ones.
  2. Draw the first scene you have planned. Have your plan on hand and your character sketches. Draw in the key things but you don't need to have too much background. However, you can add mini jokes in the background for example a funny poster on the wall. Don't forget to add some text to help your readers understand (if you need it).
  3. When you have created the drawing for the first scene you can place it in “Comic Life” .
  4. Create your second scene and place it bedside your first. And continue onto the next.
  5. Present your comic to the class.


  • Reading cartoons can give you ideas. You don't need to steal to be inspired.
  • Search the internet for tips on drawing cartoons.
  • Create a cool title image to give your comic an identity.