FINAL FILING DATE: July 1, 2016, 5:00p.m.

State of California

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Ben Metcalf, Director

Department of Housing and Community Development

Laura A. Whittall-Scherfee, Deputy Director

Division of Financial Assistance

P. O. Box 952054

Sacramento, CA 94252-2054

Table of Contents



Certification of Application Information...... 5


Applicant Information...... 6

Continuum of Care (CoC) Information...... 7

Legislative and Congressional Information...... 8



1.Applicant Experience...... 13

2.Program Design...... 15

3.Need For Funds...... 23

4.Impact and Effectiveness...... 25

5.Cost Efficiency...... 27



This application is subject to the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program federalregulations established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), 24Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 91 and 576, as well as 25 California Code of Regulations (CCR),Section8400etseq.

A.Please read the ESG 2016Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), as well as the federal and State ESG regulations cited above.

B.Application Submittal:

Applications will be accepted for Emergency Shelter (ES), Rapid Re-housing (RR)and Street Outreach (SO) activities. Each activity must be submitted as a separate application.

  • Applications for ES and RR activities may also propose to include Homelessness Prevention (HP) and/or SO activities to be delivered in conjunction with the ES or RR activity. The limit when requesting one or both of these activities as stand-alone activities is ten percent (10%) of the total requested application amount.These added activities should be included in the same application as your main activity.
  • If requesting funds for HMIS, HMIS must be submitted in conjunction with identified eligible activities. HMIS cannot be submitted as a standalone activity. HMIS is limited to ten percent (10%) of the total requested application amount. HMIS should be included in the same application as your main activity.
  • Grant Administration is not an eligible expense for non-profit applicants under the 2016 ESG NOFA. Local government applicants may receive up to $200 per application in Grant Administration funds.
  • Indirect costs of private non-profit organizations, local governments and joint powers authorities, as applicable and in accordance with 2 CFR 200, are an eligible expense, but may not exceed ten percent (10%) of the allowable direct costs under the ESG activity, unless a higher limit for indirect cost allocation has been approved by the applicable federal agency pursuant to OMB requirements. Agencies requesting an indirect cost allocation above 10 percent must provide a letter from the federal agency which has approved the higher rate.

C.Application Requirements:

Submit 1Original (hard copy) application on the provided formwith wet, original signatures in a white 3-Ring Binderwith pockets, and one compact disc copy or USB flash drive of the hardcopy application, with signatures. Label the CD/Flash Drive “Copy” and include the Applicant Name, and CoC Service Area where the activity is proposed.

  • Type the applicant’s name, CoC Service Areaand 2016 ESG on the front of the binder;
  • Applications must be typed in 11-pitch font;
  • All Sections, I through V, and Attachments, A through P, must be tabbed;
  • All applications must keep the original pagination. If question responses do not fit within the space provided, use an additional page and place directly behind the original page. If additional pages are needed, use extended page numbers (i.e. page 7-1, 7-2, etc.);
  • Round all dollar amounts to the nearest dollar (i.e. $4.59 should be rounded to $5 and $4.25 should be rounded to $4); and
  • Faxed and/or emailed applicationswill not be accepted.

D.All applications will be reviewed for completeness. All or a portion of the application can be denied for the following reasons:

  • The application is incomplete and the State is unable to reasonably determine what the Applicant is proposing or whether the application meets threshold requirements;
  • The application does not pass ESG Program threshold, such as, if the Applicant or proposed activities are not eligible.

E.All HCD funding decisions are final.


The CoC will be required to submit to the Department by July 15, 2016, their provider selection process in writing as instructed by the Balance of State management memo issued by the Department in May.

By signing below, the CoC Representative certifies this Applicant was selected in a fair and open selection process as documented in the CoC’s selection process information, which meets the requirements of 25 CCR Sections 8404 (a)(2) and 8404 (a) (4) as applicable.

  1. Regional Competitive Funds

In making this recommendation, the Continuum of Care used a process which meets the following requirements:

  • Is Fair and open, and avoids conflicts of interest in project selection, implementation, and the administration of funds;
  • Considers State application eligibility and rating criteria in the Department’s 2016 ESG NOFA;
  • Complies with the eligible activity requirements set forth in the Department’s Annual Action Plan, and the Core Practice requirements in section 8409.

certification of cOc approvalfor applicant
  1. The Authorized Representative named in the Governing Board Resolution submitted with this Application certifies below:

(Insert Name of Authorized Representative) , am authorized to apply on behalf of (Insert Applicant Name) and attest that all information contained inthis application is accurate and completeto the best of my knowledge.

All information contained in this application isacknowledged to be public information and I authorize the Department ofHousing and Community Development to contact any or all of the parties listedin this proposal.

certification of application information


Applicant Information

Note: Name of Applicant must be the same as stated in the Articles of Incorporation, BoardResolution and Payee Data Record.

Name of Applicant:
County: / Federal Tax ID Number (EIN):
Address: / Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) :
City, State and Zip:
Private Non-Profit (501(c)3) / Victim Services Provider
Unit of General Purpose Local Government / Legal Services Provider
Authorized Representative Information (Per Board Resolution attached to this application)
First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:
Applicant Contact Information (If Different from Authorized Representative)
First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:
Applicant Fiscal Representative Information (i.e., CFO, Accountant/Bookkeeper)
First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:

Continuum of Care (CoC) Information

Provide information for theCoC where the applicant will provide assistance with the State ESG fundingrequested in this application. If necessary, provide additional copies of this page and mark as page 7-1, 7-2, etc.

Continuum of Care(CoC) Name:
CoC Contact: First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Title: / CoC #:
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:
CoC Homeless Management Information System (HMIS):
HMIS Software:
HMIS Lead:First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:
Victim Service Provider Comparable Database Name:
Contact: First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:
Legal Service Provider Comparable Database Name:
Contact: First, Middle and Last Names: / Mr.Mrs.Ms.Other
Address: / City, State and Zip:
Area Code and Phone No.:Fax No.: / E-Mail Address:

Legislative and Congressional Information

Provide the Legislative and Congressional information for the Applicant and each activity location,(if different than Applicant location),included in this application.

To locate or verify the Legislative and Congressional information, click on the respective links below and enter the Applicantoffice location zip code, the activitylocation site zip code(s) (i.e., zip code(s) whereactivities are performed), and any additional activity location site(s), as applicable.

State Legislators:

U.S. House of Representatives:

Applicant Office Location / District # / First Name / Last Name
State Assembly Member
State Senate Member
U.S. House of Representatives
ActivityLocation(s) – (if different from Applicant location) / District # / First Name / Last Name
State Assembly Member
State Senate Member
U.S. House of Representatives
ActivityLocation(s) – (if different from Applicant location) / District # / First Name / Last Name
State Assembly Member
State Senate Member
U.S. House of Representatives
ActivityLocation(s) – (if different from Applicant location) / District # / First Name / Last Name
State Assembly Member
State Senate Member
U.S. House of Representatives


1.Regional Allocation - check the box that applies (Refer to the ESG NOFA, Appendix A )

Bay Area Region
Central and Imperial Valley Region
Northern Region

2.Identify the primary activityand the location of that activity you are applying for

You may operate your application activities frommultiple sitesifall of the following boxes are checked below:

All activity locations are operated as a single activity by the applicant.

All activity locations operate under the same budget.

All activity locations operate as a single program, adhering to the same Written Standards, andprogram or client rules.

3. Additional Activities

Any ES or RR application can request up to 10% of their application funding request for SO and/or HP activities in conjunction with the primary activity. If requesting both HP and SO as additional activities, the total of these added activities are limited to ten percent (10%) of the total requested application amount and should be included in the same application.

These activities will not be scored when part of an ES or RR application; however, applicants must include them in their Program Budgets. (See Excel workbook)

Complete the table below for the proposed activity(s) included in this Application. This information should match the budget information inthe Excel workbook

Activity / Project Name(s) and Address / Total Application Amount Requested / HMIS
(Limited to 10% of Total Application
amount) / Grant Administration
(Max amount- $200 -Local Government-Only) / Indirect Costs
(Limited to 10% of Total Application Amount or a higher percentage with letter from federal agency
Example / Emergency
Shelter / Mary’s House
Harbor Day Center
123 Main St
Any town, CA XXXXX / $125,000
Street Outreach
(Stand Alone Activity)
Rapid Re-Housing Assistance
Homelessness Prevention
(limited to 10% of total application amount)
Street Outreach
(limited to 10% of total application amount)

4.Activity Summary

To help us understand your program, provide no more than a one (1) page description of the proposed activity, including but not limited to the following. (Place behind Attachment D.)

a. Population served and any sub-population priorities and requirements. If subpopulationtargeting is proposed for RR or HP, provide an explanation and documentation of the following. (See Section 8408 (e) of the State ESG Regulations.)

  1. That there is an unmet need for these activities for the subpopulation proposed for

targeting, and

ii. That there is existing funding in the Continuum of Care Service Area for programs that address the needs of the excluded populations for these activities.

  1. The role of the activity within the CoC;
  1. Key partners in implementing the activity (i.e., referral sources and services offered);
  1. Hours of activity operation;
  1. Categories of eligible costs to be paid for with ESG. For example:

Emergency Shelter

  • Essential Services
  • Shelter operations

Rapid Rehousing

  • Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services – Financial Assistance
  • Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services – Services Costs
  • Rental Assistance

Street Outreach

  • Essential Services
  • Emergency Health Services
  • Emergency Mental Health Services
  • Transportation

5.Emergency Shelters: Mark the box that describes your shelter.

Year-round Overnight Shelter

Seasonal Overnight Shelter

Month(s) shelter is open______

Month(s) shelter is closed______

Day Shelter

Note: ES cannot have a maximum length of stay.



a)How many years of experience does the Applicant have operating the programactivityproposed in the application?

6+ Years

3 – 5 Years

1 – 2 Years

Less than 1 Year

List the time period being counted. If less than a full year, include months:

_____ to _____

b)How many years does the Applicant have experience operating a similar activity?

Note: The similar activity must be a ‘like’ activity. (For example, CalWORKs RR is

similar to ESG RR; the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is similar to


6+ Years

3 – 5 Years

1 – 2 Years

Less than 1 Year

c)Describe the similar activity in 100 words or less:

d)List up to three (3) similar activities for the time period being reported. If less

than a full year, include months.

Name of Activity / Location / Time Period / Principal Funding Source

e)HCD ESG Contracts Administered from 2013 to Present (- 20 Points)

For applicants who have received funding in the State’s ESG program in the past three years, up to twenty (20) points will be deducted based on the following:

  • Whether the Department has terminated or disencumbered ESG funding;
  • Whether the applicant has any unresolved monitoring findings in ESG that pose a substantial risk to the Department;
  • Whether the applicant has submitted annual reports in a timely manner for ESG grants.

List all State ESG contracts received and information for the bulleted items above from 2013 – present:

ESG Contract
# / Terminated and/or Disencumbered ESG contracts / Unresolved monitoring findings / Name and year of the annual report(s) submitted late

2)PROGRAM DESIGN (20 Points)

ESGState Regulation section 8409 containthe Core Practices which fall into three primary areas: Coordinated Entry Process (section 8409(a)); Housing First Practices (section 8409(b)); and Progressive Engagement (section 8409(b) (6)).

a) Documentation Table


Use the table below to identify the Core Practice(s) and page number(s)in the specified document where the information supporting the implementation of the Core Practice(s) can be found.

Document / Relates to:
(check all that apply) / Page Number(s) where information is found in the Document
CoC’s Written Standards
(Attachment M) / □ Coordinated Entry
□ Housing First
□ Progressive Engagement
Program Rules, Policies and Procedures
(Attachment N) / □ Coordinated Entry
□ Housing First
□ Progressive Engagement
Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures
(Attachment O) / □ Coordinated Entry
□ Housing First
□ Progressive Engagement

b) Core Practices Tables


  • Complete the Core Practice Table that is applicable to the primary activity being requested in this Application. Indicate the frequency with which the practices described in the Core Practice Table are implemented within your program. Include the page number(s) in your Program Rules, Policies and Procedures and Written Standards that supports your response.
  • You do not need to complete a table for Street Outreach if Street Outreach is only 10% of this application request.

Emergency Shelter

Coordinated Entry, Housing First and Progressive Assistance Practices

Coordinated Entry Participation and Program Screening, Triage and Access / Always; Fully Implemented / Sometimes; Seeking to Fully Implement / Not Currently; Seeking to Implement / Page #s in Program Rules, Policies, and Procedures Which Support This / Page #s in CoC Written Standards
Which Support This
  1. All referrals to the program, including screening for program eligibility and prioritization, occur according to the CoC’s Coordinated Entry system protocols.

  1. All people requesting shelter are screened for other safe and appropriate housing options (temporary or permanent) and resources to obtain/maintain their housing. People who haveother safe and appropriate housing options or resources are diverted away from emergency shelter and instead offered problem-solving assistance and immediate linkage to homelessness prevention assistance, as needed, desired, and available.

  1. All people requesting shelter are also screened for critical health and safety needs to identify people with more severe service needs and provide an appropriate response.

  1. Program admission is prioritized for people with the most urgent and severe needs (as defined in § 8409. Core Practices).

  1. Access to emergency shelter is provided without preconditions, such as sobriety or ability to pay program fees.

  1. Program participants are referred to other forms of homeless assistance in the CoC service area according to the CoC’s Coordinated Entry system procedures.

Housing First, Progressive Engagement & Assistance Practices / Always; Fully Implemented / Sometimes; Seeking to Fully Implement / Not Currently; Seeking to Implement / Page #s in Program Rules, Policies, and Procedures Which Support This / Page #s in CoC Written Standards
Which Support This
  1. Participants and staff understand that the primary goals of the emergency shelter are to:
  • Provide temporary accommodation that is safe, respectful, and responsive to individual needs; and
  • Re-house participants in permanent housing as quickly as possible, regardless of other personal issues or concerns.

  1. Participants are expected to be actively working on re-housing plans and engaging in related assistance to overcome immediate and direct barriers to securing housing.

  1. Participant assessment focuses on:
  • Immediate health and safety needs relevant to providing temporary accommodations; and
  • Information relevant to securing housing, including: participant preferences; factors that would cause a landlord to reject the person’s application (past evictions, criminal history, etc.); factors that directly led to housing instability or homelessness in the past (failure to pay rent, lease violations, etc.); and other information necessary to link participants to financial assistance and housing-related resources.

  1. Participants are assisted with creating and updating individualized Housing Plans designed to re-house and stabilize participants as quickly as possible.

  1. Staff helping to re-house participants are aware of and know how to access a wide array of housing options (public/private, subsidized/unsubsidized, all local permanent supportive housing, etc.) directly or through the CoC’s coordinated entry system to help participants achieve their Housing Plan goals.

  1. Participants are provided or connected to housing location and placement assistance, including financial assistance for move-in costs, to achieve their Housing Plan goals. Assistance is provided:
  2. For all participants who cannot otherwise exit on their own;
  3. Without additional preconditions, such employment or sobriety; and
  4. With understanding that housing may cost greater than 30% of participant income and be precarious.

  1. Staff are aware of and know how to access other community resources (e.g., legal services) that can help participants achieve their housing placement and stabilization goals.

  1. Participation in services unrelated to obtaining permanent housing is voluntary.

Housing First, Progressive Engagement & Assistance Practices / Always; Fully Implemented / Sometimes; Seeking to Fully Implement / Not Currently; Seeking to Implement / Page #s in Program Rules, Policies, and Procedures Which Support This / Page #s in CoC Written Standards
Which Support This
  1. Exits to other homeless situations are avoided, even when program rules are violated. People who pose an imminent risk of harm to themselves or others may be exited to more appropriate assistance, such as a more intensive program, hospital, or other emergency responder.

  1. Participants only move to other emergency shelter or transitional housing when:
  • They desire and choose;
  • More appropriate to meet their health and safety needs (e.g., persons in early recovery; domestic violence survivors; those who need special accommodations); and
  • No permanent housing solution (with or without supportive services) is currently available that is a similar or better match for their preferences and needs.

Street Outreach