St Matthew’s High Brooms

CE Primary School

Powder Mill Lane

Tunbridge Wells



Homework Policy

Headteacher: Mrs Judith Holt

Chair of Governors: Mrs Karen Stevenson

Ratified: September 2015

Next Review: September 2017

Why do we have homework?

By setting regular homework for pupils, we aim to:-

·  Develop an effective partnership between the school and parents/carers, supporting families in the development of their child

·  Consolidate understanding of activities carried out in class

·  Offer opportunities to further extend aspects of school learning

·  Develop the confidence and self-discipline children will need to study on their own

The policy is designed to:

·  Ensure consistency of approach throughout the school

·  Ensure progression towards independence and individual responsibility

·  Enable parents/carers to have a clear understanding about expectations for themselves and the pupils

·  Extend and support learning

·  Provide opportunities for parents and pupils to work in partnership and enjoy learning experiences

What will be set?

Year Group / Home Activity / Suggested amount of time per week
YR / Reading, Phonic activities, Take Away Tasks / 10 mins daily reading/ sharing books with an adult 5 mins phonics/number recognition 2x week, on-going learning journal entries
Y1 / Reading, Take Away Tasks, number bonds, phonics / 10 mins daily reading with an adult, 10 mins daily handwriting/spelling, regular Maths number bond acitivities.
Y2 / Reading , Take Away Tasks, Number bonds, tables, other maths tasks, spelling activities / 10 mins daily reading with an adult , 10 mins 3x weekly on maths or literacy tasks linked to curriculum,
Y3 / Reading, Spelling, Times tables , Maths or literacy Take Away Tasks, / 10 mins daily reading with an adult, 25 mins Schofield&Sims Maths book per week, 10 mins daily spellings and times tables
Y4 / Reading, Spelling, Learning Times tables, Maths, / 10 mins daily reading, Weekly: Spellings, Times Table test, Schofield&Sims Mental Maths Book, Termly: topic research
Y5 / Reading Learning times tables, Maths, Spelling / 30 mins reading twice a week with reading focus, 30 mins maths twice a week – mathletics, tables, mental maths (Schofield&Sims),
Y6 / Reading, Mental Maths, Times Tables, Spelling, Written Maths, / Homework will be set daily. The activities should take 30 mins and will be marked next day. Punctuation & grammar books, 1 section per day, Schofield&Sims Maths book (10-12 questions). Reading for at least 15 minutes per day.

Please encourage further independent reading of a wide variety of literature and read to your child. We would like all members of the school to become members of a public library.


Our expectation is that the work children do at home is of the same standard as they produce in school. For example, formal written tasks should be in pencil or handwriting pen (Year 3 upwards). All written work must be dated and presented well. We hope that parents will support their child to not only complete compulsory activities to a high standard, but to enjoy and take pride in their work in other areas.

Marking and Feedback

Homework that is exceptionally well completed will be awarded a green card. Work will be marked (as appropriate) and feedback given in line with the school’s marking Policy. It is essential that staff give feedback to the children in order to both guide and motivate their efforts.

St Matthew’s Homework Guidance


·  I will sit properly where I can read and write properly and am not distracted

·  I will plan my homework so that it fits in with my other activities

·  I will work hard and try my best

·  I will listen carefully to instructions given for homework

·  I will ask my teacher if I do not understand

·  I will stop working if I cannot do my homework or it is taking a long time and talk to my teacher the next day

·  I will hand in my homework on time.


·  I will be involved in my child’s learning

·  I will support my child and encourage them in their work

·  I will help my child to establish a homework routine

·  I will write a note to the class teacher if my child has problems or has been unable to do their homework

·  I will sign the reading record

·  I will encourage my child to work with independence


·  I will set homework according to the timetable

·  I will set work that takes into account all abilities

·  I will mark homework regularly (as appropriate – this may include in the class with the pupils)

·  I will provide time for and remind pupils to write their homework tasks in their homework book Y5/Y6

·  I will check and sign the diary weekly (Y6)

Further Guidance


Please share books in a variety of ways each day. It is really important that your child sees themselves as a reader, even when they are at the stage of telling the story using the pictures, as this is a vital step on their journey to becoming an independent reader. Please read lots of books to your child – this is invaluable.

Continue to practise the sounds the letters make and practise listening to the sounds in a variety of words.

Enjoy sending in photos, achievements and learning from home for your child learning journal.


Continue to share books in a variety of ways including making up the story using pictures and, where appropriate, reading aloud. Please ensure that you help your child to use picture clues, word recognition , phonics (sounding out) as well as being aware of context (does their attempt at a word make sense in the sentence). Give loads of praise, enjoy reading – if you do, they will!


Read a variety of books, not just school ones, with and to your child. If you are practising number bonds (e.g. what numbers make 20 when added together), you may need to start with objects, over time progress to fingers and finally move to calculating these mentally. The aim is that children know their number bonds so well that they hardly have to even think before giving the answer. The teacher will send a note home to guide which maths tasks need to be learned or completed.


Spellings and tables tested during classroom activities rather than in written tests.

Sometimes pieces of literacy work will be given instead of the Maths Work book activity.


Schofield&SIMS books given out with set differentiated tasks. Children are encouraged to read every day and discuss the content of their book with another adult/ older sibling. Children should be encouraged to discuss plot, characters, elements of the story that they enjoyed, areas that could be improved.


30 minutes of homework is set each day. This includes reading which we expect discussion with one adult on what has been read. Homework should be recorded in the homework book neatly. Year 5 should be able to sustain reading for a longer period of time and read a range of challenging books. If you are unable to complete online homework (mathletics) then homework club is available after school.


Mental maths, punctuation and grammar activities are set daily and marked the following morning. These tasks should take a total of approx. ½ hour> children are expected to read for at least 15 minutes (although longer if they wish!)

Please seek advice from a member of staff if needed. Many thanks for your support.

HT Judith Holt