Decision in Paradise, Part 1


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Decision In Paradise, Part 11

Decision in Paradise, Part 1

Kava is an island in the South Pacific. Its culturally diverse population is 50% indigenous, with the remaining French, Americans, Africans, and Spanish. Kava has many resources, such as spices, cocoa, bananas, coffee, and petroleum. However, the lack of a large work pool – 50% of population is age 15 and below, the likelihood natural disaster will occurs (tidalwaves/tsunami, typhoons/hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes), health issues (HIV/Aids and high risk for avian flu), and internal challenges (fires, petroleumspills, and terrorism), destabilize the island’s infrastructure.

As a large international company which designs and sells networking and communications technology, as well as develops, manufactures, and supports a wide range of computing software products, Web Infrastructure Plus (WIP), our company, is committing its resources to help Kava. This help will not only fulfill WIP’s mission - to use technology to distribute, service, and build the world’s global economies, from individuals to corporations, but in the long run deliver high value to our shareholders as Kava’s resources are so critical to the world’s sustainability.

Before WIP can determine how best they can help KAVA, an analysis of the following must be made:

  1. The organizational and environmental issues facing Kava and WIP, and
  2. How these organizational and environmental issues impact key stakeholders.

Organizational Issues Facing WIP

WIP’s Kava staff is composed of a Director of Strategic Planning (Alex), who doubles as the receptionist, and a new grad hire strategic business planner (myself, Nik). As WIP determines and executes its efforts to help Kava, WIP must identify the staff necessary to execute its efforts. Right now, WIP should hire a receptionist so Alex can completely focus on her director duties.

When considering new hires, beginning with the receptionist, WIP should choose Kava residents, as much as possible. First, this builds a connection with the community as the residents will feel involved in the changes. Second, it begins the training/education process of Kava residents in computer technology. Third, resident hires can provide WIP with critical information on how Kava operates, who’s who, and the needs and demands of the residents, and fourth, monies earned are recycled in the community and provide tax monies for Kava’s infrastructures.

WIP must also acquaint themselves with Kava laws regarding the employment of minors. As 50% of Kava’s population is 15 and under, it is likely the use of this labor group will be necessary.

WIP must also address communications. Because Kava residents speak numerous indigenous languages, English, Spanish, and French, WIP should ensure its Kava employees speak a minimum of two languages.

Organizational Issues Facing Kava

Kava’s organizational issues revolve around infrastructure. While it does have infrastructure - established businesses, stable local, state, and national governments, community organizations, and churches, this structure is so basic Kava, Kava is unable to handle natural and man-made disasters, grow its revenue base, or handle health issues. Another challenge is terrorism – both inside and outside of Kava. WIP’s efforts must include a plan to support and strengthen Kava’s infrastructures. Regarding terrorism, WIP needs to meet with our State Department, then members of Kava’s basic infrastructure to ascertain from whom the terrorism originates, the level of the threat to Kava’s basic infrastructure, and how Kava’s present governmental and military plan handles terrorism. WIP can then address how to contain the negative impact of terrorism on their efforts.

Environmental Issues facing WIP and Kava

WIP’s physical space: Staff work is more efficient and productive, and clients and partners have greater trust in companies, when the work environment is clean and orderly. The area outside the make shift trailer is messy and unattractive. The inside is strewn with equipment, files, and paperwork. As soon as possible WIP needs to construct, or find a suitable office building. Until the company has a building, though, the trailer must have a physical setup that allows the WIP staff to be organized and presentable, and clients and partners to feel WIP is impressive. The outside and inside areas must be cleaned, and made attractive and appealing. The inside of the trailer must house a work area for the staff and a meeting room. Extraneous equipment can be stored offsite or sold. Paperwork must be organized and properly filed.

Kava’s physical infrastructure: It is present, but imperfect. Roads, schools, and other facilities need to be rebuilt or rehabbed. Because the physical infrastructure is critical to any efforts by WIP, WIP’s efforts must include investing monies in construction material, labor, machinery, and anything else necessary.

Kava’s disasters (natural and man-made): While natural disasters, such as typhoons, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc, cannot be prevented, their impact on disrupting the lives of Kava residents and Kava’s infrastructure can be reduced. WIP can work with the government on setting construction code standards so rehabbed and new facilities are strengthened to withstand disaster impact. For man-made disasters such as fires and oil spillages, WIP can also work with the government to establish new protocols or laws on regulation.

Kava’s health issues: Flu and HIV/AIDS are rampant on the island. Are these, and what other reasons, what creates a short life span for Kava residents resulting in a majority minor population? WIP’s efforts must address finding out these answers, as well as improving the care offered by Kava hospitals.

Key Stakeholders and How They are Impacted by these Issues

WIP shareholders: The company will spend millions to billions of dollars to help Kava. The company’s short term value will decrease as the project’s costs will outweigh initial revenues. In the long run WIP should recoup these monies and more as Kava is transformed into a technologically productive, industrious island, and WIP supplies technology to other companies now attracted to Kava.

The Environment: Kava is undeveloped. To strengthen and build new physical infrastructuresmay require deforesting tracts of land. Sound and air pollution will increase due to the heavy construction processes.

Kava residents: The pros, Kava residents should warmly welcome WIP’s fair waged jobs, better facilities from which to operate, and better roads that make the island, goods, and people more accessible. The con of being displaced as the infrastructures are improved, could not only upset residents, but may create hostility against WIP. Kava residents will also become hostile toward WIP or each other, if WIP’s efforts favor one ethnicity over another.

Religious and Community Groups:To reduce the potential for hostility, if places of worship or community structures are destroyed, WIP must get their preapproval before work is started, and where possible replace the gathering place. WIP should also be cognizant not to favor one religious or community group over another, as this could disrupt Kava’s societal infrastructure.

Business people: Businesseswill benefit as a new technological infrastructure is provided to them, their employees and entrepreneurs are educated and trained, they become more accessible to customers and clients, and new businesses spring up either from new companies moving to Kava or Kava residents creating new businesses.

The Government and Military: While the former is a source to help organize the areas in Kava that need the most help and cleaning, the latter can provide a safe environment against terrorism. WIP’s resources can collaborate with both of these groups.

Tourists: A more attractive, accessible safe island, that still has areas of island beauty, will prove even more irresistible to tourists. Increased tourism will increase Kava’s coffers that can be reinvested into the island’s infrastructures.


The reconstruction of Kava however will cost a fortune. It will also have pro and con effects on key stakeholders in the island of Kava, nevertheless, WIP should move forward in helping Kava. The long term benefits overwhelm the potential cons.