Unregistered barrister notification form

Please complete this form to change your practising status to unregistered.

If you would like to receive this document in a different format please callthe Records Department on 020 7242 0934.

Section 1 : Your personal details
Membership number
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Inn of Court
Date of Call
Number and name of street
Post code
Home telephone
Personal email address
Section 2 : Change of status to unregistered
My status will change to that of an unregistered barrister with effect from: (DD/MM/YYYY)
My secondary status as an unregistered barrister is (please select one):
Unregistered door tenant (if you have retained your link with chambers, but do not have a practising certificate and are not holding yourself out as a barrister or exercising any reserved legal activity).
My reason for ceasing practice (please tickone):
Maternity leave
Additional paternity leave
Practising certificate no longer required
Career break
Judicial appointment
Change of career
Section 3 : Declaration
I confirm that the information I have given is true and correct.I confirm that I have read the ‘Privacy policy’ and I agree to my personal data (including sensitive personal data) being processed in accordance with the policy.
Signed: / Dated:
Please return this form to:
Records Office
The Bar Council
289-293 High Holborn
DX 240 LDE
Alternatively fax your form to 020 7831 9217 or email

Ceasing practice – refunds

Any barrister who changes their status to unregistered will receive a pro rata refund of the PCF and the BRF,if they cease to practise in the first three months of the practising certificate year. No refund will be issued for the levies.

The Records Department mustbe given prior notification of any change of status, either in writing or via Barrister Connect. If prior notification is not possible then the BSB must be notifiedwithin 28 days.

Provided that notification of the change has taken place within the 28-day window, any refund due will be applied as of the date of the change. In the event that notification is made later than 28 days, the refund will apply from the date of notification rather than the date of change. Whereas, any additional fee due will always be applied as at the date of the change regardless of date of notification.

The Bar Council will pay any refund, usually by bank electronic transfer, due within 14 days of notification of the change and equally requires any additional charge to be paid within 14 days of the request for payment.

While it is the policy of the Bar Council’s Equality and Diversity Committee to encourage a practitioner taking maternity leave or additional paternity leave to maintain a practising certificate, an exception will be made to the foregoing for those who wish to suspend their practising certificates during this time. These individuals, regardless of date, will on request, be granted a pro rata refund of the PCF and the BRF. No refund will be issued for the levies.

What do I do if I have changed my name?

To change your name on our records, you must firstly notify your Inn of Court by sending a certified copy of a deed poll or certified copy of your marriage certificate. Then please also inform the Records Department.

Useful contacts

Inns of Court

Please inform your Inn of Court of any changes, the contact details are as follows:


Lincoln’s Inn020 7405

Inner Temple020 7797

Middle Temple020 7427

Gray’s Inn020 7458

Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund (BMIF)

Telephone:020 7621 0405


If you need assistance completing this form, please contact the Records Office on020 7242 0934 or email

Lines are open 09:00– 17:00 on Monday–Friday. Calls may be monitored for training and quality assurance purposes.