Circular No. 25/2015Date:-18/12/2015

Please Circulate to All Members


We have today sent a communication to the Management on the captioned subject. A copy of the same is enclosed for information.

2.All our members/affiliates are requested to await further developments in this regard.

With greetings,

Yours faithfully,

Shankerbhai Patel,Kamal Kadri,

General Secretary.President.


The Chief General Manager

State Bank of India

Local Head Office,


Respected Sir,


There is a raising trend in the management believes that, only way of increasing business and meeting targets is by instilling fear amongst Junior officers. The methodologies adopted for instilling fear vary from man to man.

2.While Bank business has grown 8 to 10 times over the last decades, commensurate recruitment did not take place adding enormous pressure on all cadres of officers.

3. In such scenario the overzealous authorities, without any basic understanding of HR start devising their own method of monitoring & strategy for business growth. Most of these strategies constitute threat of transfer, insulting and humiliating officers repeatedly in public & private meeting, withdrawing staff, denying leave, and sanctioning leave with pre-condition even for LFC, sending derogatory letters in the name of counseling and threatening to spoil career etc.

Few Examples – Spoken by some of authorities

  • WITHOUT PAI RENEWAL DON’T LEAVE THE PREMISES (on demanded evidence will be provided)

4. There are innumerable instances where officers are insulted with foul language, humiliated, threaten in open meeting. The indecent and inhuman attitude of senior officers towards their juniors leading to a sense of insecurity & depression. The foul language and dictatorial attitude of some senior officers needs to be condemned. Controllers (RMs) are blamed for growing NPAs / Low Cross Selling / Target achievements without providing adequate staff. Their self respect and dignity are challenged in review meetings. (OFFICERS HOSPITALISED AND APPLIED FOR VRS IN SOME CASES)

5. Multiple follow up, frequent conference, meeting on Sunday Holidays & before /after office hours (at one instance the meeting was continued up to early morning 4.30 a.m.) The controllers, BMs busy with VC / Meeting / providing Data and not getting time for Business.

6.All the above facts will reduce the productivity & prove detrimental for the officers moral and lead to breakdown of their family life and health. All the above acts of the management is gross violation of Fundamental Rights under the constitution of India.

(A) Under Article 21” No person shall be deprive of his life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.” “Right to Life” under article – 21 of constitution includes the right to live with HUMAN DIGNITY and all that goes along with it. Further under the principle of Co-existence. The constitution provides the equal Right to each one live with HUMAN DIGNITY.

The fundamental Right to Life and personal liberty includes the family life, freedom of expression and HUMAN DIGNITY.

8.Under the Article 39 (c), Constitution of India “ That the health and strength of workers, men and women and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizen are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength”.

9. Article 13 (2) of the constitution says “The state shall not make any law which takes away or abridges the rights conferred by this part and any law made in contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of contravention be void”.

10. As per the provision made under the Constitution of India under above mention articles “Not respecting the HUMAN DIGNITY and creating hurdles in family / personal life is violation of fundamental right provided under constitution.

11. Due to the above act of Management of various level,

  • Efficient and excellent officers are leaving the Bank by VRS.
  • Rising incidents of Heart Attacks / depression
  • Late sitting /VC/Meeting upto Late Night Morning / Late Night SMS /Call, paralyzed persons and family life.
  • Increase the numbers of VRS, even new promotes has applied for reversion saying that they cannot tolerate such humiliation.
  • In some cases officers express their feeling that they will go for suicide if the stress level & in human attitude will continue.
  • Misbehavior with lady officers from customer reported during marketing & sorry to state that management has closed his eyes saying it is her personal problem.
  • The Entire officers community is under work stress and totally unhappy with HR in every respect.
  • HR concept almost gone, transfer of person suffering with cancer and other serious ailments and handicaps pending since long.
  1. SBIOA condemns such inhuman & undignified behavior of the Management at every level. We have communicated the concern and anguish of officers in CNC, by letters and also in person meeting with you, alongwith all General Managers and sought appropriate action in the matter to give message to the whole SBI PARIVAR to work with dignity & self respect while discharging their duties for the growth of SBI.
  2. we understand that there is no response to the communication in this regard from the management. We have also requested CDO / your personal secretary to have the meeting with you to discuss the all above issues in detail and find out the amicable solution in the interest of all the officers and Bank, However as usual management has no time to pay attention towards the HR issues and no meeting has been arranged till date.
  3. Pressure of work and inhuman approach is leading to acute health problems, resignations, frustration, may affect the performance of the officer and Bank.
  4. The above points are the reflection of the sentiments and hurt feeling of all officers across the circle and hope that they would be conveyed to the concerned who would also take the same in the right spirit in the best interest of Human Resources of Bank and for healthy Industrial Relations atmosphere.
  5. Please appreciate that Association has been working as a buffer between aggrieved officers and Management but we will be failed in our duty if we do not blow whistler before vide spread explosion of dissatisfaction. We, trust you would not spare a single stone unturned to strengthen our relationship in the circle.
  6. In view of all above, not responding our demand, we are constraint to state that as decided in Executive Committee of SBIOA, we compel to start organization actions under.

(A)Wearing Black Badges throughout the circle on 28/12/2015.

(B)Dharna at LHO / Administrative office on 1st January with demonstration / Displaying of Banners

(C)Hunger Strike from 18/01/2016 at LHO.


  • Stop Humiliation of officers.
  • Allow officers to leave office respectfully at 7.30 p.m. to spare some time with family & meet with family / social obligation.
  • All lady officers must instruct to leave office at 7.00 p.m. as per Government directions.
  • Adequate security / Transportation to be provided to lady officer if called before / after stipulated time as decided by Government.
  • Stop calling officers on Sunday/ Holidays allow them to enjoy fundamental rights provided under constitution.
  • Respect the Human dignity while conveying any communication in person or in public as provided under Constitution of India.
  • Stop implementing CDS with immediate effect unless adequate staff/ Infrastructure provided as recommend and required to meet with business need.
  • Mutual respect to bilateral relationship at every level.
  • Agenda items agreed in CNC meeting during the year be implemented.
  • Transfer exercise as per Government & Corporate guideline during the month of May to June only.
  • Posting of JMG-I promoted in 2015 as per agreed Transfer Policy to be posted in same module or in adjoining module.
  • Implementation of ICT orders immediately.
  • Immediate transfer of officers applied under serious ailments like as cancer / Kidney as per their demand.
  • Special leave should be granted to the officers who have proceeds on leave for unjustified and avoidable transfers.
  • Stop giving notice for termination of service those who have applied / approached to HR for modification of transfer order.
  • Reinstatement of Sportsman officers.
  • Terminal posting of officers as per their request who attain age of 57 years as agreed in CNC meeting.
  • Immediate relieve the officer, who are relieved in HRMS including ICT.
  • Posting of adequate staff in the one man branches.
  • Posting of officer bearers as per instructions.
  • Stop sending business message before / after officer hour unless emergency.
  • Repatriation of officers who have completed their stay of three years outside the centre.

We reiterate the commitments of all the officers to contribute whole heartedly to keep the image and dignity of the bank.

Please treat the matter as urgent.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Shankerbhai Patel,Kamal Kadri,

General Secretary.President.