Brittany Vance
Lacey Head
Fredric Jones: Positive Discipline
- Definition
- According to Fredric Jones, classroom discipline is “the business of enforcing classroom standards and building patterns of cooperation to maximize learning and minimize disruptions.”
- In order to make positive discipline successful these four components are needed
- Limit setting
- Omission Training
- Positive Training
- Back-Up System
- Teacher’s Responsibility
- Teachers must model appropriate behavior and use proper classroom management techniques.
- Teachers must respect students in order to get respect from them in return.
- If a teacher acts mature then the student will more than likely model the teacher’s behavior.
- Teachers need to organize classroom furniture to maximize mobility and accessibility to students.
- Teachers need to establish control in the classroom by using body language such as eye contact, physical proximity, facial expression, and body carriage.
- Teachers should provide incentives for students so that they have motivation to get work completed.
- A teacher needs to provide a back up system.
- In Jones’s words, “a back-up system is a series of responses designed to meet force with force so that the uglier the student’s behavior becomes, the deeper he or she digs his or her hole with no escape.”
- Some examples are: warning, conference with student, time-out, loss of privileges, being sent to the office, detention, conference with parent, in school/out of school suspension (three days), expulsion.
- Not only do good teachers tell students how they should act, but the demonstrate appropriate behavior in all of their interactions and daily routines. Be the example.
- Student’s Responsibility
- If the teacher is doing his or her job by setting an appropriate example for students, then the students will duplicate that behavior in their own lives.
- Key Terms
- Limit Setting- Actions that the teacher takes to stop a student’s inappropriate behavior and to prompt the student to on-task behavior through the use of body language.
- Responsibility Training- A system for ensuring positive cooperation in the classroom.
- Omission Training- The individualized incentive program that encourages defiant students through the omission of unwanted behavior.
- Backup system- System of consequences that we explained before.
- Pros and Cons of Model
- We were trying to think of a con to this model, but we feel that every teacher should act this way naturally.
- If a student refuses to follow the teacher’s lead in setting an example then the backup plan will come into effect.
- We feel that even though this plan may have flaws, it is a great plan to enforce in the classroom because it covers such a wide array of issues in the classroom.
- Random Facts
- Jones found that 50% of classroom time is lost due to student misbehavior and being off task.
- 80% of lost time is due to talking without permission.
- 19% is lost to daydreaming, students being out of their seats, making noise, etc.
- 1% is lost due to more serious behaviors such as fighting.