Lincoln High School

Student Bulletin

Thursday, December 1, 2016

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CLEAN CAMPUS: Green flag!

WINTER FORMAL: DON’T MISS OUT—MAKE SURE YOU PICK UP YOUR ELIGIBLILTY FORM NOW!!!! Lincoln High School’s Junior class is proud to present “Nightmare Before the New Year” for your Winter Formal theme. Winter Formal will take place Saturday, December 10th from 8 pm to midnight at Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Christian Church. Pick up your eligibility forms at the Activities Office. Bids will be sold November 30 and December 1, 2 and 5 during lunch in the activities office. It will be $45 for a couple bid with ASB and $50 without ASB, $25 for a single bid with ASB and $30 without. CASH ONLY!!!! Guest forms and all eligibility forms are due by December 2nd in the Student Service Center by noon.EXCITING NEWS: Free photo booth and a cupcake and candy bar. Don’t miss out!!!

SENIOR QUOTES: Senior Quotes, get them in!Forms will be distributed during GOV/ECON Classes and will be available in the SSC. Forms/dollar paymentneeds to be turned in to room 1112 at lunchon the following days:

WednesdayDec. 7th-Last names A-L

Thursday Dec. 8th-Last names M-Z

Don't miss out!!

YEARBOOK PURCHASE: Buy your yearbook now! To order online, visit, and enterour school code#6556. To purchase on campus, please bring $80, either cash or check to room 1112 during Wednesdays at lunch.

If you have any questions, seeMr. Muñoz.

SENIOR ADS: Attention Seniors, Senior Ad packets were distributed during your GOV/ECON classes. If you wantto purchase a senior ad in the yearbook, come to room 1112 during lunch on Wednesdays and see Mr. Muñoz. Bring your completed packet and payment to purchase. Ad Packets are also available in the SSC.Don't miss out!Space is limited!

LINCOLN DRAMA: Lincoln Drama is proud to announce it’s first play of the year, Arthur Miller’s story of the Salem Witch Trials, “The Crucible”. “The Crucible” opens this Thursday and runs until Sunday of this week only. Doors open at 6:30 and show time is at 7. Tickets are $10 and available at the door on nights of the show at the new Performing Arts Center.

ART SHOW: The LHS VAPA Department is proud to present the “LHS AP Class of 2017”Breadthshowcaseon Friday, December 2nd, 2016. The opening will last from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM with a number of the student artists present for the reception. The show will run through December 16th, 2016in the LHS Art Gallery, located in room 1215. (during school hours) Thank you so very much for your support of the LHS visual arts program.


When:Saturday, February 4th at 8:30 am

Cost: $20.00 non-refundable(Checks payable to Lincoln PTSA)

Where: Lincoln High School

Enrollment form can be picked upfrom the Adminoffice.


Club meetings today during lunch:

Academic Decathlon—room 1324

E-Sports Club—room 1118

Key Club—room 1514

Make a Wish Club—room 1103

SPEECH & DEBATE: Congratulations to Matthew Smith, Jorell Gotamco, Steven Minn, and Davis Williams! They all tried out new events at our last tournament. They put in a long day and gave it their all. Great job guys!

HMONG CLUB: Hmong Club meeting Friday at lunch. Please plan to buy tee shirts.

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Are you in need of community service hours? Come help at the Annual Posada. The event takes place here at Lincoln on Friday December 2nd, from 6-9pm. Come sign up in room 2206 ASAP.Don't wait.

INTERACT CLUB: Interact would like to thank everyone who participated in the KCRA Kids Can Food Drive! It was a huge success as 1,355 canned and other food items were collected and donated to the Stockton Emergency Food Bank for families in need. Mr. Kimball’s and Mr. Lumagui’s 2nd period classes collected the most canned foods, and both classes will be receiving breakfast provided by Interact. Thank you all again for your support!

BLOOD DRIVE THANKS: Congratulations to all donors who participated in last week’s Blood Drive. We collected 96 units of blood, saving 288 lives! Please check out the poster on the wall near the Activities office to see the names of our LHS heroes who participated! Interact would also like to recognize all donors from this, and previous Blood Drives. Please wear your Blood Drive T-shirts on Friday, Dec. 2nd to show you have saved lives!


Freshmen boys basketball at Center High School Tournament

JV girls basketball at Will Wood Tournament

JV boys basketball at Manteca

Varsity boys basketball at Manteca

X-SPORTS: All students enrolled in X-Sports are required to get their grade sheets for quarter 2. Grade sheets are currently available in the Admin Office and in the Athletics during lunch or if Mr. Agnew is available during Study hall. Please return your X-sports grade-sheet to Athletics as soon as it is completed and signed.

BOYS GOLF: There will be a brief meeting for those interested in trying out for the Boys golf team in front of the Athletics office at 11:20 am on December 7th.

Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance

“It’s a great day to be a Trojan. At Lincoln High School we promote human kindness and acceptance of all. Please pick up your trash.”