Training Guide

Safeguarding Adults

Domestic Violence & Abuse

The Mental Capacity Act

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards



How to use this guide:
The course levels are colour coded. Read the description to see which level is suitable for you and then read the information on the relevant page(s) to find out more about individual course content, costs and how to book.
Awareness Level: suitable for the general public and staff and volunteers who do not directly support adults at risk of abuse / Page 3 / OR / Alerter Level: suitable for family carers and staff and volunteers who directly support adults at risk of abuse / Page 4
Practitioner Level: suitable for staff who may need to respond to concerns raised by alerters, for example, senior staff in provider services lone workersor those who co-ordinate any part of the safeguarding process, e.g. Care Direct workers / Page 5
Investigator Level: suitable for selectedstaff in the statutory sector who may be asked to contribute to a safeguarding investigation, e.g. social workers, nurses and occupational therapists / Page 7
Responsible Manager Level: suitable for managers in the statutory sector who are responsible for chairing multi-agency safeguarding adults meetings or responsible for supervising investigative staff / Page 8
Senior Manager Level: suitable for senior managers in the statutory sector who are responsible for strategic decision making and quality assuring the safeguarding process / Page 9
In addition, there are some specialist courses available:
  • Minute Taking for Safeguarding Meetings(page 10)
  • Train the Trainer (page 11)
  • Best Interest Assessor Training & Annual Legal Updates (page 12)
All face to face courses can be booked online at
Assistance with booking
Please contact for advice about suitability of courses.
Awareness Level
Suitable for:the general public and staff and volunteers who do not directly support adults at risk of abuse. Ideally in the first day of employment
Filmswith accompanying workbooks or factsheets available on the following topics:
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Domestic Violence & Abuse
  • Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Pre-course requirements:
  • None
/ Access & Costs
Most statutory organisations in Devon have purchased copies of the Safeguarding Adults and MCA/DoLS DVDs and you should contact your learning and development team to access them. The DVDs are supplied with workbooks or factsheets.
Alternatively, send a cheque for each DVD for £15 payable to Devon County Council to Devon Safeguarding Office, Room 22, Matford Lane Offices
County Hall, Topsham Road
Exeter, EX2 4QR
Safeguarding Adults DVD: ‘Because You Said Something’
  • Know how to recognise abuse
  • Know that it is safe to respond to and report abuse
Workbook and Guidance
Available to download from

Further information about Safeguarding Adults is available at

MCA/DoLS DVD: ‘Who Decides?’
  • Have an awareness of key parts of the Mental Capacity Act
  • Have an awareness of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Guide for Family Carers or factsheet for staff
Available from

Further information about the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
DVA film: ‘Is this love?’
  • Know how to recognise an abusive relationship

Alerter Level
Suitable for:family carers and staff and volunteers who directly support adults at risk of abuse
Courses available via eLearning or Face to face training:
  • Safeguarding
  • MCA & DLS
  • Domestic Abuse (no eLearning)
  • Safeguarding People (no eLearning, courses by special arrangement)
NB: We also run train the trainer courses to enable service provider managers to train their own staff (see Train the Trainer Section on page 11 for more details)
Pre- course requirements:
None / Access & Costs
Click on the link below, register and then follow the instructions on screen.Free eLearning is available on Safeguarding Adults and the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

Face to face training
Safeguarding, MCA & DoLS training is free for carers and social care provider staff working in the private, voluntary and independent sectors. Domestic Abuse training is chargeable at the rate indicated on the booking system. Staff in the statutory sector should contact their workforce development team for approval to attend training.
A1: Safeguarding Adults.
(includes pre - and post-course work)
By the end of the module you will:
  • Understand what safeguarding is and your role in safeguarding adults
  • Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals
  • Be able to recognise an adult potentially in need of safeguarding and take action
  • Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports safeguarding adults activity
Pre- and post-course workbooks and hand-outs available from

A2: Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
(includes pre- and post-course work)
By the end of the module you will:
  • Be able to put the principles of the mental capacity act into practice
  • Be able to assess and record mental capacity assessments
  • Be able to make best interest decisions
  • Be aware of decision making arrangements e.g. advance decisions, power of attorney, deputies
  • Understand the process for depriving a person of their liberty in order to keep them safe from harm
Pre- and post-course workbooks and hand-outs available from

TDVA: Tackling Domestic Violence & Abuse
(NB: this course is not available via eLearning)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the extent of domestic violence within our society
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of domestic violence on adults and children
  • Explore personal strategies and practices to protect and safeguard those experiencing Domestic Violence
  • Practise using appropriate interventions
NB: Safeguarding People courses, a brief overview of all of the above topics andSafeguarding Children can be organised by special arrangement. Please email: r further information.
Courses should be booked online at:
For help with booking contact
Practitioner Level
Suitable for:staff who may need to respond to concerns raised by alerters, for example, senior staff in provider services or those who co-ordinate any part of the safeguarding process, e.g. Care Direct workers
Courses available via face to face training:
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • The Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • The Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Process (Domestic Violence and Abuse)
  • Tackling Abusive Behaviour (Domestic Violence and Abuse)
  • Safeguarding People (by special arrangement)
Pre- course requirements:
You must have completed alerter A1 and A2 (or equivalent) in the relevant subject in order to progress to this level. You must complete the MARAC course before attending the Tackling Abusive Behaviour Course. / Access and Costs
Face to face training
Safeguarding, MCA & DLS training is free for carers and social care provider staff working in the private, voluntary and independent sectors. Domestic Abuse training is chargeable at the rate indicated on the booking system. Staff in the statutory sector should contact their workforce development team for approval to attend training.
P1: Safeguarding Adults
By the end of the module you will:

  • Be able to take early action because you recognise that abuse may be insidious/hidden rather than a one of event
  • Be able to respond to a safeguarding concern/alert effectively
  • Take and make appropriate referrals and refer to other sources of investigation if required
  • Ask the right questions and gather initial information to promote the safety and well being of the person
  • Undertake an initial risk assessment either by telephone or face to face and take any required protective action
  • Recognise when other agencies may need to be involved, including the Police
  • Reflective Practice in Safeguarding
Pre- and post-course workbooks and hand-outs available from

P2: Mental Capacity Act
By the end of the Module you will:
  • Be able to undertake mental capacity assessments in relation to high risk, complex or safeguarding situations
  • Balance risk and rights where unwise decisions may be being made
  • Know when to involve others e.g. Independent Mental Capacity Advocate, court of Protection, Office of the Public Guardian, Safeguarding and Deprivation of Liberty Teams
  • Know where to go for information and advice.
Pre- and post-course workbooks and hand-outs available from

P3: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
By the end of the Module you will:
  • Understand the Legal framework for providing care, treatment and support
  • Consider the implications of using restraint to keep people safe from harm
  • Be aware of the cumulative effects of restrictions and ways of minimising their use/impact
  • Understand what is meant by Restriction, Restraint and Deprivation of Liberty and the significance of the differences between them
Pre- and post-course workbooks and hand-outs available from

P4: Preventing Abuse and Responding to poor practice
By the end of the Module you will:
  • Understand your responsibilities
  • Be able to recognise and respond to poor practice and who else to involve
  • Recognise missed opportunities through learning from Serious Case Reviews
  • Have a greater awareness of the legislative framework, regulation and guidance that contribute to the prevention agenda
  • Identify opportunities for intervention through the assessment, care or treatment planning and review processes
  • Recognise the role of person centred support in preventing abuse
  • Be able to consider the ongoing balance between protection, prevention and a persons right to choice
Pre- and post-course workbooks available from

MARAC: The MARAC Process in Devon – increasing safety for victims of domestic violence and abuse
(NB: You must complete this course before attending the TAB course below)
  • Be able to complete the national DVA multi-agency risk identification checklist (CAADA DASH RIC)
  • Know what to do with a completed risk identification checklist, in particular with reference to referring 'high' risk cases to the Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference
TAB: Tackling Abusive Behaviour – taking responsibility
(NB: You must complete the MARAC course above before attending this course)
  • Identify the themes of abusive behaviour and their possible motivation
  • Recognise the challenges posed by perpetrators when assessing DVA
  • Identify interpersonal skills necessary to engage with those that may be using abusive behaviour.
  • Consider how to avoid collusion with abusive behaviour
  • Know the specialist local projects and an overview of the work they do including how to contact them.
  • Increase your awareness of multi-agency best practice in relation to DVA
  • Work within a context of monitoring risk and keeping safety at the focus of all practice.
Safeguarding People courses, brief overview of all of the above topics and Safeguarding Children can be organised by special arrangement. Please email: to discuss your requirements.
Courses should be booked online at:
For help with booking contact
Investigator Level
Suitable for:Professionally qualified staff in the statutory sector who may be asked to contribute to safeguarding adult’s investigation e.g. social workers, nurses and occupational therapists.
Course available:
  • Safeguarding Adults Investigator training
Pre-course requirements:
You must hold a professional qualification and have completed the Practitioner level P1 to P4(or equivalent) in order to attend this programme. / Access and Costs
Face to face training
These courses are currentlyonly available to professionally qualified staff working in the Statutory Sector and you should contact your workforce development team for approval to attend this training.
INV: Safeguarding Adults Investigator training
  • Review of legal framework underpinning safeguarding investigations
  • Overview of process
  • Types, models, purpose, duties and tasks of an investigation
  • Roles of different agencies, e.g. CQC, HSE, DBS, Police, professional regulators and so on
  • Assessing the alert and gathering more info
  • Strategy & developing terms of reference
  • Planning the investigation
  • Planning interviews and types of questions
  • Interview skills practice
  • Evaluating evidence & triangulation
  • The features of a good safeguarding report
  • Presenting at case conference/ in court/ to coroner
  • Cross examination/ defending your evidence practice
  • Developing safety plans with/ for service users
Courses should be booked online at:
For help with booking contact
Responsible Manager Level
Suitable for:managers in the statutory sector who are responsible for chairing multi-agency safeguarding adults or best interest meetings or who are responsible for supervising investigative staff
Course available:
Responsible Manager andChairing Best Interest Meetings
Pre-course requirements
Investigator level training (or equivalent)may be required in order to access this course. / Access and Costs
Face to face training
These courses are only available to staff working in the Statutory Sectorand you should contact your workforce development team to agree funding for courses.
NB: This course is only run when sufficient staff require it.
RMT CBIM Managing the multi-agency safeguarding process
  • Identify the relevant Legal Frameworks and Devon Governance Process
  • Be familiar with Safeguarding Terms used in the Care Act
  • Be enabled to fulfil your role as a Responsible Manager
  • State the Persons involved in the process and why they are there
  • Feedback a strategy meeting plan
  • Be able to Chair Best Interest Meetings
  • Identify support network
Courses should be booked online at:
For help with booking contact
Senior Manager Level
Suitable for:senior managers in the statutory sector who are responsible for strategic decision making and quality assuring the safeguarding process
Course available:
  • Independent Management Review Author training
Pre-course requirements:
Please email to discuss / Access and Costs
Face to face training
This course is only available to staff working in the Statutory Sectorand you should contact your workforce development team to agree funding for courses. NB: This course is only run when sufficient staff require it.
IMR: Independent Management Review Training
  • The purpose of Serious Case Reviews
  • Examples of improvements and outcomes from SCRs
  • The SCR process
  • Roles in SCRs
  • The experience of carrying out IMRs
  • Report writing and analytical skills
  • Making practical recommendations
  • Types of recommendations; procedural, communication, training, leadership, awareness, culture etc.
Courses should be booked online at:
For help with booking contact
Safeguarding Minute Taker
Suitable for:
  • Staff in the statutory sector onlywho areresponsible for taking minutes of safeguarding meetings as all or part of their role.
Pre-course requirements:
NB: You may find it helpful to complete awareness or alerter level safeguarding adults, MCA and DoLS training but this is not compulsory. To discuss contact
/ Access & Costs
There are three parts to this training.
  1. E-learning
DCC staff can self register at
Other staff should contact

for information/registration.
  1. Film
There is a film of a safeguarding adult’s strategy meeting available on the e-learning site or onlineso that you can practice taking minutes once you have completed the eLearning.
You can obtain an example copy of the minutes for you to compare with yours from your manager or by emailing

MTT: Minute Taking for Safeguarding Adults Meetings
•Have an awareness of common issues addressed through safeguarding and the relevance of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
•Understand the types and purpose of safeguarding meetings
•Be able to prepare for and organise a safeguarding meeting
•Become more familiar with common terminology
•Know what to record in minutes for safeguarding meetings
•Have practice taking the minutes from a safeguarding meeting
•Have practice writing up the minutes from a safeguarding meeting
•Understand how to draft, store and distribute minutes
•Know where to get support
Train the Trainer
Suitable for:those who wish to deliver the alerter level training, including recipients of Direct Payments who wish to train their own staff.
Pre-course requirements:
You will need to have a good working knowledge of the relevant subjects and have attended the multi-agency alerter and practitioner level training before attending.
Pay the Trainer Scheme:
On successful completion of the course and on receipt of course feedback form, register and completed evaluation forms from each attendee, we will pay you £8 per person for each member of staff that you train at Alerter Level. / Access and Costs
Training is provided free for those providing social care services, including Direct Payment recipients. Private training providers will be charged for attendance. Staff working in the Statutory Sector should contact their workforce development team to agree attendance at this course.
The face to face training programme consists of a day on presentation skills (for those who have no prior experience) and a day familiarising yourself and practice using the materials for the course. In order to be assessed as competent, you must be observed delivering your first session and continue to attend at least one annual update.
TTTPS: Presentation Skills
  • Understand the learning cycle
  • Be aware of different learning styles
  • Recognise the ways in which adults learn
  • Become familiar with a range of training delivery methods and styles
  • Understand how to manage groups of learners in the learning environment
  • Recognise the importance of the training environment
  • Understand the function of assessment and evaluation
TTTSA: Safeguarding Adults
  • Know how to deliver the Alerter Level Safeguarding Adults course
  • Adapt it to the needs of your staff group
TTTAU: Annual Update
  • Keep your knowledge and skills up to date with this annual update
Courses should be booked online at
For help with booking contact
Best Interest Assessor Training
Suitable for:
  • Registered nurse, OT, social worker, AMHP or clinical psychologist with 2 years post-qualifying experience who is able to participate in the BIA rota.
Two courses available:
  • Initial training
  • Annual Legal and practice update
Pre-course requirements:
  • Nurse, OT, AMHP, SW or Clinical Psychologist
  • 2 years post-qualifying experience
  • Application form
  • Interview
NB: The course consists of:
  • A 3-day face to face course
  • 2 written assignments
  • Assessment in practice
NB: You must complete all of the above to successfully complete this course. / Access and Costs
This training is only available to staff who meet the pre-course requirements and you should contact r more information.
You should contact your workforce development team to arrange funding.
Courses can be booked online at
BIA1: Initial Training
  • Be able to undertake Best Interest Assessments under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
BIA2: Annual Legal & Practice Update
  • Keep your knowledge and skills up to date with this mandatoryannual legal update