H R Diagram Online Activity NAME:______
http://aspire.cosmic-ray.org/labs/star_life/hr_diagram.html PERIOD: ______
“Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram” page:
* Read the first paragraph to find this answer:
1. What is a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram? ______
* Look at the paragraphs below the pic of a HR Diagram… Find and complete these sentences:
2. “The position of each dot on the diagram tells us two things about each star: its ______(or absolute magnitude) and its ______”
3. “The vertical axis represents the star’s ______or absolute magnitude. Luminosity is technically the amount of ______a star radiates in one ______, but you can think of it as how ______or how dim the star appears.”
4. “The horizontal axis represents the star’s ______(not the star’s core temperature – we cannot see into the core of a star, only its surface)! Usually this is labeled using the ______temperature scale.”
5. “On this diagram, the higher (______) temperatures are on the ______, and the lower (______) temperatures are on the ______.”
6. “A star in the ______corner of the diagram would be ______and ______. A star in the ______corner of the diagram would be ______and ______. The Sun rests approximately in the ______of the diagram, and it is the star which we use for comparison. A star in the ______corner of the diagram would be ______and ______. A star in the lower right corner of the diagram would be ______and ______.”
* Scroll down and click the pic under the “Interactive Lab”.
* Find out what the correct labels are for each of the stars on the diagram. Write them below in the table:
(a) / Betelgeuse
(b) / Alpha Centauri B
(c) / Sun
(d) / Vega
(e) / Sirius B
8. Are there any stars that are really hot but not very bright? Y / N Which one(s)? ______
9. Are there any stars that are not very hot but they shine very brightly? Y / N Which one(s)? ______
10. Complete these sentences: “Most of the stars lie within a region called the ______. It looks kind of like a ______line sloping from the upper-______to the ______-right of the HR diagram.”
11. Complete these sentences: “We know that ______things are brighter. A hotter temperature means that ______energy is radiated into space. Bigger stars are ______. A bigger ______area means that more energy is radiated into space.”
Click the forward arrow at the bottom of the page to go to the page labeled “APPLICATIONS of the H R DIAGRAM”. Do the “Interactive Lab” by clicking the image to begin the activity.
Work your way through the lab by reading the information and answering the questions along the way…
Print the answers you typed in the final part of the lab, write “LAB QUESTIONS” on it and staple the sheet to this page.
Click to the next page titled “Interactive HR Diagrams”. Scroll down the page to the HR diagram under “More HR diagram Fun”. Click the picture for interactive version with questions. Answer the questions and write the correct answers below:
1. ______
2. (multiple answers) ______, ______, & ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. (put letter and word answer) ______, ______
7. ______
8. (put letter and word answer) ______, ______
9. ______
10. (put letter and word answer) ______, ______
11. ______( Y / N )
12. ______( Y / N )
13. ______
14. ______
Yeah! You’re done!!! You’re such a “star” student. Turn it in… J