Florida International University

Engineering Management

EGS 5620 - Enterprise Systems Configuration

Regular, Spring 2017 (1/6/2017)

Catalog description:

Enterprise systems architecture overview; major enterprise functions; standard operation procedures; system configuration and parameters; master data; user interfaces and reports; and hands-on experience.


1. “Operations Management,” by Williams J. Stevenson, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill/Erwin, 2015


1. “Material Management with SAP ERP: Functionality and Technical Configuration,” by Martin Murray, Galileo Press, 2011. (ISBN: 978-1-59229-358-2)

2. “SAP ERP Financials: Configuration and Design” by Naeem Arif, and Sheikh M. Tauseef, Galileo Press, 2011. (ISBN: 978-1-59229-393-3)

3. “Optimizing Sales and Distribution in SAP ERP: Functionality and Configuration”, Ashish Mahapatra, SAP Press, 2010. (ISBN: 978-1-59229-329-2)

Professor: Dr. Chin-Sheng Chen (EC 3110, 305-348-3753, ,)

Lab Instructor Dr. Qiansan Shen (EC 3121, 305-348-3735, )

Office Hours: W&F: 2pm-6pm

Class Hours: Monday: 6:25 PM – 9:05 PM

Classroom: EC 3115

Web site: http://web.eng.fiu.edu/shenq

Course Objectives:

To provide students with fundamental knowledge and hands-on experience with enterprise systems design, configuration, implementation, and deployment in a contemporary business environment.

Learning Outcomes:

1.  Understanding of enterprise systems and major operation functions

2.  Capability of enterprise systems configuration

3.  Knowledge of enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems design, implementation, and deployment for a specific application

Major Topics:

Date Topic Text/Chapter HW or Lab excises

1. 1/9 Intro to ES Track

Intro to Operations Management T1C1 P36: RQ# 8, 10, 11&13.

Intro to enterprise systems & operations S1C1 SAP navigation

2. 1/16 Martin Luther King Day (no class)

3. 1/23 Aggregate Planning & Master Scheduling T1C11 P489: P#7 & 21

4. 1/30 Intro to enterprise systems & configuration S1C1 Sys configuration

MM Organization Structure S1C2 MM Org. setup

5. 2/6 MRP and ERP T1C12 P537: P#7& 8

6. 2/13 MM master data S1C3-5 MM master data

Vender master data & records S1C6-10 Vendor master

7. 2/20 Inventory Management T1C13 P589:P#3,5,9,10,

8. 2/27 Procurement processes S1C11-15 PO processes

Sales & distribution master data S1C18-19 SD master

9. 3/6 JIT & Lean Operations T1C14 P636: P#3, 5, & 6

10. 3/13 Spring break (no class)

11. 3/20 Sales & distribution processes S1C20-21 SD processes

Production master data S1C22-23 PP Master

12. 3/27 Supply Chain Management T1C15 P685: P#1, 2, & 3

13. 4/3 Production processes S1C25-29 PP processes

SAP Comprehensive exercises Comprehensive Ex.

14. 4/10 Scheduling T1C16 P722: P#6 & 10

15. 4/17 SAP hands-on test

16. 4/24 Final written exam

Grading Policy:

Class attendance & participation 10%

OM HW 15%

SAP lab exercises 20%

SAP hands-on test 15%

Final written exam 40%

Class expectation:

·  Textbook is required.

·  Students are expected to attend regularly and participate in class discussion. The student earns 1% for each session of active class participation, up to the total of 10% for participation grade.

·  Each homework assignment must be submitted at the beginning of the next (week) class. It must be his/her independent work, typed or printed neatly, and separated by chapter.

·  Final letter grade assignment: 90-100:A, 85-89:A-; 80-84:B+; 75-79:B; 70-74:B-; 65-69:C+; 60-65:C; 50-59:D; below 50: F.

SAP hands-on test

The SAP hands-on test will be open books, notes, and handouts; and it lasts for 150 minutes. It is to test your hands-on skill of running an SAP system configured with the three main business processes (i.e., sales & distribution, procurement, and production). The SAP system instance will be built on your SAP lab exercises, aiming to configure your own enterprise system and to manage the three major business processes for your company code assigned to you.

Your effort prior to the hands-on test is to verify the integration, consistency and completion of your system configuration with the three business processes. The verification must be completed before the test. Upon completion however, each student shall email Dr. Shen right away with the following information:

1)  company id and name,

2)  plant id and name,

3)  finished product ids and names, prices, credit amount, discount rate and

4)  required delivery lead time

At the beginning of the test, Dr. Shen will issue a purchase order to your company for finished goods and trading goods. Your task during the test is to fulfill the order, which shall trigger the business processes of sales and distribution, procurement and production operations using your company code.

Final written test

The final test will be closed books, notes, and handouts; and last for 120 minutes. It will be comprehensive, covering the book chapters, hands-out, PP slides, OM homework assignment, SAP slide sets and SAP lab exercises. It will have both multiple-choice questions of SAP and OM topics and computational problems from OM.