Using EasyBib

Brought to you by Lindblom Math and ScienceAcademy’s English Department

A. When you go to EASYBIB.COM, you will first see this page:

The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker

Create a Works Cited instantly! 286,037,053 sources cited to date.

Style: MLAAPAChicago/Turabian

Cite a: WebsiteBookNewspaperJournalDatabaseAll 55 options

Autocite | Manual entry

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  1. In which style will you cite in your English classes?
  2. Tell me why you will NOT “autocite” any of your sources?
  3. This initial page is ready to cite which source type?
  4. If you would like to cite a painting, which tab should you click on?
  5. When you do that, you will see a page that looks like this:

Most popular

Book»Journal ArticleMagazine Article»Newspaper Article»Online DatabaseWebsite»


Custom citation

All sources

AdvertisementBible»Blog / PodcastBook»BrochureCartoon / ComicChapter / Anthology»Collection ArticleConference Proceedings»Congressional Publication»Court CaseDictionary Entry»Digital ImageDissertation»Dissertation (abstract)»E-mailEditorialEncyclopedia Article»

Executive OrderFederal Bill»Federal ReportFederal RuleFederal StatuteFederal TestimonyFilm / Online Video»Government Publication»InterviewJournal ArticleLecture / SpeechLetterLive PerformanceMagazine Article»Mailing ListManuscriptMap / Chart»MicroformMultivolume Work»

Musical Recording»NewsgroupNewsletter

Newspaper Article»Online DatabasePaintingPamphletPatentPhotographPreface / Foreword»Press ReleaseRaw DataReportReviewScholarly ProjectSoftware»Television / RadioThesis»Website»

B. When you click on PAINTING, you will see this page:

Cite a Painting

Just fill out what you know. We'll format it correctly.

Painting title: /
Collection / museum: /
Location: /
Year created: /
Contributors: / /
First /
MI /
Last / corp.
  1. Fill in as much information as you can.
  2. Look at the tabs in the next section.

SeenIn printWebsiteOnline database

  1. Click on the tab that describes where you found the painting. Did you see it in person? In a book? On a website? Or from a database?
  2. Let’s say you found it in one of those beautiful art books that Ms. Terry has in the library.

In print publication info
Source title: /
Advanced info: /
Vol. /
Edition /
Publication info: /
Publisher /
City /
Pages: /
Start /
End / Pages are nonconsecutive
  1. Complete the rest of the information.
  2. Under the part that asks for “pages,” what does nonconsecutive mean?
  3. Do you need to add an annotation? If so, click on that button. You will see this:

Add Annotation

Annotation: /
  1. REMEMBER: The English department has given you specific guidelines for annotating your sources. Make sure you follow those even though you are typing the information into EasyBib.
  2. Click on create citation when you are finished.
  3. When you think you have completed your works cited page, you must make sure it is in MLA format. Follow the guidelines listed below:

All entries in the Works Cited page must correspond to the works cited in your main text (if you do not use it in your essay, do not put it on your works cited page).

Basic Rules

  • Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your essay. It should have the same one-inch margins and heading that the rest of your paper has.
  • Label (Title) the page Works Cited (do not italicize the words Works Cited or put them in quotation marks) and center the words Works Cited at the top of the page.
  • Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between entries.
  • Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations five spaces so that you create a hanging indent.
  • List page numbers of sources efficiently, when needed. If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225 through 250, list the page numbers on your Works Cited page as 225-50.
  • 12 Point Times New Roman


Works Cited
Frank, Matthews L. "Hipping and Hopping Our Opportunities Away." Black Issues in Higher Education 17.21 (2000): 7. StudentResourceCenter- Gold. Web. 20 Jan. 2010. <
"Impact of music lyrics and music videos on children and youth." Pediatrics 98.6 (1996): 1219-222. StudentResourceCenter- Gold. Web. 11 Jan. 2010. <
Krohn, Franklin B., and Suazo L. Frances. "Contemporary urban music: controversial message in hip-hop and rap lyrics." ETC.:A review of General Semantics 52.2 (1995): 139-52. StudentResourceCenter- Gold. Web. 15 Dec. 2009. <
Perry, Steve. "Pregnant Pause." Essence Feb. 2010: 92. StudentResourceCenter- Gold. Web. 11 Jan. 2010.
“Parental Influence in the Life of the child." MesaCommunity College, the resource for your continuing education.MesaCommunity College, 1999. Web. 01 Jan. 2010. <

Common mistakes:

  1. Choosing the wrong type of source. Is your article from a magazine or an academic journal?
  2. Forgetting to specify where the source came from (online, book, database, etc.)
  3. Not knowing the different between the article title and the journal title (Article title will appear in quotes and journal title will be italicized)
  4. Getting editor/contributor/publisher confused
  5. Confusing the database title with the title of the journal (Example of a database title: Student Resource Center Gold)
  6. Confusing the website with the URL
  7. Confusing the words “site” and “cite” (Hint: You visited your friend at a construction site to ask her how to cite the website Home Improvement for Dummies.)