IEEE Central Sub section Committee Meeting

29 May 2006


Murray Milner

Peter Komisarczuk

Duncan Hall

Richard Harris

Keith Morris

Mansoor Shafi


Bob Hodgson

Subhas Mukhopadhyay


-  After some difficulty with the audio conference, the meeting got under way about 10 minutes late

-  Peter was thanked for the provision of conference bridge access

Minutes of the last meeting

-  The minutes are on the IEEE website

-  The minutes were approved without comment

Finance Update

-  Completed forms with Duncan

-  There was some discussion of the name which the sub section should use – Duncan will follow the IEEE policy

-  Money has been offered by IEEE South - $2000

AP: Duncan to follow up with both IEEE South and North sections to clarify funding arrangements.


-  Registration of committee members

AP: Keith to provide web link to Registration of committee members

AP: Murray to get registration complete

-  Promotion of membership

AP: Bob/Richard to determine discount status for student members at Massey

AP: Duncan to follow up computer society members who may not be full IEEE members

AP: Murray to follow up with IPENZ and IET re joint promotion for members in the central regions

General Meetings

-  Professor Gavan Distinguished Lecture Tour presentation in Palmerston North on Wednesday 7 June

Resolution: Approved that NZD150 be provided to sponsor this lecture

-  Bill Ackerman's Distinguished Lecture series in Wellington on 20 June, sponsored by EEA and supported by IEEE Central sub section

o  It is understood that EEA is funding this lecture, which is to be held at Transpower Headquarters on The Terrace.

AP: Keith to publish publicity re these two events on the Website

-  Careers evening proposed for August

o  Hold at Massey (WN) with video link to Massey (PN) with joint participation with IET and IPENZ

-  Potential to join with NZ Computer Society in September for their Careers event

-  Duncan Hall is working on a possible presentation on Nanotechnology

AP: All committee members to work on future IEEE Central events, especially for something suitable for July.

Website and Publicity

-  The website has undergone a re-branding exercise promoted by IEEE HQ

o  Four pages now under new template

-  It was agreed that we should promote IEEE related events on a special Events page on the website

AP: Keith to prepare the Events page

AP: Mansoor to prepare a note on ICC06

AP: Duncan to prepare some material on Computer Society events

AP: Murray/ Richard to find someone to prepare a note on the EEA conference

AP: Keith to explore the E-notices capability offered by IEEE

o  Hopefully this will help deliver a member email list.

Other business

AP: Murray to issue a Committee Contact list

Next Meeting

-  It was agreed that Committee meetings should be held monthly on the last Monday of each month

-  The next meeting will be held on 26 June at 4:30-5:30pm

-  This time will be used assuming that Subhas does not have a long term commitment to lectures at this time