Wednesday 7th, 2011


Call to Order Call to order 9:02 am


Present Clare Bennet, Teague Whalen, Peter Jacob, Jessica Greene, Malenkaya Morales

Others Present Mike Funk. Mary Ledford, and student Patrick Morgan

Announcement: President Jacob announced that Malenkaya Morales accepted her appointment as USUAS-KC Clerk!

Agenda Items and Discussion:

Gay/Straight Alliance at UAS

·  Clare Bennett offered to advise

·  Idea proposed by student Patrick Morgan and Vice President Jessica Greene

·  Voted for approval: Unanimous vote

·  Tasks:
- Jessica and Patrick: Advertise to people to get members

Upcoming Event: Open Mic Night

·  Date to be held on will be sometime in the first week of October through the 10th of October

·  Tasks:
- Peter/Jessica/Kaya: Spread the word to get some people involved in performing

Water Dispenser

·  Discussed the whereabouts of the base

·  Tasks:
- Mike: Find water base and put in student lounge

- Jessica: Refill water containers when necessary

Pizza Party!

·  Going to purchase $600 worth of pizza from Ward Cove Pizza

·  Tasks:
- Jessica: Take two pizzas to the lower campus in the morning and four in the evening

Halloween Party

·  Talked about having it on Friday, October 7th

·  Tasks:
- No tasks assigned yet

Day of The Dead Party

·  Talked about having it on Wednesday, November 2nd or Thursday, November 3rd

·  Tasks:

-No tasks assigned yet

Advertise Wii Nights

·  Will be held every Thursday

·  No set start time

·  Will go on until 9:00 pm or possibly later

·  Tasks:

- Student Government: Spread the word about Wii night to other students

Movie nights

·  Need copyright permission

·  Could potentially cost money

·  Tasks:

- Peter: Talk to Kathleen about Copyright

Painting the Student Lounge

·  Idea proposed by student Elizabeth Graham

·  Approved by Mike Funk

·  Possibly paint a mural

·  Border must be 16-18 in. from ceiling

·  Colors must ones that can be patched/covered easily/Nothing too exotic

·  Tasks:

-Peter: Poll students on room color


·  Discussed what we needed to order

·  Tasks:

-Jessica: Get P/O's for coffee/paper cups/sugars/creamers

Learning Center Candy Jar

·  Talked about ordering candy

·  Tasks:

Jessica/Kaya: Get P/O's from Judy

Chris Hoyt is Going to Re-do the Student Government Handbook

Student Discounts

·  Tasks:

- Peter, Jessica, Kaya: Renew student discount items

Adjournment 10:02 am

Next Meeting September 7th, 2011