1000 Maple Avenue, Fairfax,
B.A. in Communication, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Expected May 2016
Concentration in Public Relations; Minor in Business GPA 3.58
Relevant Coursework: Principles of PR, PR for Non-Profits, and Marketing in a Global Economy
Principles of Public Relations branding project, January 2014: Worked with Mason Cable Network to develop a strategic brand message and create digital materials including a digital brochure,a radio PSA, and a news feature story.
Principles of Public Relationscampaign project, March 2014:Created and executed a successful campaign to raise funds and participation in the St. Jude annual charity walk, generating 35 walkers, $850 and day-long exposure on a major area radio station and web site.
Public Relations Intern, Sage Communications, Fairfax, VAJanuary 2015-Present
- Developed and managed The Starbuck’s Festival social media campaign, initiating a 32% increase in web page viewers, a 25% increase in Facebook shares, and a 50% increase in Twitter retweets
- Write and distribute press releases on an as-needed basis
- Organize monthly events for business professionals accommodating over 50 participants at each event
Marketing Intern, Entertainment Industries Council, Reston, VAMay 2014-August 2014
- Researched, developed, and published content for client mailing and company’s web-site
- Performed client SWAT analysis to determine strengths and weeknesses
- Aided in analysis of client marketing and advertising strategy; created new promotion plan
Peer Advisor, GMU Transition Research CenterAugust 2015-Present
- Support new students with schedule planning and preparation for faculty advisor meetings during New Student Orientation
- Prepare and facilitate workshops focusing on time management, public speaking, studying and exam preparation strategies.
Fundraising Chair, GMU Chapter American Marketing Association August 2014-Present
Member, GMU Chapter Public Relations Student Society of America August 2013-Present
- Highly skilled in marketing research
- Excellent event management and interpersonal communication skills
- Proficient in social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Final Cut Pro