Local Workforce Development Area 13 (LWDA13) Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board Request for Proposals
RFP No. 18-19-OSO
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act One-Stop Operator Services
Release Date:Thursday, February 8, 2018 9:00 AM EST
Submission Deadline:Thursday, March 8, 2018, 2:00 PM EST
Contract Period:July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
P.O. Box 1117
479 Main Street Warsaw, VA 22572
(804) 333-4048
Approval Signature: ______
Michael D. Jenkins, Executive Director
The Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aides and services are available to individuals with disabilities. TDD-VA Relay: 711. Funded by the Department of Labor, state, and local funds.
Michael D. Jenkins | Executive Director | (804) 333-4048 |
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Request for Proposals RFP No. 18-19-OSO Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) One-Stop Operator Services
In compliance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board (BCWDB) is seeking competitive proposals from qualified sources to provide One-Stop Operator services at the Comprehensive One-StopCenter located at 10304 Spotsylvania Avenue, Suite 100, Spotsylvania, VA 22408 for the counties ofSpotsylvania, Stafford, King George, Caroline, and the city of Fredericksburg, also known as the George Washington Sub –Area 16 of Local Workforce Development Area 13 (LWDA13).
This document constitutes the official Request for Proposals (RFP) format and all terms and conditions shall become, through incorporation by reference, a part of any contract or contracts entered in furtherance hereof. All BCWDB programs must adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines. Auxiliary aides and services are available for individuals with disabilities. The primary source of funding for the BCWDB is the United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. All proposers must be in compliance with the BCVWDB’s Equal Opportunity Policyand are subject to Equal Opportunity monitoring.
Proposal submissions, including ten copies with signatures and a USB flash drive with an electronic version of the submission, must be received at the BCWDB office no later than 2:00 PM EST onThursday, March 8, 2018. Proposals will be received ONLY at the BCWDB office via mail or in- person.
Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board RFP No. 18-19-OSO
Attn: Michael Jenkins, Executive Director
P.O. Box 1117
479 Main Street
Warsaw, VA 22572
Incomplete proposals or any proposals received after 2:00 PM EST on Thursday, March 8, 2018 WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED and will be returned WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the BCWDB’s office (479 Main Street, Warsaw, VA 22572) to discuss this RFP, applicable legislation, regulation and policy, and the submission process. Questions regarding this RFP may be addressed to Michael D. Jenkins, Executive Director at (804) 333-4048 ext. 2 or . Organizations that plan to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference are requested to RSVP at the .
Just as importantly, the local workforce development system provides employers and organizations assistance in recruiting and retaining a high-skilled workforce to further business and economic development goals. Programs for individuals should foster and enhance linkages between employer and employees, especially in high-demand careers. Proposals should show a strong understanding the BCWDBPolicy #00-02 Individual Training Account Policy with In Demand Occupationsand how you will work to prepare participants for family-sustaining jobs in those sectors.
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Table of Contents
II.Scope ofWork
III.Specifications for One-Stop OperatorServices
Separation of Duties Fiscal Management
Performance Requirements State Plan and Local Plan Anticipated Funding Program Branding
IV.Proposal SubmissionInformation
Cover Sheet
Proposer Qualifications Service Area & Operations Service Delivery Strategies Budget
Required Forms Additional Information
References and Recommendations
V.Proposal ReviewInformation Timeline of Review EvaluationCriteria
C.General Terms andConditions
D.Definition of AdministrativeCosts
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The BCWDBis currently seeking proposals from organizations to provide One-Stop Operator services in LWDA13. The program shall commence on July 1, 2018 and shall continue through June 30, 2019. The BCWDBreserves the option of extending any, all, or no contract for one (1) additional year, subject to negotiation. This one (1) year contract extension option may be exercised up to three (3) times subject to negotiation. Maximum duration may not exceed four (4) years, which includes all allowable extensions.
All proposing organizations will be committed to following and adapting to new regulations as released by the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration in regard to the WIOA of 2014.
The One-Stop Operator must be an entity (public, private for profit or private nonprofit) or a consortium of entities that, at a minimum, includes three or more of the required WIOA One-Stop Partners located in LWDA13. Listed below are eligible proposer entities.
1.Government agencies or governmental units such as: local or county governments, school districts and Federal WIOA Partners;
2.Employment Service State Agencies under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by Title III of WIOA;
3.Indian Tribes or Tribal Organizations;
4.Educational Institutions, such as institutions of higher education, non-traditional public secondary schools such as night schools and area career and technical education schools (elementary and other secondary schools are not eligible to become a One-Stop Operator);
5.Community based organizations, nonprofit entities, or workforce intermediaries;
6.Other organizations capable of carrying out the duties of the One-Stop Operator, such as a local chamber of commerce, other business organization, or labor organization;
7.Private for profit entities; or
8.A consortium of entities that includes at least three or more of the WIOA required One-Stop partners listed under Section 678.400 (B) of the WIOA Final Rules and Regulations that are located in the LWDA13 Comprehensive One-Stop Center in Spotsylvania, VA.
The type of contract will be cost reimbursement. All proposers must have sufficient available resources to operate the proposed program, if funded, during start-up and during the time in which invoices are being processed for payment and until such time payment is received.
The RFP does not commit the BCWDBto award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request or be bound to procure or contract for these services. The BCWDBreserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any or all qualified sources, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP if it is in the best interest of the BCWDBto do so. The BCWDBmay require the proposers selected to participate in negotiations and to submit any price, technical or other revisions for their proposals as may result from negotiations.
All non-governmental entities or agencies must provide verification of legal status of the entity or agency as applicable. Any consortium groups that submit proposals in response to this RFP must include
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signed Memorandum’s of Understanding (MOUs) by all participating consortium members that outline responsibilities and commitments of each member.
Specific information concerning proposer’s qualifications, experience, and related accomplishments must be provided. However, elaborate brochures or other marketing materials beyond that sufficient to present an accurate description should not be included.
Performance specifications contained in this RFP are minimumstandards for acceptability, and are based on the WIOA of 2014 standards. The BCWDBreserves the right to institute local performance standards and/or other performance measurement systems to ensure quality programs.
Once proposals have been submitted and received by the BCWDB, unless specifically requested by the BCWDB, Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO’s) or the P & A Committee, no proposer is allowed to provideadditional information or to make contact with any individual Board member or CLEO member ordesignee regarding the RFPby phone, e-mail, mail, or in person to solicit support for their proposal or to attempt to discredit the proposal submitted by any other proposer. Any proposer violating this provision will not be considered under this RFP. Additional data or information may be submitted only if requested by the BCWDB. Address all inquiries concerning this RFP, program elements, or other issues to BCWDBstaff.
All proposers should refer to Attachment C – General Terms and Conditions for additional criteria and information regarding responses to the RFP and subsequent contracts that may be developed between the selected proposer and the BCWDB.
II.Scope ofWork
The BCWDBseeks proposers that have an innovative approach to enhance, promote and manage an environment of quality and coordinated services in the local workforce system and its centers to meet the needs of businesses, job-seeking customers and a variety of workforce partner agencies and organizations. The operator will be charged with one-stop system management and coordination of service delivery among the one-stop partners as defined in WIOA, as well as other partners that participate in the system, at the Comprehensive One-Stop Center located at 10304 Spotsylvania Avenue, Suite 100, Spotsylvania, VA 22408.
The selected proposer shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, and services to provide services identified below:
A.WIOA calls for the creation and continuous improvement of a coordinated and collaborative service delivery environment where a myriad of workforce and workforce-related agencies and organizations work to provide business and job seeking customers a seamless experience. A one- stop operator is integral to an effective workforce services system through resource and facility coordination, as well as thoughtful service strategy planning and coordination in a collaborative environment.
B.Specifically, the one-stop operator is charged through its staffing, programming and technology with the following tasks to manage the workforce system and its infrastructure andresources:
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•Lead development of a one-stop system business plan that among other things, outlines details on how partner services in the system will be made available and coordinated, maps the customer service flow and sequence of services, use of uniform forms and processes, referrals, and electronic offerings. This plan will be developed with participation of the one- stop partners and subject to approval of the BCWDB and elected officials.
- Lead and monitor implementation of the business plan, identify needed modifications and keep the BCWDBapprised of any issues orconcerns.
- Work with the BCWDBand partners in the development of a cost allocation plan, track expenses of items that are included in the plan for accounting and billing purposes and monitor and manage implementation of saidplan.
- Work with one-stop partners and contracted service providers to ensure that all areas of customer service are covered. This may include the need for the one-stop operator to provide some basic career services within thecenters.
- Oversee the implementation of the local partner Memorandums of Understanding with required and optional partners on behalf of the BCWDBto ensure compliance and adherence. Inform BCWDBof issues or concerns that maydevelop.
- Responsible for leading local area efforts to achieve any one-stop certification requirements that are put forth by the Commonwealth ofVirginia.
- Develop and manage the customer satisfaction system for the workforce centers; share results with the BCWDBand partner agencies at regular intervals and prepare and present reports. Also work with partner agencies to develop plans to remedy any issues that arise in regards to customersatisfaction.
- Lead monthly one-stop partner meetings to plan, discuss and adjust service coordination, enhancement of services, review customer feedback and develop continuous improvement plans, resolve quickly any conflicts that have been identified in the past month and develop reports and other tools that will serve to track outcomes in a variety offormats.
- Develop and administer the system’s standard operating procedures manual that will cover the day-to-day operational elements of the workforce centers, such as hours of operation, staff coverage, site supervision issues, holidays and inclement weather plans, emergency management plans and thelike.
- Serve as point of contact in the center for all technology issues and make the necessary arrangements to resolve such issues. Monitor technology and equipment on a regular basis to proactively identify issues or concerns that needaddressed.
- Work with the BCWDBto monitor, identify and address building-relatedissues.
- Develop a schedule of staff training, cross training, and other professional development opportunities for systemstaff.
- Serve as one of the region's Equal Opportunity Officers and manage all aspects of ensuring compliance and investigating any resolving anycomplaints.
- Work with BCWDBand the partners to create high quality and informative marketing and outreach materials for business and job seeking customers. Any documents or items developed must be approved by BCWDBstaff prior touse.
- Develop tools and reports to convey to the BCWDBand Elected Officials the outcomes and results of systemoperations.
- Monitor supplies and arrange for and/or place orders. Track usage by partner for billing, as needed.
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III.Specifications for One-Stop OperatorServices
Separation of Duties
If an entity submitting a proposal is also a direct provider of services to customers within the workforce system, the proposal must include a detailed description of the organizational firewalls and reporting structure/hierarchy that will clearly document and demonstrate separation between the operator function and service provider function.
Fiscal Management
The proposer must have fiscal management policies that demonstrate the separation of duties from the originator of expense and actual payment of such expense. The proposer must have a staff member dedicated to assembling and submitting reimbursement invoices and source documentation to validate a WIOA eligible expense has occurred and has been paid prior to invoice submittal. The proposer must have an electronic financial management system and the financial capacity to operate its proposed program for 45 days without reimbursement. All requests for reimbursements will be made to the BCWDB. Reimbursement requests must include documentation that the expense has already occurred and all receipts and supporting documentation will be required before reimbursements will be honored. After the month has been closed out, no adjustments should be made to that particular month, and no reimbursements for a subsequent month will be made until all previous months have been properly processed.
Performance Requirements
The list of services to be provided in Section II above will serve as the basis for contract performance and will be used in the form of an evaluation tool. The BCWDBhas the right to amend this list in any way to evaluate performance. The BCWDBwill at minimum conduct quarterly reviews of the chosen
proposer’s performance in all areas to identify issues, concerns and areas of needed improvement.
State Plan and Local Plan
The current administration in Virginia is focused on improving and streamlining workforce development programs throughout the Commonwealth. It is anticipated that the new incoming administration will foster similar goals, but until new policy and strategic vision has been established, proposers should be familiar with the New Virginia Economy Strategic Planreleased by Governor Terrance McAuliffe, which outlines the goals for not only economic development but also workforce development.
The Commonwealth of Virginia was also required to submit a State Planfor workforce development activities to the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration to be in compliance with WIOA regulations. This State Plan outlines the goals and vision for the statewide workforce development system and was developed in conjunction with all of the mandated and core WIOA partners in Virginia.
A Local Planwas also developed for LWDA13 to state local goals for workforce development activities in the counties of Spotsylvania, Stafford, King George, Caroline, and the city of Fredericksburg. Proposers should be familiar with the goals of the Local Plan and keep these goals in mind when responding to the RFP.
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Anticipated Funding
The BCWDBanticipates (contingent on the availability of funds) to award approximately $50,000for One-Stop Operation services. This projection is based on an estimate using funds available for the WIOA Programs in PY2017. This is only an estimate and exact allocations will not be finalized until PY2018 allocations are received. The BCWDBanticipates the PY2018 allocations will be received between May 2018 and June 2018 from the Virginia Community College System.
Program Branding
All activities conducted by the program provider and funded by the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board will be consistent with the federal, state and local initiatives. All marketing and other internal and external communication (including but not limited to presentations, materials, documents and forms used in recruiting, worksite development and orientation to students, parents,
businesses, as well as specialty items) must use the Bay Consortium logo, as well as any required state or federal workforce co-branding. Staff of the provider will utilize business cards. Any documents or items created by the program provider must be approved by BCWDBstaff prior to use.
IV.Proposal SubmissionInformation
Deadline: Proposals must be received at the address listed in the RFP no later than 2:00 PM EST on Thursday, March 8, 2018. Any proposal received after this deadline will NOT be considered, and will be returned to the proposer.
Ten signed copies of the proposal must be delivered to the BCWDBoffices, including a USB drive with an electronic version. All pages of the proposal should be numbered and on 8 ½“ x 11” plain white paper and must use size 11 font with 1” margins. Proposals must be placed in a binder with the following sections separated by dividers and clearly marked.
Section 1: Cover Sheet
Section 2: Proposer Qualifications Section 3: Service Area & Operations Section 4: Service Delivery Strategies Section 5: Budget
Section 6: Required Forms Section 7: Additional Information
Section 8: References and Recommendations