Prime consultant start-up meeting agenda

1.  Introduction

2.  Team structure

  1. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) representative (Project Manager, Real Property Contracting, Architecture and Engineering Center of Expertise (COE), Leasing, etc.)
  2. Project management support services
  3. Consultant team
  4. Proposed General Contractor / Construction Manager Structure
  5. Stakeholders (service providers)
  6. Authorities having Jurisdiction (National Capital Commission (NCC), Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO), Provincial, City, etc.)

g.  Project communication diagram

3.  Communications

  1. Communications protocol
  2. Phone numbers and Email addresses
  3. Communication internal to project team
  4. Communication with 3rd party stakeholders
  5. Access to information requests (or external requests for information)

4.  Project Overview

a.  Project background / driver

  1. Overall project implementation strategy (Consultants, Construction Management, etc.)
  2. Project management
  3. Design
  4. Design review process (PSPC COE/Heritage Conservation Directorate, stakeholders, third party experts, etc.)
  5. Construction
  6. Constraints
  7. Summary of previous reports and studies

5.  Scope

  1. Review required services
  2. Aspects of the Consultant’s proposal that seem ambiguous should be addressed at this point.

c.  Process for changes to the consultant’s scope of work

6.  Schedule

  1. Overall project schedule
  2. Design schedule
  3. Schedule base line
  4. Process for changing schedule after base line schedule has been established.
  5. Monthly schedule reporting

7.  Budget

  1. Construction budget
  2. Consultant’s responsibility to design within budget

c.  Value Engineering

8.  Information transfer

  1. File naming
  2. Email
  3. Collaboration Tools (Buzzsaw, Oproma, SharePoint, etc.)
  4. Existing drawings
  5. Previous reports and studies
  6. Expectation with regards to Requests for Information (RFI)
  7. From consultant
  8. To consultant

9.  Security

  1. Contractual security requirements (based on the Security Requirements Checklist (SRCL))
  2. Screening personnel – security clearance
  3. Accessing the site
  4. Personnel
  5. Vehicles
  6. Communiques

10.  Contract Management

  1. RFI process and tracking (during design and during construction)
  2. Construction contract change process and tracking (Contemplated Change Notice (CCN), Change Order (CO))
  3. Meeting schedule and attendance (format, location, frequency, etc.)
  4. Expectations with respect to meeting minutes
  5. Consultant invoicing – Format requirements

f.  Construction progress review

  1. Approvals to proceed to next RS section

11.  Deliverables

  1. Contract deliverables list & tracking form
  2. Deliverable schedules
  3. Acceptance and or rejection of deliverables
  4. Monthly report
  5. Quality Management plan
  6. Consultant Quality Control plan - Consultants responsibility to coordinate sub-consultants
  7. PSPC Quality Assurance Design Reviews (QADRs) (including time allocated for reviews and review comment tracking log format)
  8. Responses to QADRs – expectations and timing
  9. Building Information Modeling (BIM) (if applicable)

12.  Round table

13.  Closing remarks

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