Score Reporting Services


You have a variety of options for sharing your scores with colleges, universities, and scholarship programs.

Viewing Scores Online

You can view your AP scores online at starting in July of the year that exams were administered. Visit after exams to learn when you can access your scores. Your online score report will include all of your AP scores if you've tested in the last four years.

If Your Last AP Exam Was More Than Four Years Ago, Your Scores Are Archived

If your most recent AP Exam was over four years ago, your AP scores are no longer viewable from our online score reporting system. They have been archived which means that you will only be able to request your scores be sent to a college, university or scholarship program via mail or fax. Complete theArchived AP Scores Request Form (.pdf/72KB), and mail or fax it to AP Services to request your archived scores be sent. The fee is $25 per college. Reports are mailed via first-class mail within 15 business days of receipt of the request. Additionally, you will receive a confirmation copy of your archived AP scores to the mailing address you indicate on the form within 15 business days of receipt of the request.

Sending Scores Using Your AP Answer Sheet

Each year that you take AP Exams, you have the opportunity to send one free score report. You do this by entering the four-digit code of the college, university or scholarship program on your first or "registration" AP answer sheet. If you didn't indicate a college on your answer sheet, or if you need to send score reports to additional colleges, you can order additional score reports online, or by mail or fax for a fee.

Ordering Score Reports Online

Log in tosend scores nowto colleges, universities and scholarship programs. The fee for standard delivery of score reports ordered online is $15 per report. The fee for rush delivery of score reports ordered online is $25 per report. Standard delivery takes approximately 7-14 business days, while rush delivery takes approximately 5-9 business days. The exact number of days depends on when you submit your request and the location of your score recipient.

Important:If your most recent AP exam was over four years ago, you will not be able to view scores or order a score report online. You must use the archive score reporting service.

Ordering Score Reports by Mail or Fax

If you are unable to use the online score reporting system to send additional score reports to colleges, universities, or scholarship programs, you can mail or fax a signed, written request with payment to AP Services. The fee for standard delivery of score reports is $15 per report. The fee for rush delivery of additional score reports is $25 per report. Standard delivery takes approximately 7-14 business days, while rush delivery takes approximately 5-9 business days. The exact delivery date will depend on when your request is received and the location of your score recipient.

You must include the following information in your request:

  • Your full name, mailing address, phone number, sex, date of birth, AP number(s) and Social Security number (if you provided it on your answer sheet)
  • The name and address of your school
  • The full name of the exam(s) for which you are requesting additional score reports (e.g., "English Literature and Composition", not "English") and the year(s) you took the exam(s)
  • A credit card number and expiration date (required for fax orders), or a check or money order for the exact amount due (make checks and money orders payable to AP Exams)
  • The name, city and state, and four-digit college code(s) of the college(s) you would like to receive the report
  • A signature from you or your parent/guardian

Ordering Score Reports in June

Due to AP Exam scoring activities occurring the last three weeks of June, please note that orders placed online, or via mail/fax during this timeframe are held for processing until early July. If you are a graduating senior who will be entering college in the fall and are taking an AP Exam this year, please check your school’s deadline for receipt of AP scores for credit and placement. To ensure the timeliest receipt of your AP scores, designate your college’s four-digit code on your registration AP answer sheet at exam time. The college will receive your entire score report from all AP Exams you have ever taken unless you have requested score(s) to be withheld or canceled.

Other Score Reporting Services

The services listed below can be ordered by printing and completing the appropriate form and mailing or faxing it to AP Services with payment (if applicable):

AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Fax: 610-290-8979

Important: A signature from you or your parent/guardian is required on all forms.

Service / Fee / Deadline / Form

Score Withholding

You can withhold one or more scores from the college specified on your registration answer sheet (the first answer sheet you filled out) or from any other college to which you want to send a score report. The score will be withheld from any future score reports sent to that particular college. A request to withhold a score does not permanently delete your score. You may later release the score to that college by sending AP Services a signed written request. There is no charge to release scores / $10 per score per college to withhold plus $15 per report for standard delivery or $25 per report for rush delivery to send the score report to the college. / June 15, 2015to withhold scores from the college indicated on your 2015 AP registration answer sheet. / AP Score Withholding Form (.pdf/536KB)

Score Cancellation

Canceling your AP Exam score permanently deletes it — it cannot be reinstated at a later time. Scores may be canceled at any time. Once you request a cancellation, the exam will not be scored, and a score for that exam will never be available. (Archived scores cannot be canceled.) While there is no fee for this service, your exam fee is not refunded. / No fee. / June 15, 2015for scores not to be sent to the college indicated on your 2015 AP registration answer sheet. / AP Score Cancellation Form (.pdf/520KB)

Free-Response Booklets

You may obtain your original free-response booklet(s) from the most recent exam administration. No comments, corrections or scores are included. Booklets for exams whose free-response questions are not released on the College Board website (for example, late-testing exams) are not available.
You will receive your booklet two to three weeks after your order is received. However, no orders for free-response booklets will be processed until after all AP Exams have been scored in July. / $10 per booklet. / Sept. 15of the year you took the exam. / AP Free-Response Booklet Request Form (.pdf/519KB)

Multiple-Choice Rescore Service

You may request to have your multiple-choice answer sheet rescored by hand. That multiple-choice score and your free-response score are then appropriately weighted and combined. The resulting score is converted to an AP score and compared with the originally reported score. If the scores are different, the rescored score will prevail, and it will be sent to any college to which you previously sent your score. You will receive a letter confirming the results of the rescore six to eight weeks after your request is received. / $30 per exam. / Oct. 31of the year you took the exam. / AP Multiple-Choice Rescore Service Form (.pdf/521KB)